
19-letter words containing f, o, r, e, n, a

  • cross-channel ferry — a ferry that transports passengers and vehicles across the English Channel
  • cross-fertilization — fertilization by the fusion of male and female gametes from different individuals of the same species
  • cult of personality — a cult promoting adulation of a living national leader or public figure, as one encouraged by Stalin to extend his power.
  • current transformer — A current transformer is a transformer that is designed to give an accurate current ratio for the purpose of measurement and control.
  • cyril of alexandria — Saint. ?375–444 ad, Christian theologian and patriarch of Alexandria. Feast day: June 27 or June 9
  • declaration of love — a statement made by one person to another in which they say they are in love with the other person
  • deflate compression — deflate
  • deflationary spiral — Geometry. a plane curve generated by a point moving around a fixed point while constantly receding from or approaching it.
  • department of labor — the department of the U.S. federal government that promotes and improves the welfare, opportunities, and working conditions of wage earners. Abbreviation: DOL.
  • department of state — the department of the U.S. federal government that sets forth and maintains the foreign policy of the U.S., especially in negotiations with foreign governments and international organizations. Abbreviation: DOS.
  • dependable software — software reliability
  • diamond ring effect — a phenomenon, sometimes observed immediately before and after a total eclipse of the sun, in which one of Baily's beads is much brighter than the others, resembling a diamond ring around the moon.
  • diamond-leaf laurel — a tree, Pittosporum rhombifolium, of Australia, having coarsely toothed, oval or diamond-shaped leaves and white flowers, widely planted as an ornamental in the southwestern U.S.
  • dictionary of names — a dictionary of given names that indicates whether a name is usually male, female, or unisex and often includes origins as well as meanings; for example, as by indicating that Evangeline, meaning “good news,” comes from Greek. Used primarily as an aid in selecting a name for a baby, dictionaries of names may also include lists of famous people who have shared a name and information about its current popularity ranking.
  • difference equation — (mathematics)   A relation between consecutive elements of a sequence. The first difference is D u(n) = u(n+1) - u(n) where u(n) is the nth element of sequence u. The second difference is u(n+2) + a u(n+1) + b u(n) = 0 can be converted to a difference equation (in this case, a second order linear difference equation): D2 u(n) + p D u(n) + q u(n) = 0 and vice versa. a, b, p, q are constants.
  • diffraction pattern — the phenomenon exhibited by wave fronts that, passing the edge of an opaque body, are modulated, thereby causing a redistribution of energy within the front: it is detectable in light waves by the presence of a pattern of closely spaced dark and light bands (diffraction pattern) at the edge of a shadow.
  • draw someone's fire — to attract the criticism or censure of someone
  • drink the health of — to salute or celebrate with a toast
  • elastic deformation — In elastic deformation a material changes shape when a stress is applied to it but goes back to its original state when the stress is removed.
  • end of transmission — (character)   (EOT) The mnemonic for ASCII character 4.
  • engineering factory — a factory where engineering products are made
  • entry qualification — the qualifications and conditions required to join an organization, club, etc
  • essence of bergamot — a fragrant essential oil from the fruit rind of this plant, used in perfumery and some teas (including Earl Grey)
  • expeditionary force — An expeditionary force is a group of soldiers who are sent to fight in a foreign country.
  • family practitioner — medical specialization in general practice, requiring training beyond that of general practice and leading to board certification.
  • fault tolerant unix — (operating system)   (FTX) Stratus's own Unix System V Release 4 multiprocessor operating system. In 2016, FTX is supported but no longer developed. FTX was one of three operating systems supplied by Stratus on their hardware, the other two, HP-UX and VOS, were the more common choices, FTX was only sold on an exceptional basis. Early FTX 3.x releases used an in-house virtual disk layer (VDL) driver, but later releases switched to a version of Veritas VxVM. FTX supported many of the proprietary communications boards (ISDN, serial, parallel, X.25, etc.).
  • february revolution — Russian Revolution (def 1).
  • february-revolution — Also called February Revolution. the uprising in Russia in March, 1917 (February Old Style), in which the Czarist government collapsed and a provisional government was established.
  • feel strongly about — to have decided opinions concerning
  • fellow countrywoman — a fellow countrywoman is a female citizen of the same state as the person speaking, writing, or being referred to
  • fellow-servant rule — the common-law rule that the employer is not liable to an employee for injuries resulting from the negligence of a fellow employee.
  • female circumcision — clitoridectomy.
  • female impersonator — a male performer who dresses as and impersonates women.
  • fernando de noronha — an island in the S Atlantic, about 125 miles (200 km) E of easternmost tip of Brazil: a Brazilian penal colony. 10 sq. mi. (26 sq. km).
  • first international — a socialistic organization (1864–76) formed to unite and promote the interests of workers throughout the world. Compare international (def 6).
  • first person plural — a grammatical category of pronouns and verbs used by the speaker to refer to or talk about himself together with others
  • first-sale doctrine — a legal principle allowing the purchaser of a lawfully made copy of a copyright-protected work to sell or give away that copy without permission but not to reproduce it.
  • fixed cost contract — a contract in which the costs do not vary
  • fixed-term contract — a contract for a particular and fixed period
  • flannelmouth sucker — a sucker, Catostomus latipinnis, of the Colorado River and its tributaries.
  • flavor of the month — Informal. the subject of intense, usually temporary interest; the current fashion.
  • floating restaurant — a boat or ship that has been converted for use as a restaurant
  • florida velvet bean — a tropical vine, Mucuna deeringiana, of the legume family, having showy, purple flowers in drooping clusters and black, hairy pods: grown as an ornamental.
  • flowering raspberry — a shrub, Rubus ordoratus, of eastern North America, having loose clusters of showy purplish or rose-purple flowers and inedible, dry, red fruit.
  • focal plane shutter — an opaque shield in a camera, lying in the focal plane of the lens, that, when tripped, admits light to expose the film or plate for a predetermined period, usually a fraction of a second
  • focal-plane shutter — a camera shutter situated directly in front of the film.
  • forensic accountant — an accountant who specializes in applying accountancy skills to the purposes of the law
  • forensic psychiatry — the use of psychiatric knowledge and techniques in questions of law, as in determining legal insanity.
  • fortification agate — an agate, used as a gem, having polygonal banding such that it suggests the plan of a bastion.
  • forward engineering — (process)   The traditional process of moving from high-level abstractions and logical, implementation-independent designs to the physical implementation of a system. Contrast reverse engineering.
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