
12-letter words containing d, u, r, s

  • solid figure — a figure that has three dimensions
  • sound camera — a motion-picture camera that is capable of photographing silently at the normal speed of 24 fps and operating in synchronization with separate audio recording equipment.
  • soup du jour — the soup featured by a restaurant on a particular day.
  • southernwood — a woody-stemmed wormwood, Artemisia abrotanum, of southern Europe, having aromatic, finely dissected leaves.
  • spiderhunter — any of several sunbirds of the genus Arachnothera, of southern Asia and the East Indies, having dull-colored plumage and a long bill.
  • spiral-bound — having a spiral binding.
  • spirit guide — type of mystical guardian
  • splash guard — a large flap behind a rear tire to prevent mud, water, etc., from being splashed on the following vehicle.
  • spoil ground — an area within a body of water, especially in the sea, where dredged material is deposited.
  • square dance — hoedown, barn dance
  • square-dance — to perform or participate in a square dance.
  • square-faced — having a front shaped so as to be square or rectangular
  • square-jawed — having a regular, approximately rectangular jaw
  • squared away — a rectangle having all four sides of equal length.
  • squared ring — boxing ring.
  • src modula-3 — Version 2.11 compiler(->C), run-time, library, documentation The goal of Modula-3 is to be as simple and safe as it can be while meeting the needs of modern systems programmers. Instead of exploring new features, we studied the features of the Modula family of languages that have proven themselves in practice and tried to simplify them into a harmonious language. We found that most of the successful features were aimed at one of two main goals: greater robustness, and a simpler, more systematic type system. Modula-3 retains one of Modula-2's most successful features, the provision for explicit interfaces between modules. It adds objects and classes, exception handling, garbage collection, lightweight processes (or threads), and the isolation of unsafe features. conformance: implements the language defined in SPwM3. ports: i386/AIX 68020/DomainOS Acorn/RISCiX MIPS/Ultrix 68020/HP-UX RS/6000/AIX IBMRT/4.3 68000/NEXTSTEP i860/SVR4 SPARC/SunOS 68020/SunOS sun386/SunOS Multimax/4.3 VAX/Ultrix Mailing list: comp.lang.modula3 E-mail: Bill Kalsow <[email protected]> From DEC/SRC, Palo Alto, CA. "Modula-3 Report (revised)" Luca Cardelli et al.
  • stand surety — to act as a surety
  • stand up for — (of a person) to be in an upright position on the feet.
  • star-studded — lighted by or full of stars; bright: a star-studded night.
  • stepdaughter — a daughter of one's husband or wife by a previous marriage.
  • stereo sound — reproduction of sound using two or more separate microphones to feed two or more loudspeakers through separate channels in order to give a spatial effect to the sound
  • stick around — to pierce or puncture with something pointed, as a pin, dagger, or spear; stab: to stick one's finger with a needle.
  • stone-ground — (of wheat or other grain) ground between millstones, especially those made of burstone, so as to retain the whole of the grain and preserve nutritional content.
  • stouthearted — brave and resolute; dauntless.
  • stradivarius — a violin or other instrument made by Stradivari or his family.
  • stressed out — afflicted with or incapacitated by stress.
  • stressed-out — afflicted with or incapacitated by stress.
  • striped drum — a North American marine and freshwater sciaenid fish, Equetus pulcher, that utters a drumming sound
  • studded tire — a boss, knob, nailhead, or other protuberance projecting from a surface or part, especially as an ornament.
  • student card — a card verifying somebody's identity as a university student and entitling them to services, discounts, etc
  • study period — a period of time or lesson used for studying
  • stun grenade — a nonlethal grenade which is used to disturb the senses of enemies by its loud noise and its bright light
  • sub-industry — the aggregate of manufacturing or technically productive enterprises in a particular field, often named after its principal product: the automobile industry; the steel industry.
  • sub-mediocre — of only ordinary or moderate quality; neither good nor bad; barely adequate: The car gets only mediocre mileage, but it's fun to drive. Synonyms: undistinguished, commonplace, pedestrian, everyday; run-of-the-mill. Antonyms: extraordinary, superior, uncommon, incomparable.
  • sub-standard — A sub-standard service or product is unacceptable because it is below a required standard.
  • subarachnoid — of, relating to, or situated below the arachnoid membrane.
  • subdelirious — having the symptoms of subdelirium; suffering from subdelirium
  • subeditorial — of or relating to a subeditor, the work of a subeditor or a subeditorship
  • subepidermal — just below the epidermis or skin
  • suberic acid — a crystalline dibasic acid, C 8 H 1 4 O 4 , obtained especially from suberin, castor oil, and cork: used chiefly in the preparation of plastics and plasticizers.
  • subfeudatory — of or relating to subfeu
  • subintroduce — to introduce subtly
  • subjudiciary — the judicial branch of government.
  • subordinated — placed in or belonging to a lower order or rank.
  • subordinator — a conjunction introducing a subordinate clause, as when in They were glad when I finished.
  • subsaturated — soaked, impregnated, or imbued thoroughly; charged thoroughly or completely; brought to a state of saturation.
  • subsidiarily — serving to assist or supplement; auxiliary; supplementary.
  • subsidiarity — secondary importance
  • subthreshold — (of a stimulus) too weak to produce a response.
  • sudoriferous — bearing or secreting sweat.
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