
15-letter words containing f, e, r

  • flavourlessness — Alternative spelling of flavorlessness.
  • flavoursomeness — Alt form flavorsomeness.
  • fleet insurance — Fleet insurance is a type of insurance contract that applies to a number of vehicles.
  • fleming's rules — two rules used as mnemonics for the relationship between the directions of current flow, motion, and magnetic field in electromagnetic induction. The hand is held with the thumb, first, and second fingers at right angles, respectively indicating the directions of motion, field, and electric current. The left hand is used for electric motors and the right hand for dynamos
  • flemish brabant — a province of central Belgium, formed in 1995 from the N part of Brabant province: densely populated and intensively farmed, with large industrial centres. Pop: 1 031 904 (2004 est). Area: 2106 sq km (813 sq miles)
  • flibbertigibbet — a chattering or flighty, light-headed person.
  • flight engineer — a member of an aircraft crew responsible for the mechanical systems, fueling, and servicing of the craft.
  • flight recorder — an electronic device aboard an aircraft that automatically records some aspects of the aircraft's performance in flight.
  • flight sergeant — a noncommissioned officer in the Royal Air Force junior in rank to a master aircrew
  • flinders island — an island off the coast of NE Tasmania: the largest of the Furneaux Islands. Pop: 850 (2004 est). Area: 2077 sq km (802 sq miles)
  • flirtatiousness — The quality of being flirtatious.
  • floating charge — an unsecured charge on the assets of an enterprise that allows such assets to be used commercially until the enterprise ceases to operate or the creditor intervenes to demand collateral
  • floating screed — Building Trades. screed (def 3).
  • flock wallpaper — a type of wallpaper with a raised pattern
  • flood insurance — insurance covering loss or damage to property arising from a flood, flood tide, or the like.
  • floods of tears — If you say that someone was in floods of tears or in a flood of tears, you are emphasizing that they were crying with great intensity because they were very upset.
  • floor exercises — exercises designed to improve fitness, carried out on the floor
  • floral envelope — the calyx and corolla of a flower.
  • floral tributes — bunches or arrangements of flowers left as a memorial at the site of a fatal incident
  • florence fennel — a variety of fennel, Foeniculum vulgare azoricum, having enlarged leaf bases, which are blanched and used especially as an ingredient in salads.
  • florida current — the part of the Gulf Stream which extends from the Florida Strait to Cape Hatteras.
  • floriferousness — Quality of being floriferous, or bearing many flowers.
  • flowerhorn fish — a brightly coloured cichlid fish with a large protuberance on the head
  • flowering maple — any of various shrubs belonging to the genus Abutilon, of the mallow family, having large, bright-colored flowers.
  • flowering plant — a plant that produces flowers, fruit, and seeds; angiosperm.
  • flowering shrub — any shrub that produces flowers
  • flowers of zinc — a white or yellowish-white, amorphous, odorless, water-insoluble powder, ZnO, used chiefly as a paint pigment, in cosmetics, dental cements, matches, white printing inks, and opaque glass, and in medicine in the treatment of skin conditions.
  • fluorine dating — a method of determining the relative age of fossil bones found in the same excavation by comparing their fluorine content.
  • fluorochemicals — Plural form of fluorochemical.
  • fluorophosphate — a salt or ester of a fluorophosphoric acid.
  • fluoroquinolone — Any of a class of therapeutic antibiotics that are active against a range of bacteria associated with human and animal diseases. Their use in livestock has sparked concerns about the spread of bacteria resistant to them in humans.
  • flying buttress — a segmental arch transmitting an outward and downward thrust to a solid buttress that through its inertia transforms the thrust into a vertical one.
  • flying fortress — a heavy bomber, the B-17, with four radial piston engines, widely used over Europe and the Mediterranean by the U.S. Air Force in World War II.
  • flying squirrel — any of various nocturnal tree squirrels, as Glaucomys volans, of the eastern U.S., having folds of skin connecting the fore and hind legs, permitting long, gliding leaps.
  • focusing screen — a camera in which the image appears on a ground-glass viewer (focusing screen) after being reflected by a mirror or after passing through a prism or semitransparent glass; in one type (single-lens reflex camera) light passes through the same lens to both the ground glass and the film, while in another type (twin-lens reflex camera) light passes through one lens (viewing lens) to the ground glass and through a second lens (taking lens) to the film, the lenses being mechanically coupled for focusing.
  • food insecurity — an economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food.
  • food processing — transforming raw materials into food
  • fool's paradise — a state of enjoyment based on false beliefs or hopes; a state of illusory happiness.
  • football player — sportsperson: plays football
  • for a certainty — without doubt
  • for one's money — any circulating medium of exchange, including coins, paper money, and demand deposits.
  • for pity's sake — You can say for pity's sake to add emphasis to what you are saying, especially when you are annoyed or upset.
  • for some reason — for an unknown reason
  • for that matter — the substance or substances of which any physical object consists or is composed: the matter of which the earth is made.
  • for the love of — a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
  • for the present — being, existing, or occurring at this time or now; current: increasing respect for the present ruler of the small country.
  • for the sake of — for the good of
  • for their pains — You say that something was all you got for your pains when you are mentioning the disappointing result of situation into which you put a lot of work or effort.
  • forbidden fruit — the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, tasted by Adam and Eve against God's prohibition. Gen. 2:17; 3:3.
  • force de frappe — a military strike force, esp the independent nuclear strike force of France
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