
19-letter words containing e, n, p, a

  • cinematographically — a motion-picture projector.
  • clinical depression — depression in a patient that meets defined criteria and that is deemed to merit treatment
  • coherent parallel c — (language)   A data parallel version of C.
  • colonial experience — experience of farming, etc, gained by a young Englishman in colonial Australia
  • columnar epithelium — epithelium consisting of one or more layers of elongated cells of cylindrical or prismatic shape.
  • combination therapy — a therapy that combines two or more drugs, or two or more treatments
  • command interpreter — (operating system)   A program which reads textual commands from the user or from a file and executes them. Some commands may be executed directly within the interpreter itself (e.g. setting variables or control constructs), others may cause it to load and execute other files. When an IBM PC is booted BIOS loads and runs the MS-DOS command interpreter into memory from file COMMAND.COM found on a floppy disk or hard disk drive. The commands that COMMAND.COM recognizes (e.g. COPY, DIR, PRN) are called internal commands, in contrast to external commands which are executable files.
  • command line option — (software)   (Or "option", "flag", "switch", "option switch") An argument to a command that modifies its function rather than providing data. Options generally start with "-" in Unix or "/" in MS-DOS. This is usually followed by a single letter or occasionally a digit. More recently, GNU software adopted the --longoptionname style, usually in addition to traditional, single-character, -x style equivalents. Some commands require each option to be a separate argument, introduced by a new "-" or "/", others allow multiple option letters to be concatenated into a single argument with a single "-" or "/", e.g. "ls -al". A few Unix commands (e.g. ar, tar) allow the "-" to be omitted. Some options may or must be followed by a value, e.g. "cc prog.c -o prog", sometimes with and sometimes without an intervening space.
  • command performance — A command performance is a special performance of a play or show which is given for a head of state.
  • community policeman — a police officer assigned to a particular area
  • community programme — (in Britain) a former government scheme to provide temporary work for people unemployed for over a year
  • compassionate leave — Compassionate leave is time away from your work that your employer allows you for personal reasons, especially when a member of your family dies or is seriously ill.
  • complement fixation — the fixing of complement into the product of an antigen-antibody reaction: used as an infection indicator in certain serologic tests that measure the presence or absence of free, active complement
  • complementary angle — either of two angles whose sum is 90°
  • complementary color — Art. one of a pair of primary or secondary colors opposed to the other member of the pair on a schematic chart or scale (color wheel) as green opposed to red, orange opposed to blue, or violet opposed to yellow. Compare analogous color. the relationship of these pairs of colors perceived as completing or enhancing each other.
  • complete quadrangle — a plane figure consisting of four points connected by six lines
  • complexity analysis — In sructured program design, a quality-control operation that counts the number of "compares" in the logic implementing a function; a value of less than 10 is considered acceptable.
  • complimentary close — the part of a letter that by convention immediately precedes the signature, as “Very truly yours,” “Cordially,” or “Sincerely yours.”.
  • comptroller general — the director of the General Accounting Office
  • computer dictionary — Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
  • computer simulation — an event, process, or scenario that is created on a computer
  • conceptualistically — In a conceptualistic sense.
  • confocal microscope — a light microscope with an optical system designed to reject background from matter outside the focal plane and therefore allowing images of different sections of a specimen to be obtained
  • consultation period — a period during which consultations are held before a policy decision is made
  • container transport — the transport of cargo in containers
  • contemplative order — a religious order whose members are devoted to prayer rather than works.
  • contemporaneousness — The state or characteristic of being contemporaneous.
  • contract programmer — (job, programming)   A programmer who works on a fixed-length or temporary contract, and is often employed to write certain types of code or to work on a specific project. Despite the fact that contractors usually cost more than hiring a permanent employee with the same skills, it is common for organisations to employ them for extended periods, sometimes renewing their contracts for many years, due to lack of certainty about the future or simple lack of planning. A contract programmer may be independent or they may work in a supplier's professional services department, providing consultancy and programming services for the supplier's products.
  • conventional weapon — a nonnuclear weapon.
  • conversational lisp — (language)   (CLISP) A mixed English-like, ALGOL-like surface syntax for Interlisp.
  • corporal punishment — Corporal punishment is the punishment of people by hitting them.
  • corporate venturing — the provision of venture capital by one company for another in order to obtain information about the company requiring capital or as a step towards acquiring it
  • correspondence card — a piece of card, often with the sender's name and address printed on the top, designed to be used for sending brief notes to people through the post
  • counter-programming — to schedule (a broadcast on radio or television) to compete with one on another station.
  • cox's orange pippin — a variety of eating apple with sweet flesh and a red-tinged green skin
  • cracked compression — Cracked compression is a separation process for separating hydrocarbons further, with an increase in the pressure of the cracked gas.
  • creative department — the department of a company or organization responsible for the design and creation of advertisements and marketing materials
  • creeping bent grass — a grass, Agrostis stolonifera, grown as a pasture grass in Europe and North America: roots readily from the stem
  • creeping featuritis — (jargon)   /kree'ping fee'-chr-i:`t*s/ A variant of creeping featurism, with its own spoonerism: "feeping creaturitis". Some people like to reserve this form for the disease as it actually manifests in software or hardware, as opposed to the lurking general tendency in designers' minds. -ism means "condition" or "pursuit of", whereas -itis usually means "inflammation of".
  • cult of personality — a cult promoting adulation of a living national leader or public figure, as one encouraged by Stalin to extend his power.
  • cup-and-saucer vine — a woody, Mexican vine, Cobaea scandens, of the phlox family, having bell-shaped, violet-colored or greenish-purple flowers with an inflated, leaflike calyx and long, curved stamens.
  • daisy-wheel printer — a type of printer that uses a daisywheel
  • dangling participle — a participle intended to modify a noun but having the wrong grammatical relationship to it as for example having left in the sentence Having left Europe for good, Peter's future seemed bleak indeed
  • data encryption key — (DEK) Used for the encryption of message text and for the computation of message integrity checks (signatures). See cryptography.
  • data protection act — (legal)   (DPA) A UK law guaranteeing rights to individuals in relation to personal data that others hold on them. For example, under the DPA, you have the right to see what data a company holds on you.
  • de-compartmentalize — to divide into categories or compartments.
  • deflate compression — deflate
  • deflationary spiral — Geometry. a plane curve generated by a point moving around a fixed point while constantly receding from or approaching it.
  • dental receptionist — a receptionist working in a dental surgery
  • department chairman — the chairman of a university department
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