
13-letter words containing e, d, t, a, c

  • ship decanter — a glass decanter with a very wide base.
  • side entrance — an entrance at the side of a building
  • skip distance — the minimum distance along the earth's surface between the position of a short-wave transmitter and the region where its signal is received after one reflection from the ionosphere.
  • social credit — the doctrine that under capitalism there is an inadequate distribution of purchasing power, for which the remedy lies in governmental control of retail prices and the distribution of national dividends to consumers.
  • sophisticated — sophisticated.
  • spotted crake — a Eurasian rail, Porzana porzana, of swamps and marshes, having a buff speckled plumage and dark brown wings
  • stand accused — If someone stands accused of something, they have been accused of it.
  • standard cell — a primary electric cell, as the Weston cell, that produces an accurately known constant voltage: used in scientific measurements.
  • stannic oxide — a white, amorphous, water-insoluble powder, SnO 2 , used chiefly in the manufacture of ceramic glazes and glass, and of polishing powders for metal, glass, and marble.
  • stare decisis — the doctrine that rules or principles of law on which a court rested a previous decision are authoritative in all future cases in which the facts are substantially the same.
  • subadolescent — younger than or not quite adolescent
  • subindicative — of or relating to subindicating
  • suicide watch — a system of regular checking on prisoners who seem likely to attempt suicide.
  • switched-star — denoting or relating to a cable television system in which only one or two programme channels are fed to each subscriber, who can select other channels by remote control of a central switching point
  • table dancing — Table dancing is a type of entertainment in a bar or club in which a woman who is wearing very few clothes dances in a sexy way close to a customer or group of customers.
  • talcum powder — a powder made of purified, usually perfumed talc, for toilet purposes.
  • tallow candle — a candle made from tallow
  • tape recorder — an electrical device for recording or playing back sound, video, or data on magnetic tape.
  • tax avoidance — Tax avoidance is the use of legal methods to pay the smallest possible amount of tax.
  • tax deduction — an expenditure that is deducted from taxable income.
  • tax duplicate — the certification of real-estate assessments to the taxing authorities
  • tax schedules — the different ways of classifying income under tax law
  • telluric acid — a white, toxic, crystalline compound, H 6 TeO 6 , slightly soluble in cold water, soluble in hot water and alkalis: used as an analytical agent.
  • tetrachloride — a chloride containing four atoms of chlorine.
  • the afflicted — afflicted people considered collectively
  • the archfiend — the chief of fiends or devils; Satan
  • the backfield — the quarterback and running backs in a team
  • the decameron — title of collection of stories written in Italian in the early Renaissance by Boccaccio
  • the ediacaran — the Ediacaran period or rock system
  • the secondary — cornerbacks and safeties collectively
  • the-decameron — a collection of 100 tales (1353) by Boccaccio.
  • thenceforward — from that time or place onward.
  • thermodynamic — of or relating to thermodynamics.
  • thioacetamide — a colorless, crystalline, water-soluble solid, C 2 H 5 NS, used chiefly in analytical chemistry as a source of hydrogen sulfide.
  • thiocarbamide — thiourea.
  • thomas deckerThomas, 1572?–1632? English dramatist.
  • thoroughpaced — trained to go through all the possible paces, as a horse.
  • three old cat — three-a-cat.
  • titanic oxide — a white, water-insoluble powder, TiO 2 , used chiefly in white pigments, plastics, ceramics, and for delustering synthetic fibers.
  • tractor drive — a mechanism that feeds paper through a printer, using studs on a rotating wheel that engage with holes along the side of the paper
  • trade balance — balance of trade.
  • trade council — a central council composed of local trade unions.
  • trade deficit — A trade deficit is a situation in which a country imports goods worth more than the value of the goods that it exports.
  • transactinide — any element having an atomic number higher than 103, the last of the actinide series. These superheavy, radioactive elements are extremely short-lived, and can only be created in the laboratory.
  • transcendence — the quality or state of being transcendent.
  • transcendency — the quality or state of being transcendent.
  • transcendents — going beyond ordinary limits; surpassing; exceeding.
  • tricorporated — having three bodies and one head
  • trisaccharide — a carbohydrate composed of three monosaccharide units, and hydrolyzable to a monosaccharide or a mixture of monosaccharides.
  • turbo-charged — A turbo-charged engine or vehicle is fitted with a turbo.
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