
18-letter words containing e, s, n

  • australian terrier — a small wire-haired breed of terrier similar to the cairn
  • australopithecines — Plural form of australopithecine.
  • authorized version — the revised English translation of the Bible published in England in 1611 with the authorization of King James I
  • autoimmune disease — a disease resulting from a disordered immune reaction in which antibodies are produced against one's own tissues, as systemic lupus erythematosus or rheumatoid arthritis.
  • autonomous phoneme — a phoneme that is defined or determined by its contrast in sound with other phonemes, without reference to its role in morphology or any other level of linguistic analysis beyond the phonetic level.
  • aviation insurance — Aviation insurance is insurance cover for aircraft, and for damage, injury, or loss of life or cargo while traveling on aircraft.
  • awnless bromegrass — Hungarian bromegrass.
  • axis of revolution — an axis in a plane, about which an area is revolved to form a solid of revolution.
  • bachelor's-buttons — any of various plants of the daisy family with button-like flower heads
  • back in the saddle — at work again
  • back to square one — If you are back to square one, you have to start dealing with something from the beginning again because the way you were dealing with it has failed.
  • bad news/good news — If you say that something is bad news, you mean that it will cause you trouble or problems. If you say that something is good news, you mean that it will be useful or helpful to you.
  • balanced scorecard — A balanced scorecard is a type of management report which includes both financial and non-financial measures.
  • ballistic pendulum — a device consisting of a large mass hung from a horizontal bar by two rods, used to measure the velocity of an object, as a bullet, by retaining the object upon impact, its velocity being a function of the displacement of the mass.
  • banded rattlesnake — timber rattlesnake.
  • banker's reference — a confidential statement about the financial status of a customer, provided by one bank to another, or to an authorized enquirer
  • bankers-acceptance — a draft or bill of exchange that a bank has accepted. Abbreviation: BA. Also called banker's acceptance. Compare acceptance (def 6).
  • baritone saxophone — the second lowest instrument in the family of saxophones
  • barrow's goldeneye — See under goldeneye (def 1).
  • basal conglomerate — a conglomerate deposited on an erosion surface and constituting the bottom layer of a stratigraphic series.
  • basement apartment — an apartment below the ground floor of a building
  • basket-handle arch — an arch having a symmetrical form drawn from an odd number of radii in excess of one, which increase in length from the springing toward the center.
  • bats-in-the-belfry — a hairy Eurasian campanulaceous plant, Campanula trachelium, with bell-shaped blue-purple flowers
  • battleground-state — a state of the U.S. in which the Democratic and Republican candidates both have a good chance of winning and that is considered key to the outcome of a presidential election: the swing states of Ohio and Indiana.
  • be full of oneself — If you say to someone 'you're full of yourself', you disapprove of them because they appear very pleased with themselves, thinking that they are very clever, special, or important.
  • be lost in thought — If you are lost in thought, you give all your attention to what you are thinking about and do not notice what is going on around you.
  • be lost on someone — If advice or a comment is lost on someone, they do not understand it or they pay no attention to it.
  • be sure of oneself — If you are sure of yourself, you are very confident about your own abilities or opinions.
  • beaujolais nouveau — the first Beaujolais wine of the season, usually available for sale within two months after the grapes are harvested.
  • before the present — See B.P (def 4).
  • behavioral science — any of several studies, as sociology, psychology, anthropology, etc., that examine human activities in an attempt to discover recurrent patterns and to formulate rules about social behavior
  • behaviour patterns — the characteristic ways in which a person or animal acts
  • bellingshausen sea — an area of the S Pacific Ocean off the coast of Antarctica
  • bells and whistles — additional features or accessories which are nonessential but very attractive
  • benchmark position — a public service job used for comparison with a similar position, such as a position in commerce, for wage settlements
  • bend someone's ear — to speak at length to an unwilling listener, esp to voice one's troubles
  • bessemer converter — a refractory-lined furnace used to convert pig iron into steel by the Bessemer process
  • beyond one's depth — in water deeper than one is tall
  • bill of quantities — a document drawn up by a quantity surveyor providing details of the prices, dimensions, etc, of the materials required to build a large structure, such as a factory
  • biodiversification — the process by which the diversity of plants or animals develops or is increased within a particular region or group of organisms.
  • bioinstrumentation — the use of instruments, as sensors, to detect and measure certain body functions, as of persons in spaceflight, and transmit the data to a point where it is evaluated
  • biological parents — the biological mother and father of a child
  • bird's-nest fungus — any fungus of the family Nidulariaceae, having a nestlike spore-producing body containing egglike spore-filled structures
  • bird's-nest orchid — a brown parasitic Eurasian orchid, Neottia nidus-avis, whose thick fleshy roots resemble a bird's nest and contain a fungus on which the orchid feeds
  • bitwise complement — The bitwise complement of a bit field is a bit field of the same length but with each zero changed to a one and vice versa. This is the same as the ones complement of a binary integer.
  • black-necked stork — a large Australian stork, Xenorhyncus asiaticus, having a white plumage, dark green back and tail, and red legs
  • blanche of castile — ?1188–1252, queen consort (1223–26) of Louis VIII of France, born in Spain. The mother of Louis IX, she acted as regent during his minority (1226–36) and his absence on a crusade (1248–52)
  • blissful ignorance — unawareness or inexperience of something unpleasant
  • board of elections — a bipartisan board appointed usually by local authorities and charged with control of elections and voting procedure.
  • board of examiners — a group of people who officially administer examinations
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