
18-letter words containing f, o, r, c

  • recursive function — a function defined in terms of the repeated application of a number of simpler functions to their own values, by specifying a base clause and a recursion formula
  • reference counting — (programming)   A garbage collection technique where each memory cell contains a count of the number of other cells which point to it. If this count reaches zero the cell is freed and its pointers to other cells are followed to decrement their counts, and so on recursively. This technique cannot cope with circular data structures. Cells in such structures refer (indirectly) to themselves and so will never have a zero reference count. This means they would never be reclaimed, even when there are no references from outside the structure.
  • reflection density — a measure of the extent to which a surface reflects light or other electromagnetic radiation, equal to the logarithm to base ten of the reciprocal of the reflectance
  • reinforced plastic — plastic with fibrous matter, such as carbon fibre, embedded in it to confer additional strength
  • repeat performance — sth done again
  • reproduction proof — repro proof.
  • rhondda cynon taff — a county borough in S Wales, created from part of Mid Glamorgan in 1996. Pop: 231 600 (2003 est). Area: 558 sq km (215 sq miles)
  • schofield barracks — a town on central Oahu, in central Hawaii.
  • school certificate — (in England and Wales between 1917 and 1951 and currently in New Zealand) a certificate awarded to school pupils who pass a public examination: the equivalent of GCSE
  • school for scandal — a comedy of manners (1777) by Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
  • school of motoring — a centre where people pay for lessons to learn to drive
  • scientific officer — a police officer who carries out forensic examinations
  • scruff of the neck — If someone takes you by the scruff of the neck, they take hold of the back of your neck or collar suddenly and roughly.
  • secondary offering — the sale of a large block of outstanding stock off the floor of an exchange, usually by a major stockholder.
  • secretary of state — the head and chief administrator of the U.S. Department of State. Compare foreign minister.
  • security of tenure — (in Britain) the right of a tenant to continue to occupy a dwelling or site unless the landlord obtains a court order for possession of the property or termination of the tenancy agreement
  • self-certification — statement of sick leave
  • self-comprehending — to understand the nature or meaning of; grasp with the mind; perceive: He did not comprehend the significance of the ambassador's remark.
  • self-contradiction — an act or instance of contradicting oneself or itself.
  • self-contradictory — an act or instance of contradicting oneself or itself.
  • self-glorification — a glorified or more splendid form of something.
  • self-gratification — the act of pleasing or satisfying oneself, especially the gratifying of one's own impulses, needs, or desires.
  • self-incrimination — the act of incriminating oneself or exposing oneself to prosecution, especially by giving evidence or testimony.
  • self-instructional — pertaining to or constituting learning materials and conditions arranged so that students can proceed to learn on their own with little or no supervision.
  • self-mortification — the inflicting of pain or privation on oneself: He was certain that self-mortification was the only road to salvation.
  • self-preoccupation — the state of being preoccupied.
  • self-recrimination — the act of recriminating, or countercharging: Hope gave way to recrimination with both sides claiming the moral high ground.
  • senior aircraftman — a rank in the Royal Air Force comparable to that of a private in the army, though not the lowest rank in the Royal Air Force
  • sense of direction — Your sense of direction is your ability to know roughly where you are, or which way to go, even when you are in an unfamiliar place.
  • shrubby cinquefoil — a small shrub, Potentilla fruticosa, of the rose family, native to the Northern temperate region, having pinnate leaves and numerous, showy, bright-yellow flowers.
  • silvery cinquefoil — any of several plants belonging to the genus Potentilla, of the rose family, having yellow, red, or white five-petaled flowers, as P. reptans (creeping cinquefoil) of the Old World, or P. argentea (silvery cinquefoil) of North America.
  • six-finger country — an isolated area considered as being inhabited by people who practise inbreeding
  • sixth-form college — (in England and Wales) a college offering A-level and other courses to pupils over sixteen from local schools, esp from those that do not have sixth forms
  • skin friction drag — aerodynamic resistance or drag due to the contact of moving air with the surface of an airplane, a glider, etc.
  • society of friends — a Christian denomination, founded in England c. 1650 by George Fox, that has no formal creed, liturgy, or priesthood and rejects violence in human relations, esp. warfare
  • software backplane — (programming, tool)   A CASE framework from Atherton.
  • sonic depth finder — a sonar instrument that uses echolocation to measure depths under water.
  • spectrofluorimeter — an instrument in which the spectrum of secondarily emitted fluorescent light is used to identify chemical compounds.
  • spectrofluorometer — an instrument in which the spectrum of secondarily emitted fluorescent light is used to identify chemical compounds.
  • spotted flycatcher — a European woodland songbird, Muscicapa striata, with a greyish-brown streaked plumage: family Muscicapidae (Old World flycatchers)
  • state of emergency — If a government or other authority declares a state of emergency in an area, it introduces special measures such as increased powers for the police or army, usually because of civil disorder or because of a natural disaster such as an earthquake.
  • structural formula — a chemical formula showing the linkage of the atoms in a molecule diagrammatically, as H–O–H.
  • surface-to-surface — (of a missile, message, etc.) capable of traveling from a base on the surface of the earth to a target also on the surface.
  • symmetric function — a polynomial in several indeterminates that stays the same under any permutation of the indeterminates.
  • terms of reference — Terms of reference are the instructions given to someone when they are asked to consider or investigate a particular subject, telling them what they must deal with and what they can ignore.
  • theater of cruelty — a form of surrealist theater originated by Antonin Artaud and emphasizing the cruelty of human existence by portraying sadistic acts and intense suffering.
  • theatre of cruelty — a type of theatre advocated by Antonin Artaud in Le Théâtre et son double that seeks to communicate to its audience a sense of pain, suffering, and evil, using gesture, movement, sound, and symbolism rather than language
  • tip of the iceberg — a large floating mass of ice, detached from a glacier and carried out to sea.
  • to fall from grace — If someone falls from grace, they suddenly stop being successful or popular.
  • too clever by half — If someone is too clever by half, they are very clever and they show their cleverness in a way that annoys other people.
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