
10-letter words containing d, r, u, m, e

  • sludgeworm — a small freshwater worm, Tubifex tubifex, often inhabiting sewage sludge and the muddy bottoms of lakes, rivers, and pools.
  • snare drum — a small double-headed drum, carried at the side or placed on a stationary stand, having snares across the lower head to produce a rattling or reverberating effect.
  • spermaduct — a spermatic passage found in male animals
  • steel drum — Music. a bowl-shaped percussion instrument common in the West Indies, made from a steel barrel divided into sections producing different notes when struck.
  • summarised — to make a summary of; state or express in a concise form.
  • summerised — to prepare (a house, car, etc.) so as to counteract the hot weather of summer: to summerize a house by adding air conditioning.
  • summerized — to prepare (a house, car, etc.) so as to counteract the hot weather of summer: to summerize a house by adding air conditioning.
  • summertide — summer time
  • summerwood — the part of an annual ring of wood, characterized by compact, thick-walled cells, formed during the later part of the growing season.
  • supermodel — an extremely prominent and successful model who can command very high fees.
  • surmounted — to mount upon; get on the top of; mount upon and cross over: to surmount a hill.
  • tepidarium — a warm room in Roman baths
  • thrum-eyed — (of flowers, esp primulas) having the stigma on a short style below the anthers, which lie in the mouth of the corolla on big stamens
  • torquemada — Tomás de [taw-mahs th e] /tɔˈmɑs ðɛ/ (Show IPA), 1420–98, Spanish inquisitor general.
  • tremendous — extraordinarily great in size, amount, or intensity: a tremendous ocean liner; tremendous talent.
  • trumped up — spuriously devised; fraudulent; fabricated: He was arrested on some trumped-up charge.
  • trumped-up — spuriously devised; fraudulent; fabricated: He was arrested on some trumped-up charge.
  • trumpeldorJoseph, 1880–1920, Zionist leader, born in Russia.
  • tumble-dry — to dry (washing) in a clothes drier in which articles are rotated vertically through heated air.
  • tweedsmuirBaron, Buchan, John.
  • unaffirmed — to state or assert positively; maintain as true: to affirm one's loyalty to one's country; He affirmed that all was well.
  • unarmoured — (of a ship) without armour
  • uncompared — to examine (two or more objects, ideas, people, etc.) in order to note similarities and differences: to compare two pieces of cloth; to compare the governments of two nations.
  • uncrumpled — rumpled; wrinkled; crushed.
  • uncumbered — to hinder; hamper.
  • undeformed — having the form changed, especially with loss of beauty; misshapen; disfigured: After the accident his arm was permanently deformed.
  • under arms — ready for armed combat
  • underarmed — not having sufficient weapons.
  • underframe — the lower frame on which a vehicular structure rests: the underframe of a bus.
  • undermined — to injure or destroy by insidious activity or imperceptible stages, sometimes tending toward a sudden dramatic effect.
  • undernamed — noted below
  • undertimed — (of a photograph) underexposed
  • undertrump — to play a lower trump on a trick to which a higher trump has already been played
  • underwhelm — to fail to interest or astonish: After all the ballyhoo, most critics were underwhelmed by the movie.
  • undreaming — not dreaming; not having dreams
  • unhampered — to hold back; hinder; impede: A steady rain hampered the progress of the work.
  • unimpaired — weakened, diminished, or damaged: impaired hearing; to rebuild an impaired bridge.
  • unimparted — not communicated (to another person)
  • unimplored — to beg urgently or piteously, as for aid or mercy; beseech; entreat: They implored him to go.
  • unimproved — not developed to full potential, as resources or the mind.
  • uninformed — having or prepared with information or knowledge; apprised: an informed audience that asked intelligent questions.
  • unmannered — lacking good manners; rude or ill-bred.
  • unmarketed — an open place or a covered building where buyers and sellers convene for the sale of goods; a marketplace: a farmers' market.
  • unmastered — a person with the ability or power to use, control, or dispose of something: a master of six languages; to be master of one's fate.
  • unmeasured — of undetermined or indefinitely great extent or amount; unlimited; measureless: the unmeasured heavens.
  • unmortised — not mortised
  • unnumbered — having no number or numbers as identification: unnumbered pages.
  • unpampered — not pampered
  • unperfumed — (esp of cosmetics) not perfumed or scented
  • unpromised — not engaged or promised in marriage
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