
14-letter words containing e, n, l, o

  • le misanthrope — a comedy (1666) by Molière.
  • lead carbonate — a white crystalline compound, PbCO 3 , toxic when inhaled, insoluble in water and alcohol: used as an exterior paint pigment.
  • lead poisoning — Pathology. a toxic condition produced by ingestion, inhalation, or skin absorption of lead or lead compounds, resulting in various dose-related symptoms including anemia, nausea, muscle weakness, confusion, blindness, and coma. Also called plumbism, saturnism. this condition occurring in adults whose work involves contact with lead products.
  • leaf-nosed bat — any of various New and Old World bats, as of the families Phyllostomatidae, Rhinolophidae, and Hipposideridae, having a leaflike flap of skin at the tip of the nose.
  • leamington spa — a city in Warwickshire, central England: health resort.
  • left-hand buoy — a distinctive buoy marking the side of a channel regarded as the left or port side.
  • left-of-center — holding liberal views in politics; left-wing.
  • left-of-centre — Left-of-centre people or political parties support political ideas which are closer to socialism than to capitalism.
  • legal document — a document concerning a legal matter; a document drawn up by a lawyer
  • legitimisation — (British) alternative spelling of legitimization.
  • legitimization — to make legitimate.
  • lemon geranium — a garden geranium, Pelargonium crispum, having lemon-scented leaves.
  • lemon squeezer — tool for extracting juice from lemons
  • lemonade berry — a sumac, Rhus integrifolia, of southern California, having hairy, dark-red fruits used to make a beverage resembling lemonade.
  • lemongrass oil — an aromatic oil made from lemon grass and used in aromatherapy, as a pesticide, and as a preservative
  • lend itself to — to be adapted to, useful for, or open to
  • lending policy — a set of guidelines and criteria developed by a bank and used by its employees to determine whether an applicant for a loan should be granted or refused the loan
  • leopard's-bane — any composite plant of the genus Doronicum, of Europe and Asia, having alternate, usually clasping leaves and heads of yellow flowers.
  • lepidodendroid — resembling or relating to plants of the extinct genus Lepidodendron, which were prolific during the Carboniferous period
  • lepontine alps — a range of the S central Alps, in S Switzerland and N Italy. Highest peak: Monte Leone, 3553 m (11 657 ft)
  • leptomeningeal — (anatomy) Of or pertaining to the leptomeninges.
  • lesser omentum — an omentum attached to the stomach, part of the duodenum, and part of the liver and supporting the hepatic vessels.
  • let oneself go — to move or proceed, especially to or from something: They're going by bus.
  • let someone be — To let someone be means to leave them alone and not interfere in what they are doing.
  • leucocytopenia — leucopenia
  • leukocytopenia — a decrease in the number of white blood cells in the blood.
  • levant morocco — a fine morocco leather with a large, irregular grain, used esp. in bookbinding
  • level crossing — grade crossing.
  • levonorgestrel — A synthetic steroid hormone that has a similar effect to progesterone and is used in some contraceptive pills.
  • lexicalisation — Alternative spelling of lexicalization.
  • lexicalization — The act or process of lexicalizing.
  • lexington park — a town in S Maryland.
  • liberalisation — (British) alternative spelling of liberalization.
  • liberalization — (US) The process or act of making more liberal.
  • libidinousness — full of sexual lust; lustful; lewd; lascivious.
  • licentiousness — sexually unrestrained; lascivious; libertine; lewd.
  • lichenological — relating to lichenology
  • light reaction — the stage of photosynthesis during which light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll and transformed into chemical energy stored in ATP
  • light-horseman — a light-armed cavalry soldier.
  • lignocellulose — any of various compounds of lignin and cellulose comprising the essential part of woody cell walls.
  • lignosulfonate — a brown powder consisting of a sulfonate salt made from waste liquor of the sulfate pulping process of soft wood: used in concrete, leather tanning, as an additive in oil-well drilling mud, and as a source of vanillin.
  • lincoln center — a centre for the performing arts in New York City, including theatres, a library, and a school
  • lindelof space — a topological space having the property that every cover consisting of open sets has a subcover consisting of a countable number of subsets.
  • line of attack — a line of attack to a problem or situation is how you approach it
  • line of battle — a line formed by troops or ships for delivering or receiving an attack.
  • line of credit — credit line (def 2).
  • line of flight — the flight path of something travelling from one place to another
  • line of vision — a straight line that connects the fovea centralis of an eye with the point on which the eye focuses.
  • line-item veto — the power of the executive to veto particular items of a bill without having to veto the entire bill.
  • linen cupboard — airing cupboard
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