
16-letter words containing d, t, f

  • self-degradation — the act of degrading.
  • self-denigrating — to speak damagingly of; criticize in a derogatory manner; sully; defame: to denigrate someone's character.
  • self-denigration — to speak damagingly of; criticize in a derogatory manner; sully; defame: to denigrate someone's character.
  • self-deprecating — belittling or undervaluing oneself; excessively modest.
  • self-deprecation — belittling or undervaluing oneself; excessively modest.
  • self-deprecatory — belittling or undervaluing oneself; excessively modest.
  • self-deprivation — the act of depriving.
  • self-description — a statement, picture in words, or account that describes; descriptive representation.
  • self-descriptive — having the quality of describing; characterized by description: a descriptive passage in an essay.
  • self-designation — a name taken for oneself or one's own people
  • self-destruction — the destruction or ruination of oneself or one's life.
  • self-destructive — harmful, injurious, or destructive to oneself: His constant arguing with the boss shows he's a self-destructive person.
  • self-determinism — a theory that every present state or condition of the self is a result of previous states or conditions of the self.
  • self-development — the act or process of developing; growth; progress: child development; economic development.
  • self-discernment — the faculty of discerning; discrimination; acuteness of judgment and understanding.
  • self-dissolution — the act or process of resolving or dissolving into parts or elements.
  • self-dramatizing — exaggerating one's own qualities, role, situation, etc., for dramatic effect or as an attention-getting device; presenting oneself dramatically.
  • self-indignation — strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base; righteous anger.
  • self-liquidating — capable of being sold and converted into cash within a short period of time or before the date on which the supplier must be paid.
  • self-opinionated — conceited; having an inordinately high regard for oneself, one's own opinions, views, etc.
  • self-vindicating — to clear, as from an accusation, imputation, suspicion, or the like: to vindicate someone's honor.
  • self-vindication — the act of vindicating.
  • sliding friction — frictional resistance to relative movement of surfaces on loaded contact
  • sodium bisulfate — a colorless crystalline compound, NaHSO 4 , soluble in water: used in dyeing, in the manufacture of cement, paper, soap, and an acid-type cleaner.
  • sodium bisulfite — Sodium bisulfite is a crystalline compound used as an antioxidant and stabilizing agent.
  • soft commodities — nonmetal commodities such as cocoa, sugar, and grains, bought and sold on a futures market
  • soft in the head — stupid or foolish
  • south plainfield — a city in N New Jersey.
  • spreading factor — a substance, as hyaluronidase, that promotes the diffusion of a material through body tissues
  • stalked puffball — a puffball-like mushroom of the genus Tulestoma, maturing in early winter.
  • standoff missile — a missile capable of striking a distant target after launch by an aircraft outside the range of missile defences
  • streets ahead of — superior to, more advanced than, etc
  • studentification — the renting of particular accommodation exclusively to students
  • superfecundation — the fertilization of two or more ova discharged at the same ovulation by successive acts of sexual intercourse.
  • sutherland falls — a waterfall in New Zealand, on SW South Island. 1904 feet (580 meters) high.
  • sutton coldfield — a town in central England, in Birmingham unitary authority, West Midlands; a residential suburb of Birmingham. Pop: 105 452 (2001)
  • take for granted — to bestow or confer, especially by a formal act: to grant a charter.
  • take the lid off — to make startling or spectacular revelations about
  • tequendama falls — a waterfall in central Colombia, on the Bogota River, SW of Bogota. 515 feet (157 meters) high.
  • texture modifier — a substance that is added to food products to increase viscosity
  • the four hundred — the most exclusive or affluent social clique in a particular place
  • tierra del fuego — a group of islands at the S tip of South America, separated from the mainland by the Strait of Magellan: jointly owned by Argentina and Chile; boundary disputed. 27,476 sq. mi. (71,165 sq. km).
  • time out of mind — time immemorial (def 1).
  • to (good) effect — You use effect in expressions such as to good effect and to no effect in order to indicate how successful or impressive an action is.
  • to get cold feet — If you get cold feet about something, you become nervous or frightened about it because you think it will fail.
  • to hold the fort — If you hold the fort for someone, or, in American English, if you hold down the fort, you look after things for them while they are somewhere else or are busy doing something else.
  • to stand or fall — If an idea, claim, or attempt stands or falls on something, its truth or success depends on that thing.
  • toing and froing — going back and forth
  • trans-fatty acid — a polyunsaturated fatty acid that has been converted from the cis-form by hydrogenation: used in the manufacture of margarine
  • transfer molding — a method of molding thermosetting plastic in which the plastic enters a closed mold from an adjoining chamber in which it has been softened.
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