
13-letter words containing d, r, u, m, e

  • neuraminidase — An enzyme, present in many pathogenic or symbiotic microorganisms, that catalyzes the breakdown of glycosides containing neuraminic acid.
  • neuroectoderm — (anatomy) The region of the ectoderm of an embryo that develops into the central nervous system and other nervous tissue.
  • nom de guerre — an assumed name, as one under which a person fights, paints, writes, etc.; pseudonym.
  • nurse-midwife — a nurse skilled in assisting women in the prenatal period and in childbirth, especially at home or in another nonhospital setting.
  • obiter dictum — an incidental or passing remark, opinion, etc.
  • ombudspersons — Plural form of ombudsperson.
  • out-performed — to surpass in excellence of performance; do better than: a new engine that outperforms the competition; a stock that outperformed all others.
  • outdoorswomen — Plural form of outdoorswoman.
  • outmaneuvered — Simple past tense and past participle of outmaneuver.
  • outmanoeuvred — Simple past tense and past participle of outmanoeuvre.
  • overenamoured — excessively fond
  • overmultitude — to exceed in number
  • perichondrium — the membrane of fibrous connective tissue covering the surface of cartilages except at the joints.
  • pleasure dome — a large building, facility, or place used for recreation.
  • pre-submitted — to give over or yield to the power or authority of another (often used reflexively).
  • preformulated — to express in precise form; state definitely or systematically: He finds it extremely difficult to formulate his new theory.
  • premandibular — situated in front of the mandible
  • premium bonds — (in Britain) bonds issued by the Treasury since 1956 for purchase by the public. No interest is paid but there is a monthly draw for cash prizes of various sums
  • prudentialism — a regard for prudential, rather than moral, considerations
  • puddle jumper — a light plane, especially one traveling only short distances or making many stops.
  • puddle-jumper — a light plane, especially one traveling only short distances or making many stops.
  • quadragesimal — of, relating to, or suitable for Lent; Lenten.
  • quadrigeminal — Having four parts, or two pairs.
  • quadrumvirate — a governing or managing group, coalition, or the like, of four persons.
  • quartodeciman — one of a group of early Christians who observed Easter on the day of the Jewish Passover regardless of whether or not it was Sunday
  • random number — pseudorandom number
  • random rubble — masonry in which untooled stones are set without coursing
  • reaccumulated — to gather or collect, often in gradual degrees; heap up: to accumulate wealth.
  • ritual murder — a human sacrifice made to appease a deity.
  • river red gum — a large Australian red gum tree, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, growing along river banks
  • rosebud mouth — a mouth that resembles the unopened flower of a rose in shape
  • rudimentarily — pertaining to rudiments or first principles; elementary: a rudimentary knowledge of geometry.
  • rumbledethump — a Scottish dish of butter and mashed potatoes, sometimes mixed with cabbage or turnips
  • rutherfordium — a superheavy, synthetic, radioactive element with a very short half-life. Symbol: Rf; atomic number: 104.
  • scullery maid — a maid whose duties include washing up and vegetable preparation
  • semi-delirium — Pathology. a more or less temporary disorder of the mental faculties, as in fevers, disturbances of consciousness, or intoxication, characterized by restlessness, excitement, delusions, hallucinations, etc.
  • semiconductor — a substance, as silicon or germanium, with electrical conductivity intermediate between that of an insulator and a conductor: a basic component of various kinds of electronic circuit element (semiconductor device) used in communications, control, and detection technology and in computers.
  • semifurnished — to supply (a house, room, etc.) with necessary furniture, carpets, appliances, etc.
  • serum disease — a generalized allergic reaction to a foreign serum or drug, characterized by fever, skin rash, enlarged lymph nodes, and painful joints.
  • shear modulus — The shear modulus of a material is how stiff or rigid it is. It is equal to the shear stress divided by the shear strain.
  • shoulder arms — to bring the rifle vertically close to the right side with the muzzle uppermost and held at the trigger guard
  • sigmund freudAnna, 1895–1982, British psychoanalyst, born in Austria (daughter of Sigmund Freud).
  • signed number — Mathematics. a number preceded by a plus sign (+) to indicate a positive quantity or by a minus sign (−) to indicate a negative quantity.
  • smoked rubber — a type of crude natural rubber in the form of brown sheets obtained by coagulating latex with an acid, rolling it into sheets, and drying over open wood fires. It is the main raw material for natural rubber products
  • sodium borate — borax1 .
  • squandermania — an extreme urge for, or level of pleasure obtained by, spending money recklessly
  • stuffed derma — kishke.
  • subdepartment — a distinct part of anything arranged in divisions; a division of a complex whole or organized system.
  • superdiplomat — a highly skilled or powerful diplomat, a high-ranking diplomat
  • superdominant — submediant.
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