
14-letter words containing e, m, p, n

  • operating room — a specially equipped room, usually in a hospital, where surgical procedures are performed. Abbreviation: OR.
  • operationalism — the doctrine that the meaning of a scientific term, concept, or proposition consists of the operation or operations performed in defining or demonstrating it.
  • opinion former — Opinion formers are people who have a lot of influence over what the public thinks about things.
  • options market — a market in which options are traded
  • ottoman empire — a former Turkish empire that was founded about 1300 by Osman and reached its greatest territorial extent under Suleiman in the 16th century; collapsed after World War I. Capital: Constantinople.
  • outperformance — The act or state of outperforming.
  • overcompensate — to compensate or reward excessively; overpay: Some stockholders feel the executives are being overcompensated and that bonuses should be reduced.
  • overcompliance — excessive compliance
  • overemployment — an act or instance of employing someone or something.
  • paleolimnology — the study of ancient lakes from their sediments and fossils.
  • paleomagnetism — Geology. magnetic polarization acquired by the minerals in a rock at the time the rock was deposited or solidified.
  • pamphleteering — the occupation of a pamphleteer
  • panamint range — mountain range in SE Calif., forming the W rim of Death Valley: highest peak, 11,045 ft (3,367 m)
  • pancake makeup — a cosmetic or theatrical makeup made of a soluble, matte powder compressed into a thin cake and typically applied with a damp sponge
  • pancreatectomy — excision of part or all of the pancreas.
  • panoramic view — wide vista or landscape
  • pantomime dame — an exaggerated comedic female character in a pantomime played by a male actor
  • parchment worm — any of several polychaete worms of the genus Chaetopterus that secrete and live in a U -shaped, parchmentlike tube.
  • parenchymatous — Botany. the fundamental tissue of plants, composed of thin-walled cells able to divide.
  • parent company — a corporation or other business enterprise that owns controlling interests in one or more subsidiary companies (distinguished from holding company).
  • parent message — (messaging)   What a followup follows up.
  • passenger mile — a unit of measurement, consisting of one mile traveled by a passenger, that airlines, railroads, and other public transportation facilities use in recording volume of traffic.
  • pavement light — a windowlike structure set in a pavement or the like to illuminate areas beneath, consisting of thick glass blocks set in a metal frame.
  • payment system — a system used to pay or settle financial transactions
  • peace campaign — a campaign for peace or an end to conflict
  • peace movement — a movement seeking to end wars and reduce nuclear weapons
  • peano's axioms — a collection of axioms concerning the properties of the set of all positive integers, including the principle of mathematical induction.
  • pembroke pines — a city in SE Florida, near Fort Lauderdale.
  • pendulum watch — (formerly) a watch having a balance wheel, especially a balance wheel bearing a fake pendulum bob oscillating behind a window in the dial.
  • pension scheme — savings fund for retirement
  • pentadactylism — the state of having five digits on each limb
  • pentamethylene — cyclopentane.
  • peremptoriness — leaving no opportunity for denial or refusal; imperative: a peremptory command.
  • perfect number — a positive number that is equal to the sum of all positive integers that are submultiples of it, as 6, which is equal to the sum of 1, 2, and 3.
  • permanent echo — a radar signal reflected to a radar station on the ground by a building or other fixed object.
  • permanent link — (web)   A URL that always points to the same piece of web content. Web pages that appear for a limited time at their main URL, such as web logs or news sites, often display an alternative, permanent link. Readers can quote, bookmark, or link to this URL in order to refer to a particular item, rather than the page displaying the latest item. For example, the URL http://news.bbc.co.uk/ points to the latest news from the BBC whereas http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/2614839.stm is a permanent link to a particular news story.
  • permanent mold — a reusable metal mold used for making a large number of identical castings.
  • permanent wave — existing perpetually; everlasting, especially without significant change.
  • permissiveness — habitually or characteristically accepting or tolerant of something, as social behavior or linguistic usage, that others might disapprove or forbid.
  • persian empire — Persia (def 1).
  • petermann peak — a mountain in E Greenland. 9645 feet (2940 meters).
  • petty criminal — someone who commits petty crime or a petty crime
  • phallocentrism — a doctrine or belief centered on the phallus, especially a belief in the superiority of the male sex.
  • pharmacopoeian — an individual who has expert knowledge of a pharmacopoeia
  • phi-phenomenon — motion perceived by a subject, especially the illusion of movement produced when stationary stimuli, as pictures or lights, are presented in rapid succession and are sometimes in slightly different positions.
  • phonochemistry — the branch of chemistry concerned with the chemical effects of sound and ultrasonic waves
  • photoluminesce — to produce photoluminescence
  • pimento cheese — a processed cheese made from Neufchâtel, cream cheese, Cheddar, or other cheese, flavored with chopped pimientos.
  • pinealectomize — to perform a pinealectomy on (a person or animal)
  • pinhole camera — a simple camera in which an aperture provided by a pinhole in an opaque diaphragm is used in place of a lens.
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