
14-letter words containing e, n, t, i, s

  • supernutrition — excessive nourishment or overeating
  • superovulation — to produce more than the normal number of ova at one time, as through hormone treatment.
  • superscription — the act of superscribing.
  • superseniority — seniority that is granted or held without regard to age or service.
  • supersensitive — extremely or excessively sensitive; hypersensitive: a supersensitive smoke detector.
  • supersensitize — to render or make supersensitive.
  • superstruction — the action of superstructing
  • supportiveness — giving support.
  • suspensibility — capable of being suspended.
  • swedish turnip — rutabaga.
  • sweet nothings — terms of endearment
  • sweet viburnum — the sheepberry, Viburnum lentago.
  • swing the lead — to malinger or make up excuses
  • swinging voter — a person who does not vote consistently for any single political party
  • switch selling — a system of selling, now illegal in Britain, whereby potential customers are attracted by a special offer on some goods but the salesman's real aim is to sell other more expensive goods instead
  • synaposematism — the display of common warning colours between different organisms inhabiting the same region
  • synaptic cleft — the small gap, measured in nanometers, between an axon terminal and any of the cell membranes in the immediate vicinity.
  • synthesization — to form (a material or abstract entity) by combining parts or elements (opposed to analyze): to synthesize a statement.
  • synthetic fuel — fuel in the form of liquid or gas (synthetic natural gas) manufactured from coal or in the form of oil extracted from shale or tar sands.
  • syrian hamster — golden hamster.
  • systematicness — having, showing, or involving a system, method, or plan: a systematic course of reading; systematic efforts.
  • take in stride — to walk with long steps, as with vigor, haste, impatience, or arrogance.
  • take soundings — to try to find out people's opinions on a subject
  • tax concession — tax reduction
  • tayside region — a former local government region in E Scotland: formed in 1975 from Angus, Kinross-shire, and most of Perthshire; replaced in 1996 by the council areas of Angus, City of Dundee, and Perth and Kinross
  • teaching staff — those members of staff in a school, college, or university who teach
  • technicalities — technical methods and vocabulary
  • telangiectasis — chronic dilatation of the capillaries and other small blood vessels.
  • telejournalism — the writing and broadcasting of journalism for television
  • telejournalist — a journalist who writes for or broadcasts on television
  • teleprocessing — computerized processing and transmission of data over the telephone or other long-distance communications systems.
  • television set — appliance that receives tv signals
  • tender mercies — discretion or compassion
  • tendovaginitis — the swelling of both a tendon and its sheath
  • tensile stress — stress which pulls apart an (elastic) material or structure
  • tergiversation — to change repeatedly one's attitude or opinions with respect to a cause, subject, etc.; equivocate.
  • term insurance — an insurance policy that provides coverage for a limited period, the value payable only if a loss occurs within the term, with nothing payable upon its expiration.
  • terminal bonus — a bonus paid on a life insurance policy when the holder reaches a certain age or dies
  • terminus a quo — the end from which; beginning; starting point; earliest limiting point.
  • test marketing — to offer (a new product) for sale, usually in a limited area, in order to ascertain and evaluate consumer response.
  • test-tube skin — skin that has been grown in the laboratory from a patch of a person's skin, used for autografting, especially in the treatment of extensive burns.
  • testamentarily — in a testamentary manner
  • testimonialize — to honor (someone) by giving or doing something testimonial.
  • testing ground — place where sth is tested
  • tetanus toxoid — an inactivated form of tetanus toxin obtained from Clostridium tetani, used to produce an active immunity to the toxin.
  • text messaging — sending typed mobile phone messages
  • that's an idea — that is worth considering
  • that's done it — an exclamation of frustration when something is ruined
  • the betting is — If you say the betting is that something will happen or is true, you are suggesting that it is very likely to happen or to be true.
  • the depression — the worldwide economic depression of the early 1930s, when there was mass unemployment
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