
18-letter words containing d, r, u, m, e

  • from the ground up — the solid surface of the earth; firm or dry land: to fall to the ground.
  • fulminating powder — powder that explodes by percussion.
  • gastroduodenostomy — See under gastroenterostomy.
  • grumbling appendix — a condition in which the appendix causes intermittent pain but appendicitis has not developed
  • gum digger's spear — a long steel probe used by gum diggers digging for kauri gum
  • handlebar mustache — A handlebar mustache is a long thick mustache with curled ends.
  • hedge fund manager — a person in charge of managing a hedge fund and making its investments
  • hemidemisemiquaver — a sixty-fourth note.
  • honour moderations — (at Oxford University) the first public examination, in which candidates are placed into one of three classes of honours
  • hydroflumethiazide — A diuretic drug.
  • in your mind's eye — If you see something in your mind's eye, you imagine it and have a clear picture of it in your mind.
  • induction ceremony — a ceremony held to mark a person's formal introduction or entry into an office, position, group, etc
  • informatory double — a double intended to inform one's partner that one has a strong hand and to urge a bid regardless of the strength of his or her hand.
  • instrument landing — an aircraft landing accomplished by use of gauges on the instrument panel and ground-based radio equipment, with limited reference to outside visual signals.
  • jerusalem syndrome — a delusive condition affecting some visitors to Jerusalem in which the sufferer identifies with a major figure from his or her religious background
  • justice department — the United States federal department for enforcing federal laws
  • loschmidt's number — the number of molecules in one cubic centimeter of an ideal gas at standard temperature and pressure, equal to 2.687 × 10 19.
  • magnesium peroxide — a white, tasteless, water-insoluble powder, MgO 2 , used as an antiseptic and as an oxidizing and bleaching agent.
  • manufactured goods — products made by machine
  • marine underwriter — an underwriter who specializes in marine insurance
  • mercurous chloride — calomel.
  • mercury delay line — (storage, history)   An archaic first-in first-out fixed time period data storage device using acoustic transducers to transmit data as waves in a trough or tube of mercury. EDSAC (Cambridge) and UNIVAC I used delay lines.
  • middleburg heights — a town in N Ohio.
  • milkweed butterfly — monarch butterfly.
  • misunderestimation — (nonstandard) An inaccurate underestimation, or an act of misunderestimating.
  • mixed-flow turbine — a water turbine in which water flows radially and axially through the rotating vanes
  • modular arithmetic — arithmetic in which numbers that are congruent modulo a given number are treated as the same. Compare congruence (def 2), modulo, modulus (def 2b).
  • molecular medicine — the study of disease or injury at the molecular or cellular level.
  • mordovian republic — a constituent republic of W central Russia, in the middle Volga basin. Capital: Saransk. Pop: 888 700 (2002). Area: 26 200 sq km (10 110 sq miles)
  • mucopolysaccharide — (formerly) glycosaminoglycan.
  • multi-user dungeon — Multi-User Dimension
  • neurodevelopmental — Of or pertaining to the development of neurological pathways in the brain.
  • neuropsychodynamic — Of or pertaining to neuropsychodynamics.
  • nonstriated muscle — smooth muscle
  • numerical identity — the relation that holds between two relata when they are the selfsame entity, that is, when the terms designating them have the same reference
  • order of magnitude — You can use order of magnitude when you are giving an approximate idea of the amount or importance of something.
  • potassium chloride — a white or colorless, crystalline, water-soluble solid, KCl, used chiefly in the manufacture of fertilizers and mineral water, and as a source of other potassium compounds.
  • potassium fluoride — a white, crystalline, hygroscopic, toxic powder, KF, used chiefly as an insecticide, a disinfectant, and in etching glass.
  • production manager — a supervisor of the budget, crew and other details in the production of a film or play
  • programme of study — the prescribed syllabus that pupils must be taught at each key stage in the National Curriculum
  • prometheus unbound — a drama in verse (1820) by Shelley.
  • pyramus and thisbe — (in Greek legend) two lovers of Babylon: Pyramus, wrongly supposing Thisbe to be dead, killed himself and she, encountering him in his death throes, did the same
  • pyromucic aldehyde — furfural.
  • quartz-iodine lamp — a type of tungsten-halogen lamp containing small amounts of iodine and having a quartz envelope, operating at high temperature and producing an intense light for use in car headlamps, etc
  • quinacrine mustard — a nitrogen mustard derived from mepacrine and used as a stain for chromosomes
  • red mercuric oxide — a slightly crystalline, water-soluble, poisonous compound, HgO, occurring as a coarse, orange-red powder (red mercuric oxide) or as a fine, orange-yellow powder (yellow mercuric oxide) used chiefly as a pigment in paints and as an antiseptic in pharmaceuticals.
  • redundancy payment — a sum of money given by an employer to an employee who has been made redundant: usually calculated on the basis of the employee's rate of pay and length of service
  • remembrance sunday — the second Sunday in November, which is the Sunday closest to November 11, the anniversary of the armistice of 1918 that ended World War I, on which the dead of both World Wars are commemorated
  • repayment schedule — a document detailing the specific terms of a borrower's loan, such as monthly payment, interest rate, due dates etc
  • residual magnetism — remanence.
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