
11-letter words containing e, n, d, u, m, t

  • mediastinum — a median septum or partition between two parts of an organ, or paired cavities of the body.
  • medullation — the formation of a medullary sheath about a nerve fiber.
  • menstruated — Simple past tense and past participle of menstruate.
  • minute hand — the hand that indicates the minutes on a clock or watch, usually longer than the hour hand.
  • misfortuned — (archaic) unlucky, unfortunate.
  • misjudgment — An act of misjudging, a mistake in judgment.
  • multimanned — (esp of a spaceship, space station, etc) manned by two or more people
  • mundanities — the condition or quality of being mundane; mundaneness.
  • murder hunt — a search for a murderer
  • muttonheads — Plural form of muttonhead.
  • nematodirus — any parasitic nematode worm of the genus Nematodirus
  • noncomputed — Not computed.
  • null method — a method of measurement using an electrical device, as a Wheatstone bridge, in which the quantity to be measured is balanced by an opposing known quantity that is varied until the resultant of the two is zero.
  • outdoorsmen — Plural form of outdoorsman.
  • outnumbered — to exceed in number.
  • pneumathode — a band or pore of aerating tissue, esp along the stipes of ferns
  • prejudgment — to judge beforehand.
  • producement — production
  • remunerated — to pay, recompense, or reward for work, trouble, etc.
  • renumerated — to represent numbers by symbols.
  • rudimentary — pertaining to rudiments or first principles; elementary: a rudimentary knowledge of geometry.
  • sense datum — Also called sensum. Psychology. the basic unit of an experience resulting from the stimulation of a sense organ; a stimulus or an object of perception or sensation.
  • thumb index — tabs on edge of a book's pages
  • thumb-index — to provide (a book) with a thumb index.
  • thunder mug — a chamber pot.
  • traducement — to speak maliciously and falsely of; slander; defame: to traduce someone's character.
  • tumble down — collapse, fall
  • tumble-down — dilapidated; ruined; rundown: He lived in a tumble-down shack.
  • ultramodern — very advanced in ideas, design, or techniques.
  • unamortized — Finance. to liquidate or extinguish (a mortgage, debt, or other obligation), especially by periodic payments to the creditor or to a sinking fund. to write off a cost of (an asset) gradually.
  • unattempted — not tried or undertaken
  • unaugmented — not increased or enlarged
  • unautomated — to apply the principles of automation to (a mechanical process, industry, office, etc.).
  • uncomforted — not comforted or consoled
  • uncommented — a remark, observation, or criticism: a comment about the weather.
  • uncommitted — not committed, especially not pledged or bound to a specific cause, candidate, or course of action: uncommitted delegates; uncommitted reserves.
  • uncompacted — not compacted
  • uncompleted — having all parts or elements; lacking nothing; whole; entire; full: a complete set of Mark Twain's writings.
  • uncontemned — treated with respect
  • undermasted — having a mast of small proportions
  • unemotioned — unaffected by emotion
  • unfermented — Also called organized ferment. any of a group of living organisms, as yeasts, molds, and certain bacteria, that cause fermentation.
  • unformatted — Computers. pertaining to a disk that has not been electronically prepared to receive files or other text; blank: You cannot save files on an unformatted disk.
  • unlimitedly — not limited; unrestricted; unconfined: unlimited trade.
  • unmedicated — to treat with medicine or medicaments.
  • unmeditated — not planned, considered, or thought about
  • unmentioned — to refer briefly to; name, specify, or speak of: Don't forget to mention her contribution to the project.
  • unmeritedly — in a way that is not merited or deserved
  • unmitigated — not mitigated; not softened or lessened: unmitigated suffering.
  • unmoderated — kept or keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive, or intense: a moderate price.
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