
13-letter words containing e, m, y, d

  • determinately — having defined limits; definite.
  • detrimentally — causing detriment, as loss or injury; damaging; harmful.
  • deuteranomaly — a milder form of deuteranopia; partial deuteranopia
  • deuteromycete — any fungus of the class Fungi Imperfecti.
  • diametrically — If you say that two things are diametrically opposed, you are emphasizing that they are completely different from each other.
  • dichlamydeous — (of a flower) having a corolla and calyx
  • dicyandiamide — a white, crystalline, rather sparingly water-soluble solid, C 2 H 4 N 4 , produced from cyanamide by polymerization: used in the manufacture of plastics and pharmaceuticals.
  • dimensionally — Mathematics. a property of space; extension in a given direction: A straight line has one dimension, a parallelogram has two dimensions, and a parallelepiped has three dimensions. the generalization of this property to spaces with curvilinear extension, as the surface of a sphere. the generalization of this property to vector spaces and to Hilbert space. the generalization of this property to fractals, which can have dimensions that are noninteger real numbers. extension in time: Space-time has three dimensions of space and one of time.
  • dimethylamine — a colourless strong-smelling gas produced from ammonia and methanol, used to produce many industrial and pharmaceutical chemicals
  • dimethylketol — acetoin.
  • diphenylamine — a colorless, crystalline, slightly water-soluble benzene derivative, C 12 H 11 N, used chiefly in the preparation of various dyes, as a stabilizer for nitrocellulose propellants, and for the detection of oxidizing agents in analytical chemistry.
  • dirty realism — a style of writing, originating in the US in the 1980s, which depicts in great detail the seamier or more mundane aspects of ordinary life
  • discomycetous — of or relating to the subclass of fungus Discomycetes
  • disemployment — to put out of work; cause to become unemployed.
  • dissymmetries — Plural form of dissymmetry.
  • divine comedy — a narrative epic poem (14th century) by Dante.
  • documentarily — Also, documental [dok-yuh-men-tl] /ˌdɒk yəˈmɛn tl/ (Show IPA). pertaining to, consisting of, or derived from documents: a documentary history of France.
  • dog's mercury — a hairy somewhat poisonous euphorbiaceous perennial, Mercurialis perennis, having broad lanceolate toothed leaves and small greenish male and female flowers, the males borne in catkins. It often carpets shady woodlands
  • dolly mixture — a mixture of small coloured sweets
  • domain theory — (theory)   A branch of mathematics introduced by Dana Scott in 1970 as a mathematical theory of programming languages, and for nearly a quarter of a century developed almost exclusively in connection with denotational semantics in computer science. In denotational semantics of programming languages, the meaning of a program is taken to be an element of a domain. A domain is a mathematical structure consisting of a set of values (or "points") and an ordering relation, <= on those values. Domain theory is the study of such structures. ("<=" is written in LaTeX as \subseteq) Different domains correspond to the different types of object with which a program deals. In a language containing functions, we might have a domain X -> Y which is the set of functions from domain X to domain Y with the ordering f <= g iff for all x in X, f x <= g x. In the pure lambda-calculus all objects are functions or applications of functions to other functions. To represent the meaning of such programs, we must solve the recursive equation over domains, D = D -> D which states that domain D is (isomorphic to) some function space from D to itself. I.e. it is a fixed point D = F(D) for some operator F that takes a domain D to D -> D. The equivalent equation has no non-trivial solution in set theory. There are many definitions of domains, with different properties and suitable for different purposes. One commonly used definition is that of Scott domains, often simply called domains, which are omega-algebraic, consistently complete CPOs. There are domain-theoretic computational models in other branches of mathematics including dynamical systems, fractals, measure theory, integration theory, probability theory, and stochastic processes. See also abstract interpretation, bottom, pointed domain.
  • domesday book — a record of a survey of the lands of England made by order of William the Conqueror about 1086, giving ownership, extent, value, etc., of the properties.
  • domineeringly — In a domineering manner.
  • domino theory — a theory that if one country is taken over by an expansionist, especially Communist, neighbor, party, or the like, the nearby nations will be taken over one after another.
  • double whammy — twofold misfortune
  • down syndrome — Down syndrome is a disorder that some people are born with. People who have Down syndrome have physical differences, such as shorter stature, and learning difficulties.
  • drama therapy — a type of psychotherapy encouraging patients to use dramatic techniques to deal with emotional and psychological problems.
  • dumbfoundedly — In a dumbfounded manner.
  • dummy element — an otherwise empty element that stands in for and holds the position of another element in a sentence
  • dynamic range — the range of signal amplitudes over which an electronic communications channel can operate within acceptable limits of distortion. The range is determined by system noise at the lower end and by the onset of overload at the upper end
  • dynamic scope — (language)   In a dynamically scoped language, e.g. most versions of Lisp, an identifier can be referred to, not only in the block where it is declared, but also in any function or procedure called from within that block, even if the called procedure is declared outside the block. This can be implemented as a simple stack of (identifier, value) pairs, accessed by searching down from the top of stack for the most recent instance of a given identifier. The opposite is lexical scope. A common implementation of dynamic scope is shallow binding.
  • dynamogenesis — the output of raised activity of the nervous system
  • dyslipidaemia — Alternative spelling of dyslipidemia.
  • dysmenorrheal — painful menstruation.
  • dysmenorrheic — Of, pertaining to, or experiencing dysmenorrhea.
  • dysmenorrhoea — painful menstruation.
  • easter monday — the day after Easter, observed as a holiday in some places.
  • economy drive — a campaign by the government or a firm to reduce expenditure and make savings
  • embarrassedly — In an embarrassed manner.
  • embryoid body — an aggregate of cells that have developed from stem cells
  • encyclopedism — Comprehensive learning or knowledge.
  • endolymphatic — (anatomy) Pertaining to, or containing, endolymph.
  • endosymbiosis — Symbiosis in which one of the symbiotic organisms lives inside the other.
  • endosymbiotic — Of or pertaining to endosymbiosis.
  • epidermolysis — Loosening of the epidermis, with extensive blistering of the skin and mucous membranes, occurring either after injury, or as a spontaneous and potentially dangerous condition, particularly in children.
  • family credit — (formerly, in Britain) a means-tested allowance paid to low-earning families with one or more dependent children and one or both parents in work: replaced by Working Families' Tax Credit in 1999
  • family friend — intimate acquaintance of one's family
  • family-minded — devoted to one's family
  • felony murder — a killing treated as a murder because, though unintended, it occurred during the commission or attempted commission of a felony, as robbery.
  • feudal system — the political, military, and social system in the Middle Ages, based on the holding of lands in fief or fee and on the resulting relations between lord and vassal.
  • folding money — paper money.
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