
22-letter words containing e, s, h

  • southern redbelly dace — any of the small, brightly colored North American freshwater cyprinids, especially Phoxinus oreas (northern redbelly dace) and P. erythrogaster (southern redbelly dace)
  • special drawing rights — the reserve assets of the International Monetary Fund on which member nations may draw in proportion to their contribution to the Fund
  • special school teacher — a teacher who works in a school for children who are unable to benefit from ordinary schooling because they have learning difficulties, physical or mental handicaps, etc
  • specific heat capacity — the heat required to raise unit mass of a substance by unit temperature interval under specified conditions, such as constant pressure: usually measured in joules per kelvin per kilogram
  • spectrophotometrically — an instrument for making photometric comparisons between parts of spectra.
  • speculative philosophy — philosophy embodying beliefs insusceptible of proof and attempting to gain insight into the nature of the ultimate by intuitive or a priori means.
  • speech from the throne — (in Britain and the dominions of the Commonwealth) the speech at the opening of each session of Parliament in which the Government outlines its legislative programme. It is read by the sovereign or his or her representative
  • spherical trigonometry — the branch of trigonometry that deals with spherical triangles.
  • split-screen technique — a cinematic device by which two or more complete images are projected simultaneously onto separate parts of the screen
  • stand the test of time — last, endure
  • standard scratch score — the number of strokes a scratch player would need to go round a particular course, based on the length of each hole to the green and allowing 36 putts for the round
  • start the ball rolling — to open or initiate (an action, discussion, movement, etc)
  • straining at the leash — eagerly impatient to begin something
  • suffice it to say that — let us say no more than that; I shall just say that
  • surface effect vehicle — ACV (def 2).
  • sweet william catchfly — a southern European plant, Silene armeria, of the pink family, having a flat-topped cluster of pink flowers.
  • sympathetic ophthalmia — inflammation of one eye due to injury or disease of the other eye.
  • take a fancy to sb/sth — If you take a fancy to someone or something, you start liking them, usually for no understandable reason.
  • take cognizance of sth — If you take cognizance of something, you take notice of it or acknowledge it.
  • take one's breath away — the air inhaled and exhaled in respiration.
  • take something as read — to take something for granted as a fact; understand or presume
  • talk through one's hat — a shaped covering for the head, usually with a crown and brim, especially for wear outdoors.
  • tell it to the marines — of or relating to the sea; existing in or produced by the sea: marine vegetation.
  • the (great) depression — the period of economic depression which began in 1929 and lasted through most of the 1930s
  • the atlantic provinces — certain of the Canadian provinces with coasts facing the Gulf of St Lawrence or the Atlantic: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador
  • the authorized version — an English translation of the Bible published in 1611 under James I
  • the brothers karamazov — a novel (1880) by Dostoevsky.
  • the caring professions — professions such as nursing and social work that are involved with looking after people who are ill or who need help in coping with their lives
  • the chattering classes — the educated sections of society, considered as enjoying discussion of political, social, and cultural issues
  • the continental system — Napoleon's plan in 1806 to blockade Britain by excluding her ships from ports on the mainland of Europe
  • the edinburgh festival — an arts festival held in Edinburgh in August
  • the emergency services — the public organizations whose job is to take quick action to deal with emergencies when they occur, especially the fire brigade, the police, and the ambulance service
  • the fat is in the fire — an irrevocable action has been taken, esp one from which dire consequences are expected
  • the french west indies — various islands in the Lesser Antilles, administered by France; chiefly Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint-Barthélemy and the French part of Saint Martin. Pop: 838 000 (2004 est). Area: 2792 sq km (1077 sq miles)
  • the grand remonstrance — the document prepared by the Long Parliament in 1640 listing the evils of the king's government, the abuses already rectified, and the reforms Parliament advocated
  • the green-eyed monster — jealousy or envy
  • the houston ship canal — a canal linking Houston to the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway
  • the internet of things — a network of objects that are fitted with microchips and connected to the internet, enabling them to interact with each other and to be controlled remotely
  • the long-hours culture — the prevailing view that it is normal to work long hours; the practice of working long hours
  • the maritime provinces — another name for the Atlantic Provinces of Canada, but often excluding Newfoundland and Labrador
  • the medical profession — the occupation of working as a doctor of medicine
  • the muslim brotherhood — a transnational Islamic religious and political organization dedicated to the establishment of a nation based on Islamic principles, founded in Egypt in 1928
  • the nature conservancy — a US charitable environmental organization, founded in 1951, that works to preserve the plants, animals, and natural communities by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive
  • the opposition benches — the area of a parliament where members of the party opposed to the ruling party or government sit
  • the ouachita mountains — a mountain range in the United States, located in W Arkansas, S E Oklahoma, and N E Texas
  • the pennsylvania dutch — a group of German-speaking people in E Pennsylvania, descended from 18th-century settlers from SW Germany and Switzerland
  • the same/the very same — You say 'the same' or 'the very same' in reply to someone's question when you are saying that they have identified a person or thing correctly.
  • the sb/sth before last — You use expressions such as the night before last, the election before last and the leader before last to refer to the period of time, event, or person that came immediately before the most recent one in a series.
  • the straits of florida — a sea passage between the Florida Keys and Cuba, linking the Atlantic with the Gulf of Mexico
  • the time of one's life — a memorably enjoyable time
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