
17-letter words containing d, i, c, a

  • articulated joint — Anatomy. a flexible joint.
  • articulated lorry — a lorry made in two separate sections, a tractor and a trailer, connected by a pivoted bar
  • artificial kidney — a mechanical apparatus for performing haemodialysis
  • artistic director — a person in charge of the artistic direction of a theatre company
  • ascertained goods — specific goods
  • assembly district — one of a fixed number of districts into which a state is divided, each district electing one member to the lower house of the state legislature.
  • associated states — Anguilla, Antigua, Dominica, Grenada, St Kitts-Nevis, St Lucia, and St Vincent and the Grenadines, which had the status of associated statehood
  • audience research — research into the make-up and habits of the audience of a particular television or radio programme or network
  • audio description — a facility provided for visually impaired people in which a film, television programme, or play is described through audio technology
  • aurea mediocritas — the golden mean.
  • automatic vending — selling goods by vending machines
  • aviation medicine — the branch of medicine concerned with the effects on man of flight in the earth's atmosphere
  • backward analysis — (theory)   An analysis to determine properties of the inputs of a program from properties or context of the outputs. E.g. if the output of this function is needed then this argument is needed. Compare forward analysis.
  • backward chaining — (algorithm)   An algorithm for proving a goal by recursively breaking it down into sub-goals and trying to prove these until facts are reached. Facts are goals with no sub-goals which are therefore always true. Backward training is the program execution mechanism used by most logic programming language like Prolog. Opposite: forward chaining.
  • bacteriorhodopsin — a purple protein containing retinal and found in the plasma membrane of certain bacteria (genus Halobacterium): it directly supplies electrochemical energy from sunlight
  • bahia de cochinos — Spanish name of Bay of Pigs.
  • balanced literacy — a method of teaching reading in which phonics and whole language approaches are both used to maximize student learning.
  • barbed wire fence — a fence constructed from strong wire that has sharply pointed barbs at close intervals along its length
  • barmecide (feast) — a pretended feast with no food
  • be running scared — If you say that a person or group is running scared, you mean that they are frightened of what someone might do to them or what might happen.
  • beardmore glacier — one of the largest glaciers, in central Antarctica. About 125 miles (200 km) long.
  • behind one's back — without one's knowledge; secretly or deceitfully
  • bergisch gladbach — city in W Germany, in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia: pop. 105,000
  • bergisch-gladbach — an industrial city in W Germany, near Cologne.
  • betagalactosidase — any of a family of enzymes capable of liberating galactose from carbohydrates.
  • beyond comparison — outstanding, without equal
  • biological shield — a protective shield impervious to radiation, esp the thick concrete wall surrounding the core of a nuclear reactor
  • black-tailed deer — a variety of mule deer, Odocoileus hemionus columbianus, of the western slope of the Rocky Mountains, having a tail that is black above.
  • blackwells island — a former name of Roosevelt Island.
  • bland-allison act — an act of Congress (1878) requiring the federal government to purchase at the market price from two to four million dollars' worth of silver monthly for conversion into silver dollars containing 16 times more silver per coin than gold in dollar coins of gold.
  • blind carbon copy — a duplicate of anything written or typed, or a copy of an email or other electronic document, that is sent to someone whose name is not visible to the primary addressee. Abbreviation: bcc.
  • blocking antibody — Immunology. an antibody that partly combines with an antigen and interferes with cell-mediated immunity, thereby preventing an allergic reaction.
  • body modification — any method of permanently adorning the body, including tattooing and piercing
  • book depreciation — Book depreciation is depreciation in a company's internal financial records that is different from the amount that is used for taxes.
  • branch prediction — (processor, algorithm)   A technique used in some processors with instruction prefetch to guess whether a conditional branch will be taken or not and prefetch code from the appropriate location. When a branch instruction is executed, its address and that of the next instruction executed (the chosen destination of the branch) are stored in the Branch Target Buffer. This information is used to predict which way the instruction will branch the next time it is executed so that instruction prefetch can continue. When the prediction is correct (and it is over 90% of the time), executing a branch does not cause a pipeline break. Some later CPUs simply prefetch both paths instead of trying to predict which way the branch will go. An extension of the idea of branch prediction is speculative execution.
  • breakdown service — a service that provides assistance to motorists who break down
  • bricks and clicks — a combination of traditional business carried out on physical premises and internet trading
  • bricks and mortar — You can use bricks and mortar to refer to houses and other buildings, especially when they are considered as an investment.
  • brzesc nad bugiem — Polish name of Brest Litovsk.
  • budgetary deficit — the amount by which government expenditure exceeds income from taxation, customs duties, etc, in any one fiscal year
  • calcium cyanamide — a white crystalline compound formed by heating calcium carbide with nitrogen. It is important in the fixation of nitrogen and can be hydrolysed to ammonia or used as a fertilizer. Formula: CaCN2
  • calcium hydroxide — a white crystalline slightly soluble alkali with many uses, esp in cement, water softening, and the neutralization of acid soils. Formula: Ca(OH)2
  • california condor — either of two large, New World vultures of the family Cathartidae, Gymnogyps californianus (California condor) or Vultur gryphus (Andean condor) the largest flying birds in the Western Hemisphere: the California condor is almost extinct; the Andean condor is greatly reduced in number and rare in many areas.
  • canadian alliance — a Canadian right-wing federal political party, founded in 2000; merged with the Conservative Party in 2003
  • canadian fleabane — a plant, Conyza (or Erigeron) canadensis, with small white tubular flower heads
  • canadian football — a game resembling American football, played on a grass pitch between two teams of 12 players
  • canadian pondweed — a North American aquatic plant, Elodea (or Anacharis) canadensis, naturalized in Europe, having crowded dark green leaves: family Hydrocharitaceae. It is used in aquariums
  • canarybird flower — a nasturtium, Tropaeolum peregrinum, of Peru, having round, deeply lobed leaves and yellow flowers.
  • candidate species — any plant or animal species that is a candidate for designation as an endangered species or threatened species.
  • cantilever bridge — a bridge having spans that are constructed as cantilevers and often a suspended span or spans, each end of which rests on one end of a cantilever span
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