
19-letter words containing e, m, p, t

  • northern hemisphere — the half of the earth between the North Pole and the equator.
  • not worth a crumpet — utterly worthless
  • notre-dame-de-paris — Also called Notre Dame de Paris [French naw-truh dam duh pa-ree] /French nɔ trə dam də paˈri/ (Show IPA). a famous early gothic cathedral in Paris (started 1163).
  • o tempora! o mores! — oh the times! oh the customs!: an exclamation at the evil of them
  • on an empty stomach — If you do something on an empty stomach, you do it without having eaten.
  • optical mark reader — (hardware)   (OMR) A special scanning device that can read carefully placed pencil marks on specially designed documents. OMR is frequenty used in forms, questionnaires, and answer-sheets.
  • optimising compiler — (programming, tool)   compiler which attempts to analyse the code it produces and to produce more efficient code by performing program transformation such as branch elimination, partial evaluation, or peep-hole optimisation. Contrast pessimising compiler.
  • outplacement agency — an agency that provides counselling and careers advice, esp to redundant executives, which is paid for by their previous employer
  • palomar observatory — an astronomical observatory situated on Palomar Mountain in S California, having a 200-inch (508-cm) reflecting telescope and a 48-inch (122-cm) Schmidt telescope.
  • parametric equation — one of two or more equations expressing the location of a point on a curve or surface by determining each coordinate separately.
  • parasympathomimetic — having an effect similar to that produced when the parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated
  • parathyroid hormone — a polypeptide hormone, produced in the parathyroid glands, that helps regulate the blood levels of calcium and phosphate. Abbreviation: PTH.
  • parliament building — structure housing legislative offices
  • parliamentary agent — (in Britain) a person who is employed to manage the parliamentary business of a private group
  • particle kinematics — Particle kinematics is the study of the movement of particles, without considering the forces that cause this movement.
  • patent infringement — breach of copyright
  • paumotu archipelago — Tuamotu Archipelago.
  • peak listening time — the time at which the highest numbers of audiences are listening to the radio
  • penecontemporaneous — formed during or shortly after the formation of the containing rock stratum: penecontemporaneous minerals.
  • perfect competition — when neither producer nor consumer controls price
  • performance anxiety — the stage fright that a person feels when they are about to perform (a play, piece of music etc) in front of an audience
  • performance targets — the expected or predicted success level of an individual, company or organization
  • peridental membrane — periodontal membrane.
  • permanent secretary — the senior civil servant responsible for running a government ministry
  • persecution complex — an acute irrational fear that other people are plotting one's downfall and that they are responsible for one's failures
  • phacoemulsification — the removal of a cataract by first liquefying the affected lens with ultrasonic vibrations and then extracting it by suction.
  • phakoemulsification — the removal of a cataract by first liquefying the affected lens with ultrasonic vibrations and then extracting it by suction.
  • phenylthiocarbamide — a crystalline, slightly water-soluble solid, C 6 H 5 NHCSNH 2 , that is either tasteless or bitter, depending upon the heredity of the taster, and is used in medical genetics and as a diagnostic.
  • photoelectric meter — an exposure meter using a photocell for the measurement of light intensity.
  • photographic memory — total recall
  • photopolymerization — polymerization induced by light.
  • physical impairment — A physical impairment is a condition in which a part of a person's body is damaged or is not working properly.
  • piggy-in-the-middle — Piggy-in-the-middle or pig-in-the-middle is a game in which two children throw a ball to each other and a child standing between them tries to catch it.
  • pinwheel escapement — a clock escapement in which two pallets, usually of unequal length, alternately engage and release pins set on the escape wheel perpendicular to its plane of rotation.
  • pistachio ice cream — ice cream flavoured with pistachios
  • plastic deformation — In plastic deformation a material changes shape when a stress is applied to it and does not go back to its original state when the stress is removed.
  • pleased to meet you — greeting
  • pneumatic conveying — Pneumatic conveying is the movement of powdered or granulated solids using air.
  • pneumogastric nerve — the vagus nerve.
  • pointe-aux-trembles — a city in S Quebec, in E Canada, N of Montreal, on the St. Lawrence.
  • polytene chromosome — a giant, cross-banded chromosome that results from multiple replication of its genetic material with the duplicated chromatin strands remaining closely associated.
  • portobello mushroom — a dark mushroom, strong in flavor, having a broad, flat cap that is often grilled and eaten
  • post office problem — (algorithm)   Given a set of points (in N dimensions), find another point which minimises the sum of the distances from that point to each of the others.
  • post-polio syndrome — Pathology. muscle weakness occurring several decades after recovery from a polio infection, caused by fatiguing of collateral nerve axons developed during physical rehabilitation.
  • potassium bisulfate — a colorless, crystalline, water-soluble solid, KHSO 4 , used chiefly in the conversion of tartrates to bitartrates.
  • potassium carbonate — a white, granular, water-soluble powder, K 2 CO 3 , used chiefly in the manufacture of soap, glass, and potassium salts.
  • potassium hydroxide — a white, deliquescent, water-soluble solid, KOH, usually in the form of lumps, sticks, or pellets, that upon solution in water generates heat: used chiefly in the manufacture of soap, as a laboratory reagent, and as a caustic.
  • potassium phosphate — any of the three orthophosphates of potassium ((potassium monophosphate) (K 2 HPO 4), (potassium diphosphate) (KH 2 PO 4), and (tripotassium phosphate) (K 3 PO 4) )
  • preproduction model — a prototype of a product before the product goes into full-scale production
  • presumption of fact — a presumption based on experience or knowledge of the relationship between a known fact and a fact inferred from it.
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