
15-letter words containing e, n, g, i

  • qualifying exam — any examination that one needs to pass in order to begin or continue with a course of study
  • quarantine flag — a yellow flag, designating the letter Q in the International Code of Signals: flown by itself to signify that a ship has no disease on board and requests a pratique, or flown with another flag to signify that there is disease on board ship.
  • quarter binding — a style of bookbinding in which the spine is leather and the sides are cloth or paper.
  • quasi-sovereign — a monarch; a king, queen, or other supreme ruler.
  • queen's english — king's English.
  • queen's highway — king's highway.
  • quinquagenarian — 50 years of age.
  • quite something — a remarkable or noteworthy thing or person
  • radiant heating — the means of heating objects or persons by radiation in which the intervening air is not heated.
  • radiogoniometer — a device used to detect the direction of radio waves, consisting of a coil that is free to rotate within two fixed coils at right angles to each other
  • radiogoniometry — the science of detecting the direction of radio waves
  • radiotechnology — the technical application of any form of radiation to industry.
  • ramjet (engine) — a jet engine, without moving parts, in which the air for oxidizing the fuel is continuously compressed by being rammed into the inlet by the high velocity of the aircraft
  • range paralysis — Marek's disease.
  • reaction engine — an engine that produces power as a reaction to the momentum given to gases ejected from it, as a rocket or jet engine.
  • reading glasses — spectacles
  • reading the law — that part of the morning service on Sabbaths, festivals, and Mondays and Thursdays during which a passage is read from the Torah scrolls
  • reality testing — the objective evaluation of situations, defective in certain psychoses, that enable one to distinguish between the external and the internal worlds and between the self and the nonself.
  • reaping machine — any of various machines for reaping grain, often fitted with a device for automatically throwing out bundles of the cut grain.
  • receiving order — court order
  • recognizability — to identify as something or someone previously seen, known, etc.: He had changed so much that one could scarcely recognize him.
  • reconfiguration — to change the shape or formation of; remodel; restructure.
  • record-breaking — top, most successful
  • recording angel — an angel who supposedly keeps a record of every person's good and bad acts
  • recycling plant — a factory for processing used or abandoned materials
  • red riding hood — fairytale character
  • refamiliarizing — to make (onself or another) well-acquainted or conversant with something.
  • refuelling stop — a stop made so that fresh fuel can be supplied (to an aircraft, vehicle, etc)
  • regimental band — a band made up of a military formation varying in size from a battalion to a number of battalions
  • regionalization — the process or tendency of dividing a country into administrative regions
  • registered bond — a bond recorded in the name of the owner.
  • registered name — the official or trademark name of something such as a product or company
  • regulation time — the standard duration of a sports game, before the addition of any extra time to determine a winner, etc
  • reign of terror — a period of the French Revolution, from about March, 1793, to July, 1794, during which many persons were ruthlessly executed by the ruling faction.
  • reinterrogation — a second or new interrogation or inquiry
  • relapsing fever — one of a group of fevers characterized by relapses, occurring in many tropical countries, and caused by several species of spirochetes transmitted by several species of lice and ticks.
  • relief-printing — prominence, distinctness, or vividness due to contrast.
  • religion of chi — /ki:/ [Case Western Reserve University] Yet another hackish parody religion (see also Church of the SubGenius, Discordianism). In the mid-70s, the canonical "Introduction to Programming" courses at CWRU were taught in ALGOL, and student exercises were punched on cards and run on a Univac 1108 system using a homebrew operating system named CHI. The religion had no doctrines and but one ritual: whenever the worshipper noted that a digital clock read 11:08, he or she would recite the phrase "It is 11:08; ABS, ALPHABETIC, ARCSIN, ARCCOS, ARCTAN." The last five words were the first five functions in the appropriate chapter of the ALGOL manual; note the special pronunciations /obz/ and /ark'sin/ rather than the more common /ahbz/ and /ark'si:n/. Using an alarm clock to warn of 11:08's arrival was considered harmful.
  • remonstratingly — in an remonstrating or dissenting manner
  • rendering plant — a factory where waste products and livestock carcasses are converted into industrial fats and oils (such as tallow, used to make soap) and other products (such as fertilizer)
  • rendering works — (used with a singular verb) a factory or plant that renders and processes livestock carcasses into tallow, hides, fertilizer, etc.
  • repeating group — (database)   Any attribute that can have multiple values associated with a single instance of some entity. For example, a book might have multiple authors. Such a "-to-many" relationship might be represented in an unnormalised relational database as multiple author columns in the book table or a single author(s) column containing a string which was a list of authors. Converting this to "first normal form" is the first step in database normalisation. Each author of the book would appear in a separate row along with the book's primary key. Later nomalisation stages would move the book-author relationship into a separate table to avoid repeating other book attibutes (e.g. title, publisher) for each author.
  • resist printing — a fabric-printing method in which a dye-resistant substance is applied to certain specified areas of the material prior to immersion in a dye bath and subsequently removed so as to permit the original hue to act as a pattern against the colored ground.
  • resolving power — Optics. the ability of an optical device to produce separate images of close objects.
  • revenue sharing — the system of disbursing part of federal tax revenues to state and local governments for their use.
  • reverse english — Also called reverse side. Billiards. a spinning motion imparted to a cue ball in such a manner as to prevent it from moving in a certain direction. Compare running English.
  • reversing falls — a series of rapids in the Saint John River, New Brunswick, Canada, the flow of which regularly reverses itself owing to the force an incoming tide
  • reversing light — Reversing lights are the white lights on the back of a motor vehicle which shine when the vehicle is in reverse gear.
  • reviewing stand — A reviewing stand is a special raised platform from which military and political leaders watch military parades.
  • revolving stage — a circular platform divided into segments enabling multiple theater sets to be put in place in advance and in turn rotated into view of the audience.
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