
18-letter words containing d, e

  • magnetic induction — Also called magnetic flux density. a vector quantity used as a measure of a magnetic field. Symbol: B.
  • magnetic recording — the process of recording sound or other data on magnetic tape, wire, etc.
  • magnetogasdynamics — magnetohydrodynamics.
  • maison-de-molieres — Comédie Française.
  • make no difference — to have no effect; not matter
  • make someone tired — to annoy or vex someone
  • make up one's mind — (in a human or other conscious being) the element, part, substance, or process that reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives, judges, etc.: the processes of the human mind.
  • man-to-man defense — a method of defense in team sports, especially in basketball and football, in which each member of the defensive team is designated to guard a particular member of the offensive team.
  • management studies — the study of the technique, practice, or science of managing a company, business, etc
  • mandelbrot, benoit — Benoit Mandelbrot
  • manufactured goods — products made by machine
  • marine underwriter — an underwriter who specializes in marine insurance
  • master boot record — (operating system, storage)   A special area on a computer's main hard disk that gives the location of the disk's boot block or bootable partition where the operating system is installed.
  • materials handling — the loading, unloading, and movement of goods, as within a factory or warehouse, especially by the aid of mechanical devices.
  • mathematical model — a representation of a system, process, etc, in mathematical terms
  • matthias schleiden — Matthias Jakob [mah-tee-ahs yah-kawp] /mɑˈti ɑs ˈyɑ kɔp/ (Show IPA), 1804–81, German botanist.
  • maximum likelihood — greatest probability
  • mechanical drawing — drawing, as of machinery, done with the aid of rulers, scales, compasses, etc.
  • median lethal dose — the quantity of a lethal substance, as a poison or pathogen, or of ionizing radiation that will kill 50 percent of the organisms subjected to it in a specified time period. Symbol: LD 5 0.
  • medical dictionary — a specialized dictionary covering terms used in the health professions by doctors, nurses, and others involved in allied health care services. A dictionary with authoritative spellings and definitions is a particularly crucial resource in medicine, where a misspelling or misunderstanding can have unfortunate consequences for people under care. Print dictionaries in this field may be sorted alphabetically or may be categorized according to medical specializations or by the various systems in the body, as the immune system and the respiratory system. The online Medical Dictionary on Dictionary.com allows alphabetical browsing in the combined electronic versions of more than one authoritative medical reference, insuring access to correct spellings, as well as immediate, direct access to a known search term typed into the search box on the site: A medical dictionary reveals that large numbers of medical terms are formed from the same Latin and Greek parts combined and recombined.
  • medical profession — the body of people who work as doctors of medicine
  • medical technician — a person, not a qualified doctor, who does practical work in a hospital
  • medicine bow range — a range of the Rocky Mountains, in Wyoming and Colorado. Highest peak, Medicine Bow Peak, 12,014 feet (3662 meters).
  • medium of exchange — anything generally accepted as representing a standard of value and exchangeable for goods or services.
  • mendel's first law — the principle, originated by Gregor Mendel, stating that during the production of gametes the two copies of each hereditary factor segregate so that offspring acquire one factor from each parent.
  • menendez de aviles — Pedro [pe-th raw] /ˈpɛ ðrɔ/ (Show IPA), 1519–74, Spanish admiral and colonizer: founder of St. Augustine, Florida 1565.
  • meniere's syndrome — a disease of the labyrinth of the ear, characterized by deafness, ringing in the ears, dizziness, and nausea.
  • mental retardation — Usually Offensive. a developmental disorder characterized in varying degrees by a subnormal ability to learn, a substantially low IQ, and impaired social adjustment.
  • mercurous chloride — calomel.
  • mercury delay line — (storage, history)   An archaic first-in first-out fixed time period data storage device using acoustic transducers to transmit data as waves in a trough or tube of mercury. EDSAC (Cambridge) and UNIVAC I used delay lines.
  • metabolic syndrome — Pathology. a group of medical conditions present simultaneously in a patient, as high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol levels, and an excess of abdominal fat, that increases a person's risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Also called insulin resistance syndrome.
  • methylated spirits — ethyl alcohol denatured with methyl alcohol for the purpose of preventing its use as an alcoholic beverage.
  • methylene chloride — a colorless, volatile liquid, CH 2 Cl 2 , used chiefly as a solvent, as a refrigerant, and as a local anesthetic in dentistry.
  • methylprednisolone — A synthetic glucocorticoid drug, with chemical formula C22H30O5.
  • mexican gold poppy — an annual wildflower, Eschscholzia mexicana, having orange-gold, cup-shaped flowers, found in dry, mountainous regions of western North America.
  • microsoft extended — (computer)   (MSX) A Range of computers created in an attempt by the industry to create a standard for home computers, similar to VHS did with home video. The basic MSX machine contained a Z80 CPU working at 3.58MHz. MSX machines were produced by such giants as Sony, Yamaha, Panasonic, Toshiba, Daewoo, and Philips. The MSX standard was designed by a company called ASCII in cooperation with Microsoft who provided a firmware version of its BASIC for the machine. Because this BASIC version was an extended version of MicroSoft Basic, it was called "MicroSoft eXtended BASIC"; Hence "MSX". Microsoft also produced MSX-DOS - a stripped-down version of MS-DOS. Extensions to the MSX included MSX2, MSX2+ and TurboR.
  • microwave detector — a device for recording the speed of a motorist
  • mid-atlantic ridge — a north-south suboceanic ridge in the Atlantic Ocean from Iceland to Antarctica on whose crest are several groups of islands; shown by plate tectonics to be the axis along which North America has split away from Eurasia, and along which South America has split away from Africa.
  • middle common room — (in certain universities and colleges) a common room for the use of postgraduate students
  • middle high german — the High German language of the period 1100–1500. Abbreviation: MHG.
  • middle paleolithic — See under Paleolithic.
  • middle-of-the-road — favoring, following, or characterized by an intermediate position between two extremes, especially in politics; moderate.
  • middleburg heights — a town in N Ohio.
  • midstream operator — A midstream operator is a company that gathers, transports, and processes natural gas or oil.
  • milkweed butterfly — monarch butterfly.
  • mineralocorticoids — Plural form of mineralocorticoid.
  • minority president — (in the US) a president who has been elected by the largest number of votes cast but not by a majority of the electorate
  • misplaced modifier — Grammar. a word, phrase, or clause that seems to refer to or modify an unintended word because of its placement in a sentence, as when young in When young, circuses appeal to all of us.
  • missing definition — (introduction)   First, this is an (English language) computing dictionary. It includes lots of terms from related fields such as mathematics and electronics, but if you're looking for (or want to submit) words from other subjects or general English words or other languages, try http://wikipedia.org/, http://onelook.com/, http://yourdictionary.com/, http://www.dictionarist.com/ or http://reference.allrefer.com/. If you've already searched the dictionary for a computing term and it's not here then please don't tell me. There are, and always will be, a great many missing terms, no dictionary is ever complete. I use my limited time to process the corrections and definitions people have submitted and to add the most frequently requested missing terms. Try one of the sources mentioned above or http://techweb.com/encyclopedia/, http://whatis.techtarget.com/ or http://google.com/. See the Help page for more about missing definitions and bad cross-references.
  • misunderestimation — (nonstandard) An inaccurate underestimation, or an act of misunderestimating.
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