
15-letter words containing e, a, s, i, l

  • sexual equality — the same status, rights, and responsibilities for male and female people
  • sexual politics — the differences in the amount of power that male and female people have in a society or group
  • shalmaneser iii — died 824? b.c, Assyrian ruler 859–824?.
  • shalom aleichem — Sholom [shaw-luh m] /ˈʃɔ ləm/ (Show IPA), or Sholem [shoh-lem,, -luh m] /ˈʃoʊ lɛm,, -ləm/ (Show IPA), or Shalom [shah-lohm] /ʃɑˈloʊm/ (Show IPA), (pen name of Solomon Rabinowitz) 1859–1916, Russian author of Yiddish novels, plays, and short stories; in the U.S. from 1906.
  • sharm al-sheikh — a village and military post in E Egypt, on the Sinai Peninsula, guarding the Gulf of Suez.
  • sharm el-sheikh — a city in Egypt on the southern point of the Sinai Peninsula on the Red Sea; a major holiday resort. Pop: 73 000 (2015 est)
  • sheffield plate — sheet copper with a cladding of silver.
  • shelikof strait — a strait between the Alaska Peninsula and Kodiak Island, in S Alaska. 130 miles (209 km) long and 30 miles (48 km) wide.
  • shield of david — a hexagram used as a symbol of Judaism.
  • ship's articles — a type of contract by which sailors agree to the conditions, payment, etc, for the ship in which they are going to work
  • shire highlands — an upland area of S Malawi. Average height: 900 m (3000 ft)
  • sholem aleichem — Sholom [shaw-luh m] /ˈʃɔ ləm/ (Show IPA), or Sholem [shoh-lem,, -luh m] /ˈʃoʊ lɛm,, -ləm/ (Show IPA), or Shalom [shah-lohm] /ʃɑˈloʊm/ (Show IPA), (pen name of Solomon Rabinowitz) 1859–1916, Russian author of Yiddish novels, plays, and short stories; in the U.S. from 1906.
  • sholom aleichem — Sholom [shaw-luh m] /ˈʃɔ ləm/ (Show IPA), or Sholem [shoh-lem,, -luh m] /ˈʃoʊ lɛm,, -ləm/ (Show IPA), or Shalom [shah-lohm] /ʃɑˈloʊm/ (Show IPA), (pen name of Solomon Rabinowitz) 1859–1916, Russian author of Yiddish novels, plays, and short stories; in the U.S. from 1906.
  • siberian squill — a bulbous, Eurasian plant, Scilla siberica, of the lily family, having nodding, deep blue flowers.
  • sidereal period — the period of revolution of a body about another with respect to one or more distant stars
  • sidewalk artist — an artist who draws pictures on the sidewalk, especially with colored chalk, as a means of soliciting money from passers-by.
  • siege mentality — a state of mind whereby one believes that one is being constantly attacked, oppressed, or isolated.
  • significatively — serving to signify.
  • silent majority — the U.S. citizens who supported President Nixon's policies but who were not politically vocal, outspoken, or active: considered by him to constitute a majority.
  • silicon carbide — a very hard, insoluble, crystalline compound, SiC, used as an abrasive and as an electrical resistor in objects exposed to high temperatures.
  • silver quandong — an Australian tree, Elaeocarpus grandis: family Elaeocarpaceae
  • silver standard — a monetary standard or system using silver of specified weight and fineness to define the basic unit of currency.
  • simple equation — linear equation
  • simple fraction — a ratio of two integers.
  • simple fracture — a fracture in which the bone does not pierce the skin.
  • simple interval — an interval of an octave or less.
  • simple majority — less than half of the total votes cast but more than the minimum required to win, as when there are more than two candidates or choices.
  • simplicidentate — belonging or pertaining to the Simplicidentata, formerly regarded as a suborder or division of rodents having only one pair of upper incisor teeth.
  • sinai peninsula — broad peninsula in NE Egypt, between the Gulf of Suez & the Gulf of Aqaba
  • sinclair, clive — Clive Sinclair
  • singapore sling — a cocktail of gin, cherry brandy, sugar, and water.
  • single standard — a single set of principles or rules applying to everyone, as a single moral code applying to both men and women, especially in sexual behavior. Compare double standard.
  • single-breasted — (of a coat, jacket, etc.) having a front closure directly in the center with only a narrow overlap secured by a single button or row of buttons.
  • single-handedly — in a single-handed manner; single-handed.
  • single-sideband — of or pertaining to a system of radio transmission in which one of the two sidebands produced during modulation is suppressed
  • sinistrodextral — moving or extending from the left to the right.
  • sink a borehole — To sink a borehole means to drill a deep hole in the ground.
  • sinoatrial node — a small mass of tissue in the right atrium functioning as pacemaker of the heart by giving rise to the electric impulses that initiate heart contractions.
  • skimble-scamble — rambling; confused; nonsensical: a skimble-scamble explanation.
  • slab plastering — coarse plastering, as between the studs in a half-timbered wall.
  • slap and tickle — sexual play
  • slavonian grebe — a N Eurasian or N American grebe with reddish underside and a black and gold crest; Podiceps auritus
  • sled cultivator — go-devil (def 5).
  • sleeping beauty — a beautiful princess, the heroine of a popular fairy tale, awakened from a charmed sleep by the kiss of the prince who is her true love.
  • sleeping tablet — A sleeping tablet is the same as a sleeping pill.
  • sleight of hand — skill in feats requiring quick and clever movements of the hands, especially for entertainment or deception, as jugglery, card or coin magic, etc.; legerdemain.
  • small intestine — intestine (def 2).
  • smoking-related — (of a disease, illness, etc) caused by smoking tobacco, etc
  • snafu principle — /sna'foo prin'si-pl/ [WWII Army acronym for "Situation Normal: All Fucked Up"] "True communication is possible only between equals, because inferiors are more consistently rewarded for telling their superiors pleasant lies than for telling the truth." - a central tenet of Discordianism, often invoked by hackers to explain why authoritarian hierarchies screw up so reliably and systematically. The effect of the SNAFU principle is a progressive disconnection of decision-makers from reality. This lightly adapted version of a fable dating back to the early 1960s illustrates the phenomenon perfectly: In the beginning was the plan, and then the specification; And the plan was without form, and the specification was void. And darkness was on the faces of the implementors thereof; And they spake unto their leader, saying: "It is a crock of shit, and smells as of a sewer." And the leader took pity on them, and spoke to the project leader: "It is a crock of excrement, and none may abide the odor thereof." And the project leader spake unto his section head, saying: "It is a container of excrement, and it is very strong, such that none may abide it." The section head then hurried to his department manager, and informed him thus: "It is a vessel of fertilizer, and none may abide its strength." The department manager carried these words to his general manager, and spoke unto him saying: "It containeth that which aideth the growth of plants, and it is very strong." And so it was that the general manager rejoiced and delivered the good news unto the Vice President. "It promoteth growth, and it is very powerful." The Vice President rushed to the President's side, and joyously exclaimed: "This powerful new software product will promote the growth of the company!" And the President looked upon the product, and saw that it was very good. After the subsequent disaster, the suits protect themselves by saying "I was misinformed!", and the implementors are demoted or fired.
  • snapping beetle — click beetle.
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