
18-letter words containing e, g, o, n

  • in good/bad repair — If something such as a building is in good repair, it is in good condition. If it is in bad repair, it is in bad condition.
  • in one's own right — in accordance with what is good, proper, or just: right conduct.
  • in the grip of sth — If a person, group, or place is in the grip of something, they are being severely affected by it.
  • inductive coupling — the coupling between two electric circuits through inductances linked by a common changing magnetic field.
  • inquisitor-general — the head of the Spanish court of Inquisition
  • integrating factor — a factor that upon multiplying a differential equation with the right-hand side equal to zero makes the equation integrable, usually by making the resulting expression an exact differential of some function.
  • intelligence corps — a military department that gathers and analyzes information
  • intercartilaginous — (anatomy) Within cartilage.
  • interior monologue — Literature. a form of stream-of-consciousness writing that represents the inner thoughts of a character.
  • internationalizing — Present participle of internationalize.
  • internet go server — (games, networking)   (IGS) A place for Go players to meet and play via the Internet.
  • internet of things — a network of everyday devices, appliances, and other objects equipped with computer chips and sensors that can collect and transmit data through the Internet. Abbreviation: IoT.
  • interrogation mark — Also called interrogation point, interrogation mark. a mark indicating a question: usually, as in English, the mark (?) placed after a question.
  • intimate borrowing — the borrowing of linguistic forms by one language or dialect from another when both occupy a single geographical or cultural community.
  • iomega corporation — (company, storage)   A storage device manufacturer whose major products are the Zip and Jaz removable disk drives and Ditto tape drives. They became popular with an early product called the Bernoulli Box. These products fall in line with their focus set in 1994 "to help people manage their stuff". The company's stated aim is to create portable, fast, large and cheap storage solutions. Iomega's major competitor in the growing market for removable disks is SyQuest, who seem to always be a few weeks behind them. In general, Iomega target the Small Office/Home Office. They are also investigating the growing digital photography market which also needs large removable storage devices. Iomega's president and CEO is Kim Edwards. They have nearly 2000 employees in offices world-wide. Revenue for the quarter ending Dec 1996 was $371 million and net income was $20 million. Headquarters: Roy, Utah, USA.
  • ip next generation — Internet Protocol version 6
  • iverson's language — APL, which went unnamed for many years.
  • james-lange theory — a theory that emotions are caused by bodily sensations; for example, we are sad because we weep
  • johannes gutenberg — Johannes [yoh-hahn-uh s] /yoʊˈhɑn əs/ (Show IPA), (Johann Gensfleisch) c1400–68, German printer: credited with invention of printing from movable type.
  • junior heavyweight — a boxer weighing up to 190 pounds (85.5 kg), between light heavyweight and heavyweight.
  • junior lightweight — a boxer weighing up to 130 pounds (58.5 kg), between featherweight and lightweight.
  • king james version — Authorized Version.
  • king of the castle — most powerful figure
  • king of the forest — the oak tree.
  • king-of-the-salmon — a ribbonfish, Trachypterus altivelis, of northern parts of the Pacific Ocean.
  • king's regulations — (in Britain and the Commonwealth when the sovereign is male) the code of conduct for members of the armed forces that deals with discipline, aspects of military law, etc
  • knight of the bath — a member of a knightly order founded by George I of England in 1725.
  • knight of the road — a tramp
  • lactogenic hormone — prolactin.
  • lagrange's theorem — the theorem that the order of each subgroup of a finite group is a factor of the order of the group.
  • land grant college — a state university established with a grant of public land
  • land-grant college — a U.S. college or university (land-grant university) entitled to support from the federal government under the provisions of the Morrill Acts.
  • launching ceremony — a ceremony that celebrates the launch of a ship for the first time into the water
  • law of segregation — the principle, originated by Gregor Mendel, stating that during the production of gametes the two copies of each hereditary factor segregate so that offspring acquire one factor from each parent.
  • limited government — confined within limits; restricted or circumscribed: a limited space; limited resources.
  • linear programming — any of several methods for finding where a given linear function of several nonnegative variables assumes an extreme value and for determining the extreme value, the variable usually being subjected to constraints in the form of linear equalities or inequalities.
  • logical complement — (logic)   In Boolean algebra, the logical complement or negation of a Boolean value is the opposite value, given by the following truth table: A | -A --+--- T | F F | T -A is also written as A with a bar over it or with a small vertical line hanging from the right-hand end of the "-" (LaTeX \neg) or as A'. In the C programming language, it is !A and in digital circuit design, /A.
  • long hundredweight — a hundredweight of 112 pounds (50.8 kg), the usual hundredweight in Great Britain, but now rare in the U.S.
  • long-distance call — phone call: not local area
  • long-horned beetle — any of numerous, often brightly colored beetles of the family Cerambycidae, usually with long antennae, the larva of which bores into the wood of living or decaying trees.
  • long-hours culture — The long-hours culture is the way in which some workers feel that they are expected to work much longer hours than they are paid to do.
  • looking-glass self — the self-image an individual forms by imagining what others think of his or her behavior and appearance.
  • love-lies-bleeding — an amaranth, especially Amaranthus caudatus, having spikes of crimson flowers.
  • low-level language — computer code
  • magnesium peroxide — a white, tasteless, water-insoluble powder, MgO 2 , used as an antiseptic and as an oxidizing and bleaching agent.
  • magnetic induction — Also called magnetic flux density. a vector quantity used as a measure of a magnetic field. Symbol: B.
  • magnetic potential — a scalar quantity, analogous to the electric potential, defined at each point in a given magnetic field to be equal to the work done in bringing a unit north pole from infinity to the point.
  • magnetic recording — the process of recording sound or other data on magnetic tape, wire, etc.
  • magnetic resonance — the response by atoms, molecules, or nuclei subjected to a magnetic field to radio waves or other forms of energy: used in medicine for scanning
  • magnetic variation — variation (def 8).
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