
14-letter words containing d, i, r, a, c

  • stock in trade — the requisites for carrying on a business, especially goods kept on hand for sale in a store.
  • stock-in-trade — items used in performing a job
  • storage device — a device used to store digital data or information, as a hard disk or CD.
  • straight-faced — a serious or impassive facial expression that conceals one's true feelings about something, especially a desire to laugh.
  • straight-laced — strait-laced (sense 2)
  • strait-lacedly — in a strait-laced manner
  • structuralized — to form into or make part of a structure.
  • sulfurous acid — a colorless liquid, H 2 SO 3 , having a suffocating odor, obtained by dissolving sulfur dioxide in water, known mainly by its salts, which are sulfites: used chiefly in organic synthesis and as a bleach.
  • sulphuric acid — Sulphuric acid is a colourless, oily, and very powerful acid.
  • tape recording — sound reproduction on cassette
  • teacher's aide — A teacher's aide is a person who helps a teacher in a school classroom but who is not a qualified teacher.
  • teaching elder — a minister in a Presbyterian church.
  • tellurous acid — a white, crystalline powder, H2TeO3
  • the ordovician — the Ordovician period or rock system
  • thermodynamics — the science concerned with the relations between heat and mechanical energy or work, and the conversion of one into the other: modern thermodynamics deals with the properties of systems for the description of which temperature is a necessary coordinate.
  • tracking radar — a radar system emitting a narrow beam which oscillates about the target, thus compensating for abrupt changes of direction
  • tractor driver — a person who drives a motor vehicle used to pull heavy loads, esp farm machinery such as a plough or harvester
  • trade discount — a discount, as from the list price of goods, granted by a manufacturer or wholesaler to a retailer.
  • trade-in price — the price of a new article when a used article is given in part payment
  • trades council — (in Britain) an association of the different trade unions in one town or area
  • traffic holdup — a temporary stoppage in the flow of traffic where a number of vehicles are obstructed and unable to move
  • traffic island — a raised or marked-off area between lanes of a roadway, used by pedestrians to get out of the flow of traffic, as a place for traffic signals, for separating lanes, etc.
  • traffic warden — officer who monitors parking, etc.
  • traffic-jammed — jam1 (def 16).
  • transductional — of or relating to transduction
  • trichomonacide — an agent that destroys trichomonads
  • tricyanic acid — cyanuric acid.
  • trisoctahedron — a solid bounded by 24 identical faces in groups of three, each group corresponding to one face of an octahedron.
  • turn indicator — a flight instrument that indicates the angular rate of turn of an aircraft about its vertical axis.
  • ultra-distance — covering a distance in excess of 30 miles, often as part of a longer race or competition
  • ultracivilized — showing a high degree of cultural or social development
  • ultracrepidate — to go beyond one's scope or province, esp to criticize beyond one's sphere of knowledge
  • umbilical cord — Anatomy. a cord or funicle connecting the embryo or fetus with the placenta of the mother and transporting nourishment from the mother and wastes from the fetus.
  • un-depreciated — to reduce the purchasing value of (money).
  • un-distracting — to draw away or divert, as the mind or attention: The music distracted him from his work.
  • uncertificated — a document serving as evidence or as written testimony, as of status, qualifications, privileges, or the truth of something.
  • uncontradicted — to assert the contrary or opposite of; deny directly and categorically.
  • uncredentialed — Usually, credentials. evidence of authority, status, rights, entitlement to privileges, or the like, usually in written form: Only those with the proper credentials are admitted.
  • uncrystallized — lacking a final form
  • undecipherable — to make out the meaning of (poor or partially obliterated writing, etc.): to decipher a hastily scribbled note.
  • under-achiever — a student who performs less well in school than would be expected on the basis of abilities indicated by intelligence and aptitude tests, etc.
  • under-activity — insufficiently active: an underactive thyroid gland.
  • undereducation — to educate too little or poorly.
  • underinsurance — insurance purchased against damage or loss of property in an amount less than its true value, sometimes bought intentionally by the insured with full knowledge of the risk.
  • undiscoverable — unable to be discovered or found out
  • undiscoverably — in an undiscoverable manner
  • undistractedly — in an undistracted manner
  • undramatically — in an undramatic manner
  • unidirectional — operating or moving in one direction only; not changing direction: a unidirectional flow.
  • unincorporated — not chartered as a corporation; lacking the powers and immunities of a corporate enterprise: an unincorporated business.
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