
15-letter words containing f, e, n, r

  • false buckthorn — a spiny shrub or small tree, Bumelia lanuginosa, of the sapodilla family, native to the southern U.S., having gummy, milky sap and white, bell-shaped flowers and yielding a hard, light-brown wood.
  • false pregnancy — physiological signs of pregnancy without conception; pseudocyesis.
  • false pretences — fraud, deception
  • false pretenses — If you do something under false pretenses, you do it when people do not know the truth about you and your intentions.
  • fault tolerance — (architecture)   1. The ability of a system or component to continue normal operation despite the presence of hardware or software faults. This often involves some degree of redundancy. 2. The number of faults a system or component can withstand before normal operation is impaired.
  • fauntleroy suit — a formal outfit for a boy composed of a hip-length jacket and knee-length pants, often in black velvet, and a wide, lacy collar and cuffs, usually worn with a broad sash at the waist and sometimes a large, loose bow at the neck, popular in the late 19th century.
  • feast or famine — characterized by alternating, extremely high and low degrees of prosperity, success, volume of business, etc.: artists who lead a feast-or-famine life.
  • feast-or-famine — characterized by alternating, extremely high and low degrees of prosperity, success, volume of business, etc.: artists who lead a feast-or-famine life.
  • feather banding — decorative banding of veneer or inlay having the grain laid diagonally to the grain of the principal surface.
  • feeding grounds — the place where animals gather to find food
  • fencepost error — 1. (Rarely "lamp-post error") A problem with the discrete equivalent of a boundary condition, often exhibited in programs by iterative loops. From the following problem: "If you build a fence 100 feet long with posts 10 feet apart, how many posts do you need?" (Either 9 or 11 is a better answer than the obvious 10). For example, suppose you have a long list or array of items, and want to process items m through n; how many items are there? The obvious answer is n - m, but that is off by one; the right answer is n - m + 1. The "obvious" formula exhibits a fencepost error. See also zeroth and note that not all off-by-one errors are fencepost errors. The game of Musical Chairs involves a catastrophic off-by-one error where N people try to sit in N - 1 chairs, but it's not a fencepost error. Fencepost errors come from counting things rather than the spaces between them, or vice versa, or by neglecting to consider whether one should count one or both ends of a row. 2. (Rare) An error induced by unexpected regularities in input values, which can (for instance) completely thwart a theoretically efficient binary tree or hash coding implementation. The error here involves the difference between expected and worst case behaviours of an algorithm.
  • ferranti f100-l — (processor)   A processor, with 16-bit addressing, registers and data paths and a 1-bit serial ALU. The F100-L could only access 32K of memory (one address bit was used for indirection). It was designed by a British company for the British Military. The unique feature of the F100-L was that it had a complete control bus available for a coprocessor. Any instruction the F100-L couldn't decode was sent directly to the coprocessor for processing. Applications for coprocessors at the time were limited, but the design is still used in modern processors, such as the National Semiconductor 32000 series. The disk operating system was written by Alec Cawley.
  • ferrihemoglobin — methemoglobin.
  • ferromolybdenum — a ferroalloy containing up to 60 percent molybdenum.
  • fetch and carry — to go and bring back; return with; get: to go up a hill to fetch a pail of water.
  • feynman diagram — a network of lines that represents a series of emissions and absorptions of elementary particles by other elementary particles, from which the probability of the series can be calculated.
  • field of honour — the place or scene of a battle or duel, esp of jousting tournaments in medieval times
  • field woundwort — the plant Stachys arvensis
  • fighter command — a former unit of the Royal Air Force dedicated to the use of fighter aircraft, esp against enemy bombers and their escorts during WWII
  • fighting french — Free French.
  • figurate number — a number having the property that the same number of equally spaced dots can be arranged in the shape of a regular geometrical figure.
  • filemaker, inc. — (company)   The company that distributes the FileMaker database. FileMaker, Inc. was previously known as Claris and was renamed after a restructuring in January 1998.
  • fillister plane — an adjustable plane for cutting rabbets, grooves, etc
  • finders keepers — whoever finds something has the right to keep it
  • finger alphabet — a series of shapes made by the fingers that indicate letters of an alphabet and can be used in fingerspelling for the deaf
  • finger painting — a jellylike paint, used chiefly by children in painting, usually with their fingers.
  • finger spelling — a method of communicating with or among deaf people in which different shapes made with the fingers represent different letters of the alphabet
  • finger-pointing — the imputation of blame or responsibility.
  • fire department — the department of a municipal government charged with the prevention and extinguishing of fire.
  • fire prevention — safety measures to decrease fire risk
  • fire resistance — the amount of resistance of a material or construction to fire.
  • fire water pond — A fire water pond is an area of water which is kept so it can be used if there is a fire.
  • fire-and-forget — used to describe a type of missile that, once fired, is able to guide itself to its target
  • fire-engine red — a very bright red color.
  • first amendment — an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights, prohibiting Congress from interfering with freedom of religion, speech, assembly, or petition.
  • first gentleman — (often initial capital letters) the husband of the U.S. president or a current governor or mayor.
  • first intention — See under intention (def 5a).
  • first messenger — a hormone that triggers a biochemical reaction at a site removed from its release.
  • first principle — any axiom, law, or abstraction assumed and regarded as representing the highest possible degree of generalization.
  • first responder — a person who is certified to provide medical care in emergencies before more highly trained medical personnel arrive on the scene: a firefighter trained as a first responder.
  • first-intention — an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result.
  • fish and brewis — a Newfoundland dish of cooked salt cod and soaked hard bread
  • fish restaurant — a restaurant which serves mainly fish
  • fission reactor — a nuclear reactor in which a fission reaction takes place
  • fissiparousness — The quality of being fissiparous.
  • fitness tracker — a wearable electronic device or a software application that monitors one's physical fitness and daily physical activity.
  • fitness trainer — someone whose job is to improve other people's fitness
  • flame hardening — the surface hardening of ferrous metals by heating the metal with an oxyacetylene flame followed by rapid cooling
  • flame retardant — a compound used in cloth and plastic material to raise the ignition point of the material, thus making it resistant to fire.
  • flame-retardant — Flame-retardant is the same as fire-retardant.
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