
22-letter words containing f, e, t, a, i, o

  • flat-screen television — A flat-screen television is a television with a flat, narrow screen.
  • flexible-rate mortgage — adjustable-rate mortgage.
  • floating exchange rate — a system in which the value of a currency fluctuates against other currencies in accordance with market forces
  • flocculent precipitate — a woolly-looking precipitate, as aluminum hydroxide formed by the addition of ammonia to an aluminum-salt solution.
  • foot-and-mouth disease — an acute, contagious, febrile disease of cattle, hogs, sheep, and other hoofed animals, caused by any of various rhinoviruses and characterized by vesicular eruptions in the mouth and about the hoofs, teats, and udder.
  • fort benjamin harrison — a military reservation and U.S. Army training center in central Indiana, NE of Indianapolis.
  • friar minor conventual — a friar belonging to a branch of the Franciscan order that separated from the Observants in the 15th century, and that observes a modification of the rule of St. Francis. Also called Conventual. Compare Friar Minor, capuchin (def 4).
  • frictional electricity — static electricity generated by friction
  • galvanomagnetic effect — any of several phenomena that occur when an electric current is passed through a conductor or semiconductor situated in a magnetic field, as the Hall effect.
  • get (or have) wind of — to get (or have) information or a hint concerning; hear (or know) of
  • give a person what for — to punish or reprimand a person severely
  • give someone the shaft — to cheat or trick someone
  • gravitational redshift — (in general relativity) the shift toward longer wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a source in a gravitational field, especially at the surface of a massive star.
  • gulf of saint lawrence — a deep arm of the Atlantic off the E coast of Canada between Newfoundland and the mainland coasts of Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia
  • halfwave rectification — a rectifier that changes only one half of a cycle of alternating current into a pulsating, direct current.
  • have a whale of a time — If you say that someone is having a whale of a time, you mean that they are enjoying themselves very much.
  • have other fish to fry — have sth else to do
  • heat of solidification — the heat liberated by a unit mass of liquid at its freezing point as it solidifies: equal to the heat of fusion.
  • help a person off with — to assist a person in the removal of (clothes)
  • hoof-and-mouth disease — foot-and-mouth disease.
  • host control interface — (hardware, wireless)   (HCI) A network layer in the Bluetooth Core Protocol Stack, lying between the software and the hardware stacks and serving as the interface through which the software controls two of Bluetooth's four core protocols.
  • in (all) fairness (to) — You use fairness in expressions such as in fairness to and in all fairness when you want to add a favourable comment about someone or something that you have just mentioned and to correct a false impression that you might have given.
  • in the lap of the gods — If you say that a situation is in the lap of the gods, you mean that its success or failure depends entirely on luck or on things that are outside your control.
  • in vitro fertilization — a specialized technique by which an ovum, especially a human one, is fertilized by sperm outside the body, with the resulting embryo later implanted in the uterus for gestation.
  • information management — The planning, budgeting, control and exploitation of the information resources in an organisation. The term encompasses both the information itself and the related aspects such as personnel, finance, marketing, organisation and technologies and systems. Information Managers are responsible for the coordination and integration of a wide range of information handling activities within the organisation. These include the formulation of corporate information policy, design, evaluation and integration of effective information systems and services, the exploitation of IT for competitive advantage and the integration of internal and external information and data.
  • information processing — processing of information, especially the handling of information by computers in accordance with strictly defined systems of procedure.
  • information technology — the development, implementation, and maintenance of computer hardware and software systems to organize and communicate information electronically. Abbreviation: IT.
  • islands of the blessed — lands where the souls of heroes and good men were taken after death
  • isthmus of tehuantepec — the narrowest part of S Mexico, with the Bay of Campeche on the north coast and the Gulf of Tehuantepec (an inlet of the Pacific) on the south coast
  • john vincent atanasoff — (person)   John Vincent Atanasoff, 1903-10-04 - 1995-06-15. An American mathemetical physicist, and the inventor of the electronic digital computer. Between 1937 and 1942 he built the Atanasoff-Berry Computer with Clifford Berry, at the Iowa State University. Atanasoff was born on 1903-10-04 in Hamilton, New York. In 1925, he got a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Florida. In 1926 he received a Master's degree in Maths from Iowa State University. He received a PhD as a theoretical physicist from the University of Wisconsin in 1930. While an associate professor of mathematics and physics at Iowa State University, Atanasoff began to envision a digital computational device, believing analogue devices to be too restrictive. Whilst working on his electronic digital computer, Atanasoff was introduced to a graduate student named Clifford Berry, who helped him build the computer. The first prototype of the Atanasoff-Berry Computer was demonstrated in December 1939. Although no patent was awarded for the new computer, in 1973 US District Judge Earl R. Larson declared Atanasoff the inventor of the digital computer (declaring the ENIAC patent invalid). Atanasoff was awarded the National Medal of Technology by US President Bush on 1990-11-13. He died following a stroke on 1995-06-15.
  • kinetic theory of heat — a theory that the temperature of a body is determined by the average kinetic energy of its particles and that an inflow of heat increases this energy.
  • land of the rising sun — Japan.
  • left-handed compliment — an ambiguous compliment
  • let sth drop/fall/slip — If you let drop, let fall, or let slip information, you reveal it casually or by accident, during a conversation about something else.
  • like a bat out of hell — very fast
  • little lord fauntleroy — (italics) a children's novel (1886) by Frances H. Burnett.
  • lord justice of appeal — an ordinary judge of the Court of Appeal
  • lorentz transformation — the mathematical transformation in the special theory of relativity that describes the way in which measurements of space, time, and other physical quantities differ for two observers in uniform relative motion.
  • make a beeline for sth — If you make a beeline for a place, you go to it as quickly and directly as possible.
  • make a big deal out of — to attach extreme importance to; make a big fuss about
  • manner of articulation — the degree of obstruction or the type of channel imposed upon the passage of air at a given place of articulation, as denoted by such categories as stop, fricative, nasal, and semivowel.
  • master warrant officer — a noncommissioned officer in the Canadian forces junior to a chief warrant officer
  • miscarriage of justice — law: wrongful judgement
  • negative reinforcement — form of conditioning
  • network interface card — network interface controller
  • network node interface — (networking)   (NNI) The ATM Forum's specification for connections between network nodes. NNI makes network routing possible. It typically refers to backbone trunk connections between ATM switching equipment. See also: UNI.
  • newton's law of motion — any of three laws of classical mechanics, either the law that a body remains at rest or in motion with a constant velocity unless an external force acts on the body (first law of motion) the law that the sum of the forces acting on a body is equal to the product of the mass of the body and the acceleration produced by the forces, with motion in the direction of the resultant of the forces (second law of motion) or the law that for every force acting on a body, the body exerts a force having equal magnitude and the opposite direction along the same line of action as the original force (third law of motion or law of action and reaction)
  • nonspecular reflection — the diffuse reflection of sound or light waves
  • of the first magnitude — of the greatest importance
  • office of fair trading — a government department established in the UK in 1973, which acts as an economic regulator, responsible for ensuring fairness in consumer protection and competition law
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