
18-letter words containing f, r, e

  • funeral procession — ceremonial cortège at a burial
  • garden loosestrife — any of various plants belonging to the genus Lysimachia, of the primrose family, having clusters of usually yellow flowers, as L. vulgaris (garden loosestrife) or L. quadrifolia (whorled loosestrife)
  • general confession — a prayer confessing sins
  • generic identifier — (language, text)   A string constituting the name of a element in an SGML document.
  • german east africa — a former German territory in E Africa, the area now comprised of continental Tanzania and the independent republics of Rwanda and Burundi.
  • get off the ground — project: start well
  • give a person five — to greet or congratulate someone by slapping raised hands
  • go for the jugular — Anatomy. of or relating to the throat or neck. noting or pertaining to any of certain large veins of the neck, especially one (external jugular vein) collecting blood from the superficial parts of the head or one (internal jugular vein) collecting blood from within the skull.
  • government deficit — A government deficit is a situation in which a government spends more money than it has.
  • grains of paradise — Usually, grains of paradise. one of the pungent, peppery seeds of an African plant, Aframomum melegueta, of the ginger family, used to strengthen cordials and in veterinary medicine.
  • grand council fire — a formal gathering of camp fire members requiring a minimum attendance of three troops.
  • grandfather clause — U.S. History. a clause in the constitutions of some Southern states after 1890 intended to permit whites to vote while disfranchising blacks: it exempted from new literacy and property qualifications for voting those men entitled to vote before 1867 and their lineal descendants.
  • granulated surface — a roughened surface
  • grease the palm of — to influence by giving money to; bribe
  • great barrier reef — coral structure off Australian coast
  • great white father — the president of the U.S.
  • grist for the mill — If you say that something is grist for the mill, you mean that it is useful for a particular purpose or helps support someone's point of view.
  • gulf stream system — a major ocean-current system consisting of the Gulf Stream and the Florida and North Atlantic currents.
  • haemorrhagic fever — any of a group of fevers, such as Ebola virus disease and yellow fever, characterized by internal bleeding or bleeding into the skin
  • half-open interval — a set of numbers between two given numbers but including only one endpoint.
  • handkerchief table — corner table.
  • have eyes only for — the organ of sight, in vertebrates typically one of a pair of spherical bodies contained in an orbit of the skull and in humans appearing externally as a dense, white, curved membrane, or sclera, surrounding a circular, colored portion, or iris, that is covered by a clear, curved membrane, or cornea, and in the center of which is an opening, or pupil, through which light passes to the retina.
  • have the better of — of superior quality or excellence: a better coat; a better speech.
  • headquarters staff — the people who work at the headquarters of an organization
  • hearts and flowers — maudlin sentimentality: The play is a period piece, full of innocence abused and hearts and flowers.
  • hedge fund manager — a person in charge of managing a hedge fund and making its investments
  • hilary of poitiersSaint, a.d. c300–368, French bishop and theologian.
  • hippocratic facies — the sallow facial expression, with listless staring eyes, often regarded as denoting approaching death
  • home of the hirsel — Baron, title of Sir Alec Douglas-Home, formerly 14th Earl of Home. 1903–95, British Conservative statesman: he renounced his earldom to become prime minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (1963–64); foreign secretary (1970–74)
  • horses for courses — a policy, course of action, etc modified slightly to take account of specific circumstances without departing in essentials from the original
  • house of burgesses — the assembly of representatives in colonial Virginia.
  • hydroflumethiazide — A diuretic drug.
  • hyperproliferation — (biology) An abnormally high rate of proliferation of cells by rapid division.
  • ideas of reference — a schizophrenic symptom in which the patient thinks that things completely disconnected from him are influencing him or conveying messages to him
  • immunofluorescence — any of various techniques for detecting an antigen or antibody in a sample by coupling its specifically interactive antibody or antigen to a fluorescent compound, mixing with the sample, and observing the reaction under an ultraviolet-light microscope.
  • in complete flower — a flower without one or more of the normal parts, as carpels, sepals, petals, pistils, or stamens.
  • in praise of folly — Latin Moriae Encomium. a prose satire (1509) by Erasmus, written in Latin and directed against theologians and church dignitaries.
  • in the affirmative — positively, by saying yes
  • in the first place — firstly
  • in the grip of sth — If a person, group, or place is in the grip of something, they are being severely affected by it.
  • in the interest of — the feeling of a person whose attention, concern, or curiosity is particularly engaged by something: She has a great interest in the poetry of Donne.
  • in the mood for/to — If you say that you are in the mood for something, you mean that you want to do it or have it. If you say that you are in no mood to do something, you mean that you do not want to do it or have it.
  • in the near future — soon
  • indefinite article — an article, as English a, an, that denotes class membership of the noun it modifies without particularizing it.
  • indefinite pronoun — a pronoun, as English some, any, somebody, that leaves unspecified the identity of its referent.
  • indirect free kick — a free kick from which a goal cannot be scored until after the ball has been touched by at least one player other than the kicker.
  • inferior vena cava — See under vena cava.
  • infertility clinic — a clinic which helps people who are having problems conceiving
  • information bureau — an office where you can go to get information
  • information centre — help desk, office
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