
11-letter words containing e, b, a

  • unmountable — to go up; climb; ascend: to mount stairs.
  • unnavigable — deep and wide enough to provide passage to ships: a navigable channel.
  • unobligated — to bind or oblige morally or legally: to obligate oneself to purchase a building.
  • unobservant — who fails to notice
  • unorderable — an authoritative direction or instruction; command; mandate.
  • unpaintable — not capable of being painted, not suitable for painting
  • unpalatable — not palatable; unpleasant to the taste.
  • unpeaceable — not inclined towards peace
  • unpermeable — capable of being permeated.
  • unplausible — having an appearance of truth or reason; seemingly worthy of approval or acceptance; credible; believable: a plausible excuse; a plausible plot.
  • unpleasable — (used as a polite addition to requests, commands, etc.) if you would be so obliging; kindly: Please come here. Will you please turn the radio off?
  • unprintable — improper or unfit for print, especially because of obscenity or offensiveness.
  • unquellable — to suppress; put an end to; extinguish: The troops quelled the rebellion quickly.
  • unreachable — to get to or get as far as in moving, going, traveling, etc.: The boat reached the shore.
  • unrefusable — to decline to accept (something offered): to refuse an award.
  • unremovable — that may be removed.
  • unrenewable — able to be renewed: a library book that is not renewable.
  • unreputable — held in good repute; honorable; respectable; estimable: a reputable organization.
  • unrevivable — to activate, set in motion, or take up again; renew: to revive old feuds.
  • unrevokable — that may be revoked.
  • unrightable — in accordance with what is good, proper, or just: right conduct.
  • unsaturable — capable of being saturated.
  • unscrambler — a person or thing that unscrambles.
  • unscrutable — capable of being understood by careful study or investigation.
  • unseparable — capable of being separated, parted, or dissociated.
  • unseverable — capable of being severed.
  • unshakeable — person, faith: firm
  • unshareable — the full or proper portion or part allotted or belonging to or contributed or owed by an individual or group.
  • unshockable — not able to be shocked
  • unshunnable — not able to be shunned
  • unsoundable — inappropriate
  • unspeakable — not speakable; that may not be spoken.
  • unspeakably — not speakable; that may not be spoken.
  • unstainable — that cannot be spotted or stained, as garments.
  • unstoppable — that cannot be stopped or surpassed; unbeatable: an unstoppable ball team.
  • unsubduable — not able to be subdued
  • unsyllabled — not involving syllables; not formed into syllables; not expressed or articulated in syllabled speech
  • untabulated — to put or arrange in a tabular, systematic, or condensed form; formulate tabularly.
  • unteachable — capable of being instructed, as a person; docile.
  • unthinkable — inconceivable; unimaginable: the unthinkable size of the universe.
  • untolerable — capable of being tolerated; endurable: His arrogance is no longer tolerable.
  • untouchable — that may not be touched; of a nature such that it cannot be touched; not palpable; intangible.
  • untraceable — capable of being traced.
  • untrackable — a structure consisting of a pair of parallel lines of rails with their crossties, on which a railroad train, trolley, or the like runs.
  • untractable — easily managed or controlled; docile; yielding: a tractable child; a tractable disposition.
  • untradeable — the act or process of buying, selling, or exchanging commodities, at either wholesale or retail, within a country or between countries: domestic trade; foreign trade.
  • untrainable — capable of being trained.
  • untreatable — not able to be treated; not treatable
  • untrustable — reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
  • unurbanized — to make or cause to become urban, as a locality.
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