
15-letter words containing d, e, u, c, r

  • under suspicion — suspected of a crime
  • under-education — to educate too little or poorly.
  • under-frequency — Also, frequence. the state or fact of being frequent; frequent occurrence: We are alarmed by the frequency of fires in the neighborhood.
  • under-secretary — UK ministerial position
  • undercapitalize — to provide an insufficient amount of capital for (a business enterprise).
  • undercompensate — to compensate or pay less than is fair, customary, or expected.
  • underproduction — production that is less than normal or than is required by the demand.
  • underpublicized — lacking publicity
  • underresearched — diligent and systematic inquiry or investigation into a subject in order to discover or revise facts, theories, applications, etc.: recent research in medicine.
  • undersubscribed — having more places available than the demand for them
  • unearned income — income received from property, as interest, dividends, or the like.
  • unindoctrinated — to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology, etc., especially to imbue with a specific partisan or biased belief or point of view.
  • unpolished rice — a partly refined rice, hulled and deprived of its germ but retaining some bran.
  • unpractisedness — the quality or state of being unpractised
  • unprecedentedly — without previous instance; never before known or experienced; unexampled or unparalleled: an unprecedented event.
  • unprotected sex — an act of sexual intercourse or sodomy performed without the use of a condom, thus involving the risk of sexually transmitted diseases
  • unprotectedness — the state of being unprotected or defenceless against attack
  • unrecommendable — not able to be recommended, supported, or endorsed
  • unreconstructed — stubbornly maintaining earlier positions, beliefs, etc.; not adjusted to new or current situations: an unreconstructed conservative.
  • url redirection — (web)   (Or "URL forwarding") When a web server tells the client browser to obtain a certain requested page from a different location. This is controlled by directives in the server's configuration files or a "Location: header output by a CGI script. The web server stores all its documents in a directory tree rooted at some configured directory, known as its "document root". Normally the URI part of the URL (the part after the hostname) is used as a relative path from the document root to the desired file or directory. A redirect directive allows the server administrator to specify exceptions to this general mapping from URL to file name by telling the browser "try this URL instead". The new URL may be on the same server or a different one and may itself be subject to redirection. The user is normally unaware of this process except that it may introduce extra delay while the browser sends the new request and the browser will usually display the new URL rather than the one the user originally requested.
  • vascular bundle — a longitudinal arrangement of strands of xylem and phloem, and sometimes cambium, that forms the fluid-conducting channels of vascular tissue in the rhizomes, stems, and leaf veins of vascular plants, the arrangement varying with the type of plant.
  • video frequency — transmission frequency of the television picture.
  • wheelchairbound — Confined to a wheelchair.
  • wraparound care — a childcare facility intended to help working parents, in which young children are looked after before and after school
  • wreathed column — a column having a twisted or spiral form.
  • zirconium oxide — Chemistry. a white, heavy, amorphous, odorless and tasteless, infusible, water-insoluble powder, ZrO 2 , used chiefly as a pigment for paints, an abrasive, and in the manufacture of refractory crucibles.
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