
14-letter words containing e, n, l, o

  • ethylene group — the divalent group, -CH2CH2-, derived from ethylene
  • euclidean norm — (mathematics)   The most common norm, calculated by summing the squares of all coordinates and taking the square root. This is the essence of Pythagoras's theorem. In the infinite-dimensional case, the sum is infinite or is replaced with an integral when the number of dimensions is uncountable.
  • eugeosynclinal — of or relating to a eugeosyncline
  • evangelisation — Alternative spelling of evangelization.
  • evangelization — The act of evangelizing; the state of being evangelized.
  • evolutionarily — In an evolutionary manner.
  • exceptionalism — The state of being special, exceptional or unique.
  • exceptionality — (uncountable) The quality of being exceptional.
  • exclaustration — The release of a monk (or nun) from his religious vows and his subsequent return to the outside world.
  • exclusion zone — law: forbidden entry
  • exclusionarily — In an exclusionary manner; so as to exclude.
  • excuse oneself — to ask that one's fault be overlooked; apologize
  • exocannibalism — A form of cannibalism, the eating of members of other social groups than one's own, as opposed to endocannibalism.
  • exocrine gland — any gland, such as a salivary or sweat gland, that secretes its products through a duct onto an epithelial surface
  • expansion bolt — a bolt that expands on tightening, enabling it to be secured into an unthreaded hole
  • expansion slot — (hardware)   A connector in a computer into which an expansion card can be plugged. The connector supplies power to the card and connects it to the data bus, address bus and control signals of the motherboard.
  • exploding star — an irregular variable star, such as a nova, supernova, or flare star, in which rapid increases in luminosity occur, caused by some form of explosion
  • explorationist — a person involved in exploration, esp of oil, gas, etc
  • explosion shot — a shot used in hitting a ball from a sand trap, in which the sand just behind the ball rather than the ball itself is struck with full force
  • export licence — a document issued by a government granting permission to a company to export certain goods or services
  • expose oneself — to display one's sexual organs in public
  • expostulations — Plural form of expostulation.
  • expressionless — (of a person's face or voice) not conveying any emotion; unemotional.
  • extended algol — (language)   An extension of ALGOL 60, used to write the ESPOL compiler on the Burroughs B5500, Burroughs B6500, and Burroughs B6700.
  • extension lead — an extra length of cable with a plug and a connector that can be added to an electric lead
  • extensionality — extensional equality
  • exterior angle — an angle of a polygon contained between one side extended and the adjacent side
  • extortionately — In an extortionate manner; in a manner that greatly exceeds what is reasonable or moderate.
  • extracanonical — not included in the canon of Scripture
  • extrapolations — Plural form of extrapolation.
  • eyebrow pencil — make-up for eyebrows
  • faculty lounge — a staffroom
  • faeroe islands — group of Danish islands in the N Atlantic, between Iceland & the Shetland Islands: 540 sq mi (1,399 sq km); pop. 44,000
  • fallaciousness — containing a fallacy; logically unsound: fallacious arguments.
  • fallopian tube — one of a pair of long, slender ducts in the female abdomen that transport ova from the ovary to the uterus and, in fertilization, transport sperm cells from the uterus to the released ova; the oviduct of higher mammals.
  • false position — a situation in which a person is forced to act or seems to be acting against his principles or interests
  • false relation — a harmonic clash that occurs when a note in one part sounds simultaneously with or immediately before or after its chromatically altered (sharpened or flattened) equivalent appearing in another part
  • false scorpion — any small predatory arachnid of the order Pseudoscorpionida, which includes the book scorpion and is named from the claw-shaped palps, which are poison organs
  • family romance — a type of fantasy in which a person maintains that he or she is not the child of his or her real parents but of parents of a higher social class
  • fathomlessness — The state or condition of being fathomless.
  • fault tolerant — fault tolerance
  • fault-tolerant — designed to return to a safe condition in the event of a failure or malfunction
  • favourableness — The state or condition of being favourable.
  • federalisation — Alternative spelling of federalization.
  • federalization — to bring under the control of a federal government: to federalize the National Guard.
  • feeding bottle — infant's feeding receptacle
  • feel one's way — to move or advance cautiously, by or as if by groping
  • felicitousness — The state or condition of being felicitous.
  • fellow citizen — law: national of same country
  • fellow feeling — sympathetic feeling; sympathy: to have fellow feeling for the unfortunate.
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