
19-letter words containing d, r, u, m, e

  • indemnity insurance — insurance covering against damage or loss
  • industrial medicine — the study and practice of the health care of employees of large organizations, including measures to prevent accidents, industrial diseases, and stress in the workforce and to monitor the health of executives
  • interstellar medium — the matter occurring between the stars of our Galaxy, largely in the spiral arms, and consisting mainly of huge clouds of ionized, neutral, or molecular hydrogen
  • ipratropium bromide — an anticholinergic bronchodilator, C 20 H 30 BrNO 3 , used in the treatment of chronic bronchitis and in airway obstruction diseases.
  • isidorus of miletus — flourished 6th century a.d, Byzantine engineer. He was one of the architects of Hagia Sophia; (originally an Orthodox cathedral and currently a museum in Istanbul, Turkey).
  • junior middleweight — a boxer weighing up to 154 pounds (69.3 kg), between welterweight and middleweight.
  • keyboard instrument — any musical instrument that is played using a keyboard
  • large munsterlander — a strongly built gun dog with a long dense black-and-white coat
  • lucia di lammermoor — an opera (1835) by Gaetano Donizetti, based on Sir Walter Scott's novel The Bride of Lammermoor.
  • magnesium hydroxide — a white, crystalline, slightly water-soluble powder, Mg(OH) 2 , used chiefly in medicine as an antacid and as a laxative.
  • manchester autocode — (language, history)   The predecessor of Mercury Autocode.
  • mary mcleod bethune — Mary McLeod [muh-kloud] /məˈklaʊd/ (Show IPA), 1875–1955, U.S. educator and civil-rights leader.
  • master of foxhounds — the person responsible for the conduct of a fox hunt and to whom all members of the hunt and its staff are responsible. Abbreviation: M.F.H.
  • means of production — resources: equipment, workers
  • midnight regulation — a rule or directive approved by the federal government near the end of a president’s term of office
  • molybdenum trioxide — a white, crystalline, sparingly water-soluble powder, MoO 3 , used chiefly in the manufacture of molybdenum compounds.
  • mordvinian republic — a constituent republic of W central Russia, in the middle Volga basin. Capital: Saransk. Pop: 888 700 (2002). Area: 26 200 sq km (10 110 sq miles)
  • mother-of-thousands — strawberry geranium.
  • mount desert island — an island off the coast of E central Maine: summer resort; forms part of Acadia National Park. 14 miles (23 km) long; 8 miles (13 km) wide.
  • mouse-ear chickweed — any of various similar and related plants of the genus Cerastium
  • mucopolysaccharides — Plural form of mucopolysaccharide.
  • mud object oriented — (games)   (MOO) One of the many MUD spin-offs (e.g. MUSH, MUSE, and MUX) created to diversify the realm of interactive text-based gaming. A MOO is similar to a MUSH in that the users themselves can create objects, rooms, and code to add to the environment. The most frequently used server software for running a MOO is LambdaMOO but alternatives include WinMOO and MacGoesMOO.
  • muhammadan calendar — Muslim calendar.
  • mulheim an der ruhr — a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, W Germany, near Essen.
  • munchausen syndrome — a factitious disorder in which otherwise healthy individuals seek to hospitalize themselves with feigned or self-induced pathology in order to receive surgical or other medical treatment.
  • neuropsychodynamics — The theoretical synthesis of neuroscience and psychodynamics.
  • nuclear disarmament — the gradual reduction and eventual elimination of all nuclear weapons in the world
  • oak-leaved geranium — a geranium, Pelargonium quercifolium, of southern Africa, having oaklike leaves with purple veins and sparse clusters of purple flowers with darker markings.
  • ordnance survey map — An Ordnance Survey map is a detailed map produced by the British or Irish government map-making organization.
  • parliament building — structure housing legislative offices
  • potassium hydroxide — a white, deliquescent, water-soluble solid, KOH, usually in the form of lumps, sticks, or pellets, that upon solution in water generates heat: used chiefly in the manufacture of soap, as a laboratory reagent, and as a caustic.
  • preproduction model — a prototype of a product before the product goes into full-scale production
  • progressive judaism — Reform Judaism.
  • pseudo-experimental — pertaining to, derived from, or founded on experiment: an experimental science.
  • pseudohermaphrodite — an individual having internal reproductive organs of one sex and external sexual characteristics resembling those of the other sex or being ambiguous in nature. Compare hermaphrodite (def 1).
  • pseudorandom number — (programming)   One of a sequence of numbers generated by some algorithm so as to have an even distribution over some range of values and minimal correlation between successive values. Pseudorandom numbers are used in simulation and encryption. They are pseudorandom not random because the sequence eventually repeats exactly and is entirely determined by the initial conditions. One of the simplest algorithms is x[i+1] = (a * x[i] + c) mod m but this repeats after at most m numbers and successive numbers are closely related. Better algorithms generally use more previous numbers to calculate the next number.
  • radiopharmaceutical — any of a number of radioactive drugs used diagnostically or therapeutically.
  • recording equipment — devices used for sound reproduction
  • semiconductor laser — a laser in which a semiconductor is the light-emitting source, used in many medical procedures.
  • simple closed curve — a curve that is closed and that has no loops or points missing; a curve for which there exists a homeomorphism mapping it to a circle.
  • smokestack industry — A smokestack industry is a traditional industry such as heavy engineering or manufacturing, rather than a modern industry such as electronics.
  • sodium hydrosulfite — a white, crystalline, water-soluble powder, Na 2 S 2 O 4 , used as a reducing agent, especially in dyeing, and as a bleach.
  • sodium hypochlorite — a pale-green, crystalline compound, NaOCl, unstable in air, soluble in cold water, decomposes in hot water: used as a bleaching agent for paper and textiles, in water purification, in household use, and as a fungicide.
  • stringed instrument — a musical instrument having strings as the medium of sound production, played with the fingers or with a plectrum or a bow: The guitar, the harp, and the violin are stringed instruments.
  • strontium hydroxide — a white, slightly water-soluble powder, Sr(OH) 2 , or its crystalline octahydrate (strontium hydrate) used chiefly in the refining of beet sugar.
  • supreme de volaille — suprême (def 2).
  • to change your mind — If you change your mind, or if someone or something changes your mind, you change a decision you have made or an opinion that you had.
  • to reserve judgment — If you reserve judgment on something, you refuse to give an opinion about it until you know more about it.
  • to suck someone dry — If you say that someone is sucking something dry or milking it dry, you are criticizing them for taking all the good things from it until there is nothing left.
  • tourette's syndrome — a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent involuntary movements, including multiple neck jerks and sometimes vocal tics, as grunts, barks, or words, especially obscenities.
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