
28-letter words containing d, i, r, l

  • grand unified (field) theory — any of various theories postulating that the four fundamental forces in the universe (electromagnetism, gravity, the strong interaction, and the weak interaction) are actually types of a single high-energy force
  • high-level data link control — (networking)   (HDLC) A general-purpose data link control protocol defined by ISO for use on both point-to-point and multipoint (multidrop) data links. It supports full-duplex, transparent-mode operation. It is used extensively in both multipoint and computer networks. Some manufacturers and other standards bodies still use their own acronyms, e.g. IBM's SDLC (Synchronous Data Link Control), the forerunner of HDLC and ANSI's ADCCP (Advanced Data Communications Control Procedure).
  • hot standby routing protocol — (protocol)   (HSRP) A CISCO standard, defined in RFC 2281, that calls for a mirrored router in passive mode to send hello packets, wait for a lead router to die and, without dropping a packet, take over from that router. Note: "standby", not "swappable" (and certainly not "swapable").
  • hydrolysed vegetable protein — a powder or liquid that is produced by boiling legumes or cereals in hydrochloric acid and then neutralizing with sodium hydroxide. It is used as a flavouring in some foods, such as soups and bouillon cubes
  • hydrolyzed vegetable protein — a vegetable protein broken down into amino acids and used as a food additive to enhance flavor, especially in soups, sauces, and processed meats. Abbreviation: HVP, H.V.P.
  • ieee floating point standard — (standard, mathematics)   (IEEE 754) "IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic (ANSI/IEEE Std 754-1985)" or IEC 559: "Binary floating-point arithmetic for microprocessor systems". A standard, used by many CPUs and FPUs, which defines formats for representing floating-point numbers; representations of special values (e.g. infinity, very small values, NaN); five exceptions, when they occur, and what happens when they do occur; four rounding modes; and a set of floating-point operations that will work identically on any conforming system. IEEE 754 specifies formats for representing floating-point values: single-precision (32-bit) is required, double-precision (64-bit) is optional. The standard also mentions that some implementations may include single-extended precision (80-bit) and double-extended precision (128-bit) formats.
  • industrial programming, inc. The company which developed MTOS. E-mail: <[email protected]>. Telephone: +1 (516) 938 6600. Address: 100 Jericho Quadrangle, Jericho, NY 11753, USA.
  • integrated drive electronics — Advanced Technology Attachment
  • java servlet development kit — (web)   (JSDK) A suite of software for easing the development of Java servlets.
  • like water off a duck's back — You say that criticism is like water off a duck's back or water off a duck's back to emphasize that it is not having any effect on the person being criticized.
  • linear differential equation — an equation involving derivatives in which the dependent variables and all derivatives appearing in the equation are raised to the first power.
  • lloyd's register of shipping — an annual publication giving details of all ships that have been built according to the various classifications established by this society
  • machine-assisted translation — translation done by a human translator who uses computer software to assist with the translation
  • marriage guidance counsellor — a person whose job is to give advice given to couples who have problems in their married life
  • medical specialist registrar — a hospital doctor senior to a house officer but junior to a consultant, specializing in medicine
  • meter-kilogram-second-ampere — of or relating to the system of units in which the meter, kilogram, second, and ampere are the principal units of length, mass, time, and electric current. Abbreviation: mksa, MKSA.
  • microsoft foundation classes — (programming)   (MFC) Software structures in C++, the Windows base classes which can respond to messages, make windows, and from which application specific classes can be derived.
  • multimedia personal computer — (multimedia)   (MPC) A specification published by the Multimedia PC Marketing Council in 1990 to encourage the adoption of a standard multimedia computing platform. In May 1993, the MPC Marketing Council published a new specification called MPC Level 2 Specification as an enhanced multimedia computer standard. The original MPC specification, now also known as the MPC Level 1 Specification, continues in full effect. The appearance of the MPC or MPC2 certification mark on a computer system or upgrade kit indicates that the hardware meets the corresponding (Level 1 or Level 2) MPC Marketing Council specification. Software bearing the Multimedia PC mark has been designed to work on Multimedia PC licensed hardware. By establishing a standard platform, certifying hardware compliance and providing inter-operability between software and hardware for the consumer, the MPC Marketing Council is encouraging widespread use of multimedia applications and hardware.
  • national bureau of standards — National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • national semiconductor 32000 — (processor)   (NS32000) The first of a series of microprocessors from National Semiconductor. The 320xx processors have an interface which allows coprocessors such as FPUs and MMUs to be attached in a chain. The 320xx was the predecessor of the Swordfish processor.
  • newly industrialized country — a country that has recently become, or is now in the process of becoming, industrialized
  • numerical weather prediction — a method of predicting weather through the use of high-speed computers, specifically by the time integration of the fundamental equations of hydrodynamics in a mathematically modeled atmosphere.
  • object-oriented polymorphism — (programming)   The kind of polymorphism found in object-oriented programming languages where a variable can refer to an object whose class is not known exactly until run time. A method can use a variable of a given class - call other methods on it, pass it as an argument, etc. - without needing to know to which subclass it refers, as long as its actual class is compatible with those uses.
  • ordinary-language philosophy — linguistic analysis.
  • organic light-emitting diode — a cell that emits light when voltage is applied: used as a display device replacing LCD technology in handheld devices such as mobile phones because it is brighter, thinner, faster,and cheaper
  • ousterhout's false dichotomy — Ousterhout's dichotomy
  • packet in plastic grid array — (integrated circuit)   (PPGA) The package used for Intel's Celeron Socket 370 CPU.
  • paradox application language — (PAL) The programming language for Paradox, Borland's relational database.
  • peaches-and-cream complexion — a pale complexion with rosy cheeks
  • probability density function — a function of a continuous variable whose integral over a region gives the probability that a random variable falls within the region.
  • relative index of refraction — a number indicating the speed of light in a given medium as either the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to that in the given medium (absolute index of refraction) or the ratio of the speed of light in a specified medium to that in the given medium (relative index of refraction) Symbol: n.
  • religious society of friends — a sect founded by George Fox in England about 1650, opposed to oath-taking and war.
  • revised version of the bible — a recension of the Authorized Version, prepared by British and American scholars, the Old Testament being published in 1885, and the New Testament in 1881.
  • richardson's ground squirrel — a ground squirrel of the NW USA and Canada, Citellus richardsoni
  • robert william andrew fellerRobert William Andrew ("Bob"; "Bullet Bob") 1918–2010, U.S. baseball player.
  • second law of thermodynamics — any of three principles variously stated in equivalent forms, being the principle that the change of energy of a thermodynamic system is equal to the heat transferred minus the work done (first law of thermodynamics) the principle that no cyclic process is possible in which heat is absorbed from a reservoir at a single temperature and converted completely into mechanical work (second law of thermodynamics) and the principle that it is impossible to reduce the temperature of a system to absolute zero in a finite number of operations (third law of thermodynamics)
  • service advertising protocol — (networking)   (SAP) A Novell NetWare protocol. SAP follows the spirit of the Xerox Clearinghouse protocol, it permits file, print, and gateway servers to advertise their services and addresses.
  • sexually transmitted disease — any disease characteristically transmitted by sexual contact, as gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes, and chlamydia. Abbreviation: STD.
  • silicon-controlled rectifier — a semiconductor rectifier whose forward current between two electrodes, the anode and cathode, is initiated by means of a signal applied to a third electrode, the gate. The current subsequently becomes independent of the signal. It is a type of thyristor
  • simulation oriented language — (language)   (SOL) An ALGOL extension for discrete simulation by Donald Knuth and McNeley.
  • single in-line memory module — (storage)   (SIMM) A small circuit board or substrate, typically about 10cm x 2cm, with RAM integrated circuits or die on one or both sides and a single row of pins along one long edge. Several SIMMs are mounted with their substrates at right-angles to the main circuit board (the motherboard). This configuration allows greater packing density than direct mounting of, e.g. DIL (dual in-line) RAM packages on the motherboard. In 1993 one SIMM typically held one or four megabytes, by early 1997 one could hold 8, 16, or 32 MB.
  • single sideband transmission — a method of transmitting radio waves in which either the upper or the lower sideband is transmitted, the carrier being either wholly or partially suppressed. This reduces the required bandwidth and improves the signal-to-noise ratio
  • smooth endoplasmic reticulum — a network of tubular membranes within the cytoplasm of the cell, occurring either with a smooth surface (smooth endoplasmic reticulum) or studded with ribosomes (rough endoplasmic reticulum) involved in the transport of materials.
  • standard normal distribution — a normal distribution with mean zero and variance 1, with probability density function [exp(–1⁄2x2)]/√2π
  • strictly decreasing function — a function having the property that for any two points in the domain such that one is larger than the other, the image of the larger point is less than the image of the smaller point.
  • systems administrators guild — (body, job)   (SAGE) A special technical group of the USENIX Association.
  • television interface adaptor — (hardware, graphics)   (TIA) The graphics chip in the Atari 2600, also used as a sound chip for some arcade game.
  • text reckoning and compiling — (language)   (TRAC) An interactive macro generator language for string manipulation by Calvin N. Mooers and Peter Deutsch of Sun Microsystems. TAC derived ideas from Macro SAP. There are versions for PDP-1, PDP-8, PDP-10 and PDP-11. See also MINT, SAM76. E-mail: Preston Briggs <[email protected]>.
  • the everglades national park — the Florida park established to preserve the flora and fauna of the Everglade swamps
  • the last word/the final word — If someone has the last word or the final word in a discussion, argument, or disagreement, they are the one who wins it or who makes the final decision.
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