
18-letter words containing e, n, g, i

  • auxiliary language — a language, as Esperanto, Swahili, or English, used for intercommunication by speakers of various other languages.
  • background reading — reading of related works in order to get contextual information on a topic that you are intending to study or write about
  • balanced computing — (jargon)   Matching computer tools to job activities so that the computer system structure parallels the organisation structure and work functions. Both personal computers and employees operate in a decentralised environment with monitoring of achievement of management objectives from centralised corporate systems.
  • band-tailed pigeon — a wild pigeon, Columba fasciata, of western North America, having a gray band on its tail.
  • bargaining counter — A bargaining counter is the same as a bargaining chip.
  • be getting nowhere — If you say that you are getting nowhere, or getting nowhere fast, or that something is getting you nowhere, you mean that you are not achieving anything or having any success.
  • be having a moment — If something or someone is having a moment, they are successful or popular at the present time.
  • be in good company — If you say that someone is in good company, you mean that they should not be ashamed of a mistake or opinion, because some important or respected people have made the same mistake or have the same opinion.
  • be lost in thought — If you are lost in thought, you give all your attention to what you are thinking about and do not notice what is going on around you.
  • bedlington terrier — a lithe, graceful breed of terrier having a long tapering head with no stop and a thick fleecy coat
  • beggar-my-neighbor — beggar-your-neighbor.
  • bellingshausen sea — an area of the S Pacific Ocean off the coast of Antarctica
  • biological parents — the biological mother and father of a child
  • bird's-nest fungus — any fungus of the family Nidulariaceae, having a nestlike spore-producing body containing egglike spore-filled structures
  • blackwater rafting — the sport of riding through underground caves on a large rubber tube
  • blissful ignorance — unawareness or inexperience of something unpleasant
  • bosnia-herzegovina — a country in SE Europe; a constituent republic of Yugoslavia until 1991; in a state of civil war (1992–95); Serbian and Croatian forces were also involved: mostly barren and mountainous, with forests in the east. Languages: Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian (formerly all regarded together as Serbo-Croat). Religion: Muslim, Serbian Orthodox, and Roman Catholic. Currency: marka (pegged to the euro). Capital: Sarajevo. Pop: 3 875 723 (2013 est). Area: 51 129 sq km (19 737 sq miles)
  • boulogne-sur-seine — an industrial suburb of SW Paris. Pop: 106 367 (1999)
  • breathing exercise — an exercise intended to promote effective and healthy breathing and breath control
  • brightness control — a control that enables the brightness of the image on a television screen, computer monitor, etc to be adjusted
  • bring someone luck — If you say that something brings bad luck or brings someone good luck, you believe that it has an influence on whether good or bad things happen to them.
  • bring to its knees — If a country or organization is brought to its knees, it is almost completely destroyed by someone or something.
  • bring-and-buy sale — A bring-and-buy sale is an informal sale to raise money for a charity or other organization. People who come to the sale bring things to be sold and buy things that other people have brought.
  • broadcasting house — any of a number of buildings in the UK from which the BBC broadcasts or has broadcast
  • building materials — materials such as bricks, cement, timber, etc
  • burn one's bridges — If you burn your bridges, you do something which forces you to continue with a particular course of action, and makes it impossible for you to return to an earlier situation or relationship.
  • burn one's fingers — to suffer from having meddled or been rash
  • cabernet sauvignon — a black grape originally grown in the Bordeaux area of France, and now throughout the wine-producing world
  • cabinet government — parliamentary government.
  • calling convention — (programming)   The arrangement of arguments for a procedure or function call. Different programming languages may require arguments to be pushed onto a stack or entered in registers in left-to-right or right-to left order, and either the caller or the callee can be responsible for removing the arguments. The calling convention also determines if a variable number of arguments is allowed.
  • campaign furniture — furniture, as chests or desks, having metal hinges on the corners and handles on the sides.
  • carboxyhaemoglobin — haemoglobin coordinated with carbon monoxide, formed as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning. As carbon monoxide is bound in preference to oxygen, tissues are deprived of oxygen
  • carthaginian peace — the treaty by which Rome reduced Carthage to the status of a puppet state in 201 b.c.
  • catalogue raisonne — a descriptive catalogue, esp one covering works of art in an exhibition or collection
  • cationic detergent — a type of detergent in which the active part of the molecule is a positive ion (cation). Cationic detergents are usually quaternary ammonium salts and often also have bactericidal properties
  • cauliflower fungus — a large edible white to yellowish cauliflowerlike mushroom, Sparassis radicata, widely distributed in North America.
  • ceiling decoration — a plaster moulding for the centre of a ceiling; other decoration, such as coving
  • celestial guidance — the guidance of a spacecraft or missile by reference to the position of one or more celestial bodies
  • centrifugal clutch — an automatic clutch in which the friction surfaces are engaged by weighted levers acting under centrifugal force at a certain speed of rotation
  • cervical screening — a screening for cervical cancer
  • chandelier earring — one of a pair of long and ornate earrings that dangle from the earlobes, usually dropping from more than one level.
  • changement de pied — a jump in which the dancer's feet are reversed from the starting position.
  • character encoding — (character)   (Or "character encoding scheme") A mapping between binary data values and character code positions (or "code points"). Early systems stored characters in a variety of ways, e.g. four six-bit characters in a 24-bit word, but around 1960, eight-bit bytes started to become the most common data storage layout, with each character stored in one byte, typically in the ASCII character set. In the case of ASCII, the character encoding is an identity mapping: code position 65 maps to the byte value 65. This is possible because ASCII uses only code positions representable as single bytes, i.e., values between 0 and 255. (US-ASCII only uses values 0 to 127, in fact.) From the late 1990s, there was increased use of larger character sets such as Unicode and many CJK coded character sets. These can represent characters from many languages and more symbols.
  • character-building — improving certain good or useful traits in a person's character, esp self-reliance, endurance, and courage
  • charge conjugation — the mathematical operation of replacing every elementary particle by its antiparticle. Symbol: C.
  • chartered engineer — (in Britain) an engineer who is registered with the Engineering Council as having the scientific and technical knowledge and practical experience to satisfy its professional requirements
  • chattering classes — The chattering classes are people such as journalists, broadcasters, or public figures who comment on events but have little or no influence over them.
  • chemical machining — the shaping of a metal part by controlled removal of unwanted metal by a flow of chemical solutions
  • chemical pregnancy — a pregnancy that is confirmed by a pregnancy test but not by clinical signs and terminates before clinical signs can be observed.
  • chinese gooseberry — kiwi (sense 2)
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