
12-letter words containing d, r, u, m, e

  • quadriennium — quadrennium.
  • re-submitted — to give over or yield to the power or authority of another (often used reflexively).
  • readjustment — an act of readjusting or the state of being readjusted.
  • rear-mounted — (of an engine, etc) fitted at the back of a vehicle
  • red mulberry — See under mulberry (def 2).
  • redoublement — the act of redoubling
  • reduced mass — a quantity obtained when one particle is moving about another, larger particle that is also moving, equivalent to the mass of the smaller particle, were the larger particle not moving, and equal to the quotient of the product of the two masses divided by their sum.
  • reductionism — the theory that every complex phenomenon, especially in biology or psychology, can be explained by analyzing the simplest, most basic physical mechanisms that are in operation during the phenomenon.
  • returned man — a member of the armed forces discharged in Canada after service overseas.
  • silver mound — a perennial Japanese herb, Artemisia schmidtiana, having silver-green leaves forming a moundlike shape.
  • slum-dweller — a person who lives in a slum.
  • slumbershade — sleep shade.
  • sound camera — a motion-picture camera that is capable of photographing silently at the normal speed of 24 fps and operating in synchronization with separate audio recording equipment.
  • striped drum — a North American marine and freshwater sciaenid fish, Equetus pulcher, that utters a drumming sound
  • sub-mediocre — of only ordinary or moderate quality; neither good nor bad; barely adequate: The car gets only mediocre mileage, but it's fun to drive. Synonyms: undistinguished, commonplace, pedestrian, everyday; run-of-the-mill. Antonyms: extraordinary, superior, uncommon, incomparable.
  • subepidermal — just below the epidermis or skin
  • superimposed — (of a stream or drainage system) having a course not adjusted to the structure of the rocks presently undergoing erosion but determined rather by a prior erosion cycle or by formerly overlying rocks or sediments.
  • superkingdom — in some systems of biological classification, either of the two major subdivisions, prokaryote or eukaryote, into which all living organisms can be placed
  • supermundane — above and beyond the nature or character of the worldly or terrestrial.
  • superstardom — a person, as a performer or athlete, who enjoys wide recognition, is esteemed for exceptional talent, and is eagerly sought after for his or her services.
  • supramundane — transcending the world
  • tertium quid — something related in some way to two things, but distinct from both; something intermediate between two things.
  • thunderstorm — a transient storm of lightning and thunder, usually with rain and gusty winds, sometimes with hail or snow, produced by cumulonimbus clouds.
  • torso murder — a murder in which the body of the victim is dismembered at the torso.
  • transmundane — reaching beyond or existing outside the physical or visible world.
  • tremendously — extraordinarily great in size, amount, or intensity: a tremendous ocean liner; tremendous talent.
  • trudeaumania — obsessional enthusiasm for Pierre Trudeau
  • tumble dryer — A tumble dryer is an electric machine which dries washing by turning it over and over and blowing warm air onto it.
  • turbidimeter — a device for measuring the turbidity of water or other liquids.
  • turbidimetry — a device for measuring the turbidity of water or other liquids.
  • turned comma — quotation mark.
  • ultramundane — outside or beyond the earth or the orbits of the planets.
  • un-earmarked — any identifying or distinguishing mark or characteristic: The mayor's statement had all the earmarks of dirty politics.
  • un-manicured — a cosmetic treatment of the hands and fingernails, including trimming and polishing of the nails and removing cuticles.
  • unbesmirched — to soil; tarnish; discolor.
  • unburdensome — oppressively heavy; onerous.
  • undemocratic — pertaining to or of the nature of democracy or a democracy.
  • under-manage — to bring about or succeed in accomplishing, sometimes despite difficulty or hardship: She managed to see the governor. How does she manage it on such a small income?
  • undergarment — an article of underwear.
  • underkingdom — the domain of an underking
  • underlayment — material laid between a subfloor and a finish floor of linoleum, asphalt tile, etc.
  • undermanning — the condition of not having enough employees to function properly
  • undermeaning — what is intended to be, or actually is, expressed or indicated; signification; import: the three meanings of a word.
  • underperform — If someone underperforms in something such as a sports contest, or if one thing underperforms another thing, they do not perform as well as they could, or they perform less well than the other thing.
  • understratum — a substratum.
  • underwhelmed — to fail to interest or astonish: After all the ballyhoo, most critics were underwhelmed by the movie.
  • undetermined — resolute; staunch: the determined defenders of the Alamo.
  • undramatized — not dramatized; not adapted to dramatic form
  • undreamed of — If you describe something as undreamed of, you are emphasizing that it is much better, worse, or more unusual than you thought was possible.
  • unembittered — not embittered; not having bitter feelings
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