
27-letter words containing d, e, t, n, s

  • old chestnut/hoary chestnut — If you refer to a statement, a story, or a joke as an old chestnut or a hoary chestnut, you mean that it has been repeated so often that it is no longer interesting.
  • on the understanding (that) — If you agree to do something on the understanding that something else will be done, you do it because you have been told that the other thing will definitely be done.
  • open distributed processing — (standard)   (ODP) An attempt to standardise an OSI application layer communications architecture. ODP is a natural progression from OSI, broadening the target of standardisation from the point of interconnection to the end system behaviour. The objective of ODP is to enable the construction of distributed systems in a multi-vendor environment through the provision of a general architectural framework that such systems must conform to. One of the cornerstones of this framework is a model of multiple viewpoints which enables different participants to observe a system from a suitable perspective and a suitable level of abstraction.
  • open-end investment company — an investment company that issues shares continuously and is obligated to repurchase them from shareholders on demand.
  • pelvic inflammatory disease — an inflammation of the female pelvic organs, most commonly the fallopian tubes, usually as a result of bacterial infection. Abbreviation: PID.
  • perfect programmer syndrome — Arrogance; the egotistical conviction that one is above normal human error. Most frequently found among programmers of some native ability but relatively little experience (especially new graduates; their perceptions may be distorted by a history of excellent performance at solving toy problems). "Of course my program is correct, there is no need to test it." "Yes, I can see there may be a problem here, but *I'll* never type "rm -r /" while in root mode."
  • personal accident insurance — accident which covers personal accidents
  • plain old telephone service — (communications)   (POTS) The traditional voice service provided by phone companies, especially when opposed to data services. Note that the acronym POTS is sometimes expanded as "Plain Old Telephone System" in which sense it is synonymous to Public Switched Telephone Network but used somewhat derogatively.
  • post-viral fatigue syndrome — Post-viral fatigue syndrome is a long-lasting illness that is thought to be caused by a virus. Its symptoms include feeling tired all the time and muscle pain.
  • potassium hydrogen tartrate — a colourless or white soluble crystalline salt used in baking powders, soldering fluxes, and laxatives. Formula: KHC4H4O6
  • pour oil on troubled waters — any of a large class of substances typically unctuous, viscous, combustible, liquid at ordinary temperatures, and soluble in ether or alcohol but not in water: used for anointing, perfuming, lubricating, illuminating, heating, etc.
  • product liability insurance — Product liability insurance is insurance for a producer or supplier of goods against injury to third parties or loss of or damage to their property that is caused by a fault in the goods.
  • public broadcasting service — a network of independent, noncommercial television stations that operate with public and government funding instead of with revenues from advertising. Abbreviation: PBS.
  • public service broadcasting — publicly-funded broadcasting
  • put one's best foot forward — (in vertebrates) the terminal part of the leg, below the ankle joint, on which the body stands and moves.
  • ride on someone's coattails — to have one's success dependent on that of someone else
  • rough endoplasmic reticulum — a network of tubular membranes within the cytoplasm of the cell, occurring either with a smooth surface (smooth endoplasmic reticulum) or studded with ribosomes (rough endoplasmic reticulum) involved in the transport of materials.
  • seasonal affective disorder — recurrent winter depression characterized by oversleeping, overeating, and irritability, and relieved by the arrival of spring or by light therapy. Abbreviation: SAD.
  • senile macular degeneration — a type of macular degeneration that is one of the leading causes of blindness in the elderly and in which tiny blood vessels grow into the macula of the retina, obscuring vision. Abbreviation: SMD.
  • serbs, croats, and slovenes — former name (1918–29) of Yugoslavia.
  • set someone's teeth on edge — to make someone acutely irritated or uncomfortable
  • soft-coated wheaten terrier — one of an Irish breed of medium-sized sporting terriers having an abundant, soft, medium-length coat, any shade of wheat in color, with its head and face profusely covered with coat.
  • someone's side of the story — If someone tells you their side of the story, they tell you why they behaved in a particular way and why they think they were right, when other people think that person behaved wrongly.
  • spa and wellness facilities — In a hotel, the spa and wellness facilities are where people go to exercise and have special treatments in order to improve their health.
  • stand someone in good stead — to be of benefit or advantage to someone
  • stand/turn sth on it's head — If you stand an idea or argument on its head or turn it on its head, you think about it or treat it in a completely new and different way.
  • stanford research institute — Former name of SRI International.
  • sudden adult death syndrome — the unexpected death of a young adult, usually due to undetected inherited heart disease
  • systems analysis definition — (programming)   (SAD) The analysis of the role of a proposed system and the identification of the requirements that it should meet. SAD is the starting point for system design. The term is most commonly used in the context of commercial programming, where software developers are often classed as either systems analysts or programmers. The systems analysts are responsible for identifying requirements (i.e. systems analysis) and producing a design. The programmers are then responsible for implementing it.
  • take advantage of something — If you take advantage of something, you make good use of it while you can.
  • take sth into consideration — If you take something into consideration, you think about it because it is relevant to what you are doing.
  • teach an old dog new tricks — to induce a person of settled habits to adopt new methods or ideas
  • terminate and stay resident — (TSR) A type of DOS utility which, once loaded, stays in memory and can be reactivated by pressing a certain combination of keys.
  • the devil take the hindmost — You can say the devil take the hindmost to describe or comment on a situation you disapprove of because people do only what is best for themselves without thinking about other people.
  • the long and (the) short of — the whole story of in a few words; gist or point of
  • the odds are in sb's favour — If you say that the odds are in someone's favour, you mean that they are likely to succeed in what they are doing.
  • the tail is wagging the dog — If you say that the tail is wagging the dog, you mean that a small or unimportant part of something is becoming too important and is controlling the whole thing.
  • third law of thermodynamics — any of three principles variously stated in equivalent forms, being the principle that the change of energy of a thermodynamic system is equal to the heat transferred minus the work done (first law of thermodynamics) the principle that no cyclic process is possible in which heat is absorbed from a reservoir at a single temperature and converted completely into mechanical work (second law of thermodynamics) and the principle that it is impossible to reduce the temperature of a system to absolute zero in a finite number of operations (third law of thermodynamics)
  • throw someone under the bus — to expose someone to an unpleasant fate, esp in order to save oneself
  • thyroid stimulating hormone — thyrotropin. Abbreviation: TSH.
  • thyroid-stimulating hormone — thyrotropin. Abbreviation: TSH.
  • to all intents and purposes — something that is intended; purpose; design; intention: The original intent of the committee was to raise funds.
  • to be suspended on full pay — if someone is suspended on full pay they are temporarily barred from work (due to misconduct, etc) while receiving full salary
  • to cut someone down to size — If someone is cut down to size, something happens to make them realize that they are not as important as they think they are.
  • to give someone a free hand — If someone gives you a free hand, they give you the freedom to use your own judgment and to do exactly as you wish.
  • to go into the record books — to achieve one of the best results that have ever been achieved in a particular sport or activity, for example the fastest time, the furthest distance, or the greatest number of victories
  • to invade someone's privacy — If someone or something invades your privacy, they interfere in your life without your permission.
  • to know something backwards — In British English, if you say that someone knows something backwards, you are emphasizing that they know it very well. In American English, you say that someone knows something backward and forward.
  • to nip something in the bud — If you nip something such as bad behaviour in the bud, you stop it before it can develop very far.
  • to rule sb with a high hand — to behave imperiously towards someone
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