
19-letter words containing f, a, p, i, n

  • in the hope of/that — If you do one thing in the hope of another thing happening, you do it because you think it might cause or help the other thing to happen, which is what you want.
  • incomplete fracture — a fracture extending partly across the bone.
  • indian paint fungus — a common woody hoof-shaped fungus, Echinodontium tinctorium, found on conifers in western North America and believed to have been used as a dye by Pacific Northwest Indians.
  • infantile paralysis — poliomyelitis.
  • inflationary spiral — Geometry. a plane curve generated by a point moving around a fixed point while constantly receding from or approaching it.
  • inglenook fireplace — a large fireplace with a space on either side
  • invasion of privacy — an encroachment upon the right to be let alone or to be free from publicity.
  • land of opportunity — Arkansas (used as a nickname).
  • level playing field — a state of equality; an equal opportunity.
  • line-of-battle ship — ship of the line.
  • load-bearing printf — (programming, humour)   The kind of bug present in a program which works correctly when producing debug output but fails when the debugging is turned off. The expression combines load-bearing wall and printf as used in debugging by printf.
  • lymphoproliferation — (medicine) the excessive production of lymphocytes.
  • manned space flight — space travel in vehicles with a human crew
  • manufacturing plant — factory
  • means of production — resources: equipment, workers
  • midafternoon prayer — the fifth of the seven canonical hours; none
  • municipal bond fund — a mutual fund that invests in municipal bonds.
  • nasty piece of work — malicious person
  • norfolk island pine — a coniferous evergreen tree, Araucaria heterophylla (or A. excelsa), having whorled branches and needlelike foliage, widely cultivated as a houseplant.
  • north pacific ocean — the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, extending from the equator to the Arctic Ocean.
  • pancreatic fibrosis — cystic fibrosis.
  • papal infallibility — the dogma that the pope cannot err in a solemn teaching addressed to the whole church on a matter of faith or morals.
  • parainfluenza virus — any of a group of viruses that cause respiratory infections with influenza-like symptoms, esp in children
  • parting of the ways — When there is a parting of the ways, two or more people or groups of people stop working together or travelling together.
  • patent infringement — breach of copyright
  • performance anxiety — the stage fright that a person feels when they are about to perform (a play, piece of music etc) in front of an audience
  • performance figures — the statistics that indicate how well or badly a company or organization has performed
  • persian gulf states — group of Arab sheikdoms along the Persian Gulf: Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, & United Arab Emirates
  • phacoemulsification — the removal of a cataract by first liquefying the affected lens with ultrasonic vibrations and then extracting it by suction.
  • phakoemulsification — the removal of a cataract by first liquefying the affected lens with ultrasonic vibrations and then extracting it by suction.
  • piece of the action — the process or state of acting or of being active: The machine is not in action now.
  • pirates of penzance — an operetta (1879) by Sir William S. Gilbert and Sir Arthur Sullivan.
  • pistol-handle knife — a table knife, especially of the 18th century, having a slightly curved handle resembling the grip of a flintlock pistol.
  • plastic deformation — In plastic deformation a material changes shape when a stress is applied to it and does not go back to its original state when the stress is removed.
  • pocket-handkerchief — handkerchief (def 1).
  • point the finger at — to accuse or blame
  • post-and-rail fence — a fence constructed of upright wooden posts with horizontal timber slotted through it
  • preferential voting — a system of voting designed to permit the voter to indicate an order of preference for the candidates on the ballot.
  • presumption of fact — a presumption based on experience or knowledge of the relationship between a known fact and a fact inferred from it.
  • pride-of-california — a shrubby plant, Lathyrus splendens, of the legume family, native to southern California, having showy clusters of pale rose-pink, violet, or magenta flowers and large, smooth, beaked pods.
  • production platform — offshore power station
  • professional advice — advice given by someone trained in a particular and relevant profession or job
  • professional school — a postgraduate school or college which trains students for a particular profession
  • professionalization — to give a professional character or status to; make into or establish as a profession.
  • pseudo-professional — following an occupation as a means of livelihood or for gain: a professional builder.
  • put a figure on sth — When you put a figure on an amount, you say exactly how much it is.
  • rate of penetration — The rate of penetration is the speed with which a drill bit can break the rock under it.
  • republic of irelandJohn, 1838–1918, U.S. Roman Catholic clergyman and social reformer, born in Ireland: archbishop of St. Paul, Minn., 1888–1918.
  • republic of vietnam — the name (from 1955–75) for South Vietnam, as an independent republic, following the division of the country in 1954 into North Vietnam and South Vietnam
  • ring-spinning frame — a machine containing the ring, traveler, and bobbin used in spinning yarn.
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