
27-letter words containing e, n, r, o, l, s

  • (not) all beer and skittles — (not) pure pleasure and enjoyment
  • address resolution protocol — (networking, protocol)   (ARP) A method for finding a host's Ethernet address from its Internet address. The sender broadcasts an ARP packet containing the Internet address of another host and waits for it (or some other host) to send back its Ethernet address. Each host maintains a cache of address translations to reduce delay and loading. ARP allows the Internet address to be independent of the Ethernet address but it only works if all hosts support it. ARP is defined in RFC 826. The alternative for hosts that do not do ARP is constant mapping. See also proxy ARP, reverse ARP.
  • advanced gas-cooled reactor — a nuclear reactor using carbon dioxide as the coolant, graphite as the moderator, and ceramic uranium dioxide cased in stainless steel as the fuel
  • america's multimedia online — (company, web)   (AMO) An Internet technologies company which invented Never Offline in 1995 and was officially started in 1996. E-mail: AMO <[email protected]>. Address: Albuquerque, NM, USA.
  • anti-social networking site — a website that allows users to, among other things, list the people they dislike and do not want any contact with
  • application service element — (networking)   (ASE) Software in the presentation layer of the OSI seven layer model which provides an abstracted interface layer to service application protocol data units (APDU). Because applications and networks vary, ASEs are split into common services and specific services. Examples of services provided by the common application service element (CASE) include remote operations (ROSE) and database concurrency control and recovery (CCR). The specific application service element (SASE) provides more specialised services such as file transfer, database access, and order entry.
  • as sensible as a dictionary — (humour)   In Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass and what Alice found there, in the chapter The Garden of Live Flowers, the Red Queen is talking to Alice about what she's been up to: "I only wanted to see what the garden was like, your Majesty -" "That's right," said the Queen, patting her on the head, which Alice didn't like at all, "though, when you say "garden" - I've seen gardens, compared with which this would be a wilderness." Alice didn't dare argue the point, but went on: "- and I thought I'd try and find my way to the top of that hill -" "When you say "hill"", the Queen interrupted, "I could show you hills, in comparison with which you'd call that a valley." "No, I shouldn't," said Alice, surprised into contradicting her at last: "a hill can't be a valley, you know. That would be nonsense -" The Red Queen shook her head. "You may call it "nonsense" if you like," she said, "but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!" Alice curtseyed again, as she was a little afraid from the Queen's tone that she was a little offended: and they walked on in silence till they got to the top of the little hill. Thanks to Simon James for the text and to Sean Gugler for the URLs.
  • audio processing technology — (company)   (APT) A company that produces codecs based on predictive analysis rather than frequency coding.
  • bashkir autonomous republic — an autonomous republic in the Russian Federation in Europe. 55,430 sq. mi. (143,600 sq. km). Capital: Ufa.
  • beard the lion (in his den) — to approach, oppose, etc. an influential or feared person, as in a place where that person has the advantage
  • binary-coded decimal system — a numerical system in which each decimal digit is represented by a unique collection of binary digits, not necessarily the same as those used in binary notation. Abbreviation: BCD.
  • block transfer computations — (algorithm, humour)   (From the UK television series "Dr. Who") Computations so fiendishly subtle and complex that they could not be performed by machines. Used to refer to any task that should be expressible as an algorithm in theory, but isn't.
  • blood is thicker than water — People say 'blood is thicker than water' when they mean that their loyalty to their family is greater than their loyalty to anyone else.
  • bolzano-weierstrass theorem — the theorem that every bounded set with an infinite number of elements contains at least one accumulation point.
  • butterflies in your stomach — If you have butterflies in your stomach or have butterflies, you are very nervous or excited about something.
  • centers for disease control — the branch of the U.S. Public Health Service under the Department of Health and Human Services charged with the investigation and control of contagious disease in the nation. Abbreviation: CDC.
  • central provinces and berar — a former province of central India: renamed Madhya Pradesh in 1950, Berar being transferred to Maharashtra in 1956
  • chief cook and bottlewasher — a person or machine that washes bottles.
  • church of the new jerusalem — the church composed of the followers of Swedenborg; the Swedenborgian church.
  • chuvash autonomous republic — an autonomous republic in the Russian Federation in Europe. 7064 sq. mi. (18,300 sq. km). Capital: Cheboksary.
  • civilian conservation corps — CCC.
  • common internet file system — (protocol)   (CIFS) An Internet file system protocol, based on Microsoft's SMB. Microsoft has given CIFS to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as an Internet Draft. CIFS is intended to complement existing protocols such as HTTP, FTP, and NFS. CIFS runs on top of TCP/IP and uses the Internet's Domain Name Service (DNS). It is optimised to support the slower speed dial-up connections common on the Internet. CIFS is more flexible than FTP. FTP operations are carried out on entire files whereas CIFS is aimed at routine data access and incorporates high-performance multi-user read and write operations, locking, and file-sharing semantics. CIFS is probably closest in functionality to NFS. NFS gives random access to files and directories, but is stateless. With CIFS, once a file is open, state about the current access to that file is stored on both the client and the server. This allows changes on the server side to be notified to the clients that are interested.
  • communicable disease center — former name of Centers for Disease Control.
  • condensation polymerization — the act or process of forming a polymer or polymeric compound.
  • constructive solid geometry — (graphics)   (CSG) A method used in solid modeling to describe the geometry of complex three-dimensional scenes by applying set operations (union, difference, intersection) to primitive shapes (cuboids, cylinders, prisms, pyramids, spheres and cones). See also CSG-tree.
  • control and status register — (hardware)   (CSR) A register in most CPUs which stores additional information about the results of machine instructions, e.g. comparisons. It usually consists of several independent flags such as carry, overflow and zero. The CSR is chiefly used to determine the outcome of conditional branch instructions or other forms of conditional execution.
  • convertible preferred stock — preferred stock that can be exchanged for a fixed number of shares of the common stock of the issuing company at the holder's option.
  • court of domestic relations — a court, usually with a limited jurisdiction, that handles legal cases involving a family, especially controversies between parent and child or between the marriage partners.
  • digital express group, inc. — (Digex) The largest Internet provider in the Washington metropolitan area with POPs in Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey, New York and California.
  • dining philosophers problem — (parallel)   (DPP) A problem introduced by Dijkstra concerning resource allocation between processes. The DPP is a model and universal method for testing and comparing theories on resource allocation. Dijkstra hoped to use it to help create a layered operating system, by creating a machine which could be consider to be an entirely deterministic automaton. The problem consists of a finite set of processes which share a finite set of resources, each of which can be used by only one process at a time, thus leading to potential deadlock. The DPP visualises this as a number of philosophers sitting round a dining table with a fork between each adjacent pair. Each philosopher may arbitrarily decide to use either the fork to his left or the one to his right but each fork may only be used by one philosopher at a time. Several potential solutions have been considered. Semaphores - a simple, but unfair solution where each resources is a binary semaphore and additional semaphores are used to avoid deadlock and/or starvation. Critical Regions - each processor is protected from interference while it exclusively uses a resource. Monitors - the process waits until all required resources are available then grabs all of them for use. The best solution allows the maximum parallelism for any number of processes (philosophers), by using an array to track the process' current state (i.e. hungry, eating, thinking). This solution maintains an array of semaphores, so hungry philosophers trying to acquire resources can block if the needed forks are busy.
  • doesn't suffer fools gladly — If you do not suffer fools gladly, you are not patient with people who you think are stupid.
  • duchenne muscular dystrophy — a common hereditary form of muscular dystrophy, usually affecting young males, characterized by the severe weakening of the skeletal muscles, esp. the respiratory muscles
  • dynamic address translation — (architecture)   (DAT) Conversion of a virtual address into a physical address, as performed by a memory management unit and an operating system which supports virtual memory.
  • electronic check conversion — Electronic check conversion is the act of processing a paper check as an electronic transaction.
  • electrostatic precipitation — the removal of suspended solid particles from a gas by giving them an electric charge and attracting them to charged plates
  • enterprise allowance scheme — (formerly in Britain) a scheme to provide a weekly allowance to an unemployed person who wishes to set up a business and is willing to invest a specified amount in it during its first year
  • entity-relationship diagram — entity-relationship model
  • familiarity breeds contempt — Familiarity is used especially in the expression familiarity breeds contempt to say that if you know a person or situation very well, you can easily lose respect for that person or become careless in that situation.
  • first law of thermodynamics — any of three principles variously stated in equivalent forms, being the principle that the change of energy of a thermodynamic system is equal to the heat transferred minus the work done (first law of thermodynamics) the principle that no cyclic process is possible in which heat is absorbed from a reservoir at a single temperature and converted completely into mechanical work (second law of thermodynamics) and the principle that it is impossible to reduce the temperature of a system to absolute zero in a finite number of operations (third law of thermodynamics)
  • floating-point specbaserate — SPECrate_base_fp92
  • go up in flames (or smoke) — to burn
  • grow out of one's knowledge — to behave in a presumptuous or conceited manner
  • hand sth to sb on a platter — If you say that someone has things handed to them on a platter, you disapprove of them because they get good things easily.
  • hand-held personal computer — palmtop
  • haul someone over the coals — to reprimand someone
  • health and safety inspector — a person who inspects workplaces, to check that they do not pose dangers to workers
  • health service commissioner — (in Britain) the official name for an ombudsman who investigates personal complaints of injustice or hardship resulting from the failure, absence, or maladministration of a service for which a Regional or District Health Authority or Family Practitioner Committee is responsible, after other attempts to obtain redress have failed
  • high performance serial bus — (hardware, standard)   (Or "IEEE 1394") A 1995 Macintosh/IBM PC serial bus interface standard offering isochronous real-time data transfer. 1394 can transfer data between a computer and its peripherals at 100, 200, or 400 Mbps, with a planed increase to 2 Gbps. Cable length is limited to 4.5 m but up to 16 cables can be daisy-chained yielding a total length of 72 m. It can daisy-chain together up to 63 peripherals in a tree-like structure (as opposed to SCSI's linear structure). It allows peer-to-peer communication, e.g. between a scanner and a printer, without using system memory or the CPU. It is designed to support plug-and-play and hot swapping. Its six-wire cable is not only more convenient than SCSI cables but can supply up to 60 watts of power, allowing low-consumption devices to operate without a separate power cord. Some expensive camcorders included this bus from 1995. It is expected to be used to carry SCSI, with possible application to home automation using repeaters. See also Universal Serial Bus, FC-AL.
  • hypertext transfer protocol — (protocol)   (HTTP) The client-server TCP/IP protocol used on the web for the exchange of HTML documents. It conventionally uses port 80. See also Uniform Resource Locator.
  • insulin resistance syndrome — Pathology. a group of medical conditions present simultaneously in a patient, as high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol levels, and an excess of abdominal fat, that increases a person's risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Also called insulin resistance syndrome.

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