
13-letter words containing e, a, s, i, l

  • assortatively — In an assortative way.
  • asteroid belt — the concentrations of asteroids that move around the sun mainly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
  • astroparticle — (astrophysics) A subatomic particle of cosmic origin.
  • atheistically — pertaining to or characteristic of atheists or atheism; containing, suggesting, or disseminating atheism: atheistic literature; atheistic people.
  • athletic shoe — a shoe designed to be worn for sports, exercising, or recreational activity, as racquetball, jogging, or aerobic dancing.
  • atmospherical — pertaining to, existing in, or consisting of the atmosphere: atmospheric vapors.
  • atypicalities — not typical; not conforming to the type; irregular; abnormal: atypical behavior; a flower atypical of the species.
  • aubervilliers — an industrial suburb of Paris, on the Seine. Pop: 63 136 (1999)
  • australianize — (esp of a new immigrant) to adopt or cause to adopt Australian habits and attitudes; integrate into Australian society
  • availableness — Competent power; validity; efficacy; as, the availableness of a title.
  • bacteriolysin — an antibody which, when it combines with bacterial cells, causes lysis of those cells, thus destroying them
  • bacteriolysis — the destruction or disintegration of bacteria
  • baily's beads — the brilliant points of sunlight that appear briefly around the moon, just before and after a total eclipse
  • ballistospore — a spore, esp a fungal spore, that is forcefully ejected from its source
  • balmer series — a series of lines in the hydrogen spectrum, discovered by Johann Jakob Balmer (1825–98) in 1885
  • balsamiferous — yielding or producing balsam
  • baltic shield — the wide area of ancient rock in Scandinavia
  • baltic states — the republics of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, which became constituent republics of the former Soviet Union in 1940, regaining their independence in 1991
  • banderilleros — Plural form of banderillero.
  • banker's bill — a banknote
  • barley stripe — a disease of barley, characterized by blighted heads and chlorotic, brown, or frayed stripes on the leaves, caused by a fungus, Helminthosporium gramineum.
  • barred spiral — a spiral galaxy in which the arms originate at the ends of a bar-shaped nucleus
  • base hospital — a hospital serving a large rural area
  • baseline cost — the projected cost for an undertaking at the time it is budgeted
  • basic english — a simplified form of English, proposed by C. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards, containing a vocabulary of approximately 850 of the commonest English words, intended as an international language
  • basic plumage — the plumage assumed by an adult bird at its complete, usually annual, molt.
  • bass clarinet — a clarinet with the lowest range, in the octave below the B-flat clarinet
  • basso rilievo — bas-relief
  • basso-relievo — bas-relief
  • bastard title — half title (def 1).
  • bastard-title — Also called bastard title. the first printed page of certain books, appearing after the end papers and before the title page and containing only the title of the book.
  • battlecruiser — A large warship of a type built in the early 20th century, carrying similar armament to a battleship but faster and more lightly armored.
  • beam splitter — a system that divides a beam of light, electrons, etc, into two or more paths
  • beautifulness — having beauty; possessing qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind: a beautiful dress; a beautiful speech.
  • bedside table — a small table beside a bed
  • beggar's-lice — any of several plants, esp the stickseed, having small prickly fruits that adhere to clothing, fur, etc
  • berkeleianism — the philosophical system of George Berkeley, holding that objects exist only when perceived, that God's perception sustains the universe, and that there is no independent substratum or substance in which these perceptions inhere
  • bias-ply tire — a vehicle tire in which the main plies or cords run across the bead.
  • biased sample — a statistical sample in which the items selected share some property which influences their distribution
  • bicentennials — pertaining to or in honor of a 200th anniversary: bicentennial celebration; a bicentennial exposition.
  • bielsko-biala — a city in S Poland.
  • bielsko-biała — a town in S Poland: created in 1951 by the union of Bielsko and Biała Krakowska; a leading textile centre since the 16th century. Pop: 356 000 (2005 est)
  • bimetallistic — relating to bimetallism
  • bisectionally — from a bisectional point of view
  • black disease — an infectious necrotic hepatitis in sheep and occasionally cattle caused by toxins produced by infection with species of Clostridial. Secondary to liver fluke infestation, the disease is characterized by sudden death. So-called because of the black discolouration of subcutaneous tissues due to congestion and haemorrhage seen at post-mortem
  • black english — the group of related dialects of American English spoken variously by many black people in the U.S.
  • black section — (in Britain in the 1980s) an unofficial group within the Labour Party in any constituency that represented the interests of local Black people
  • black skimmer — a black and white New World skimmer, Rynchops nigra, having a bill with a reddish-orange base.
  • black studies — a program of studies in black history and culture offered by a school or college, often including Afro-American history and black literature.
  • black-a-vised — having a dark complexion.
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