
14-letter words containing e, n, l, o

  • old line state — Maryland (used as a nickname).
  • old low german — the language of the German lowlands before c1100. Abbreviation: OLG.
  • old-line party — either the Liberal Party or the Conservative Party
  • old-time dance — a formal or formation dance, such as the lancers
  • oleaginousness — The state or condition of being oleaginous; oiliness, unctuousness.
  • oligomenorrhea — abnormally infrequent menstruation.
  • oligosynthetic — (linguistics) (of a language) using a relatively small number of morphemes which combine synthetically to form compound words.
  • omnibenevolent — All-loving, or infinitely good, usually in reference to a deity or supernatural being, for example, 'God'. Its use is often with regards to the divine triad, whereby a deity is described to be simultaneously omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent. This triad is used especially with the Christian god, Yahweh.
  • omnibus clause — a clause, especially in an automobile liability policy, extending coverage to persons other than the insured named in the policy.
  • omnibus volume — a collection of works by one author or several works on a similar topic, reprinted in one volume
  • omphalocentric — Overly introspective and inclined to navel-gazing.
  • on a long rein — with the reins held loosely so that the horse is relatively unconstrained
  • on one's plate — waiting to be done or dealt with
  • on sb's behalf — If you do something on someone's behalf, you do it for that person as their representative.
  • on the downlow — not widely known
  • on the lookout — keeping watch
  • on the wallaby — (of a person) wandering about looking for work
  • on your mettle — If you are on your mettle, you are ready to do something as well as you can, because you know that you are being tested or challenged.
  • one false move — You use one false move to introduce the very bad or serious consequences which will result if someone makes a mistake, even a very small one.
  • one fell swoop — a single hasty action or occurrence
  • one-liner wars — (games, programming)   A game popular among hackers who code in the language APL (see write-only language and line noise). The objective is to see who can code the most interesting and/or useful routine in one line of operators chosen from APL's exceedingly hairy primitive set. A similar amusement was practiced among TECO hackers and is now popular among Perl aficionados. (2 = 0 +.= T o.| T) / T <- iN where "o" is the APL null character, the assignment arrow is a single character, and "i" represents the APL iota.
  • oneirocritical — an interpreter of dreams.
  • online catalog — a bibliographic record of a library's holdings, available in machine-readable form.
  • open classroom — a spacious instructional area shared by several groups or classes in elementary school, permitting more individualized, less supervised project learning and movement of pupils from one activity to another.
  • open-reel tape — audiotape, usually 1/4 inch (64 mm) wide, wound on a single reel and requiring a separate take-up reel for playing or recording.
  • opening bowler — a player who makes the first bowl in cricket
  • operationalise — Alternative spelling of operationalize.
  • operationalism — the doctrine that the meaning of a scientific term, concept, or proposition consists of the operation or operations performed in defining or demonstrating it.
  • operationalist — a person who adheres to operationalism
  • operationalize — Put into operation or use.
  • optoelectronic — the branch of electronics dealing with devices that generate, transform, transmit, or sense optical, infrared, or ultraviolet radiation, as cathode-ray tubes, electroluminescent and liquid crystal displays, lasers, and solar cells.
  • orange blossom — the white flower of an orange tree, especially of the genus Citrus, much used in wreaths, bridal bouquets, etc.: the state flower of Florida.
  • orbital sander — a sander that uses a section of sandpaper clamped to a metal pad that moves at high speed in a very narrow orbit, driven by an electric motor.
  • ordinal number — Also called ordinal numeral. any of the numbers that express degree, quality, or position in a series, as first, second, and third (distinguished from cardinal number).
  • organochlorine — Any of a large group of pesticides and other synthetic organic compounds with chlorinated aromatic molecules.
  • organometallic — pertaining to or noting an organic compound containing a metal or a metalloid linked to carbon.
  • organosiloxane — a siloxane containing an organic group.
  • oriental poppy — a poppy, Papaver orientale, of Asia, having bristly stems and leaves and showy scarlet, pink, or white flowers, cultivated as an ornamental.
  • oriental topaz — a variety of corundum resembling topaz in colour and used as a gemstone
  • orkney islands — group of islands north of Scotland, constituting an administrative division of Scotland: 377 sq mi (976 sq km); pop. 20,000
  • orthonormalize — (mathematics) To make a set of vectors both orthogonal and normalized.
  • orthoselection — orthogenesis (def 1a).
  • osmoregulation — the process by which cells and simple organisms maintain fluid and electrolyte balance with their surroundings.
  • ostentatiously — characterized by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others: an ostentatious dresser.
  • osteogenically — By osteogenesis.
  • outer mongolia — a region in Asia including Inner Mongolia of China and the Mongolian People's Republic.
  • outgeneralling — Present participle of outgeneral.
  • outing flannel — a light cotton flannel with a short, dense nap.
  • outlandishness — The quality of being outlandish.
  • over-influence — the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others: He used family influence to get the contract.
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