
19-letter words containing d, e, t, n, s

  • front-end processor — a small computer or other dedicated device that performs preliminary processing of data for a host computer.
  • functional database — (database, language)   A database which uses a functional language as its query language. Databases would seem to be an inappropriate application for functional languages since, a purely functional language would have to return a new copy of the entire database every time (part of) it was updated. To be practically scalable, the update mechanism must clearly be destructive rather than functional; however it is quite feasible for the query language to be purely functional so long as the database is considered as an argument. One approach to the update problem would use a monad to encapsulate database access and ensure it was single threaded. Alternative approaches have been suggested by Trinder, who suggests non-destructive updating with shared data structures, and Sutton who uses a variant of a Phil Wadler's linear type system. There are two main classes of functional database languages. The first is based upon Backus' FP language, of which FQL is probably the best known example. Adaplan is a more recent language which falls into this category. More recently, people have been working on languages which are syntactically very similar to modern functional programming languages, but which also provide all of the features of a database language, e.g. bulk data structures which can be incrementally updated, type systems which can be incrementally updated, and all data persisting in a database. Examples are PFL [Poulovassilis&Small, VLDB-91], and Machiavelli [Ohori et al, ACM SIGMOD Conference, 1998].
  • future date testing — (testing)   The process of setting a computer's date to a future date to test a program's (expected or unexpected) date sensitivity. Future date testing only shows the effects of dates on the computer(s) under scrutiny, it does not take into account knock-on effects of dates on other connected systems.
  • gender reassignment — the alteration, by surgery and hormone treatments, of a person's physical sex characteristics to approximate those of the opposite sex: Born male, she now lives as a woman but has no plans for a sex change.
  • get one's dander up — to become or to cause someone to become annoyed or angry
  • gigabits per second — (unit)   (Gbps) A unit of information transfer rate equal to one billion bits per second. Note that, while a gigabit is defined as a power of two (2^30 bits), a gigabit per second is defined as a power of ten (10^9 bits per second, which is slightly less) than 2^30).
  • go down the tube(s) — If a business, economy, or institution goes down the tubes or goes down the tube, it fails or collapses completely.
  • goods received note — a document created by a buyer on receipt of merchandise and which describes each good and details the quantity of each received
  • grandfather's chair — wing chair.
  • grandfather's clock — a pendulum floor clock having a case as tall as or taller than a person; tall-case clock; long-case clock.
  • grandmother's clock — a pendulum clock similar to a grandfather's clock but shorter.
  • great indian desert — a desert in NW India and S Pakistan. About 77,000 sq. mi. (200,000 sq. km).
  • grosse pointe woods — a city in SE Michigan, near Detroit.
  • handlebar moustache — a man's moustache having long, curved ends that resemble the handlebars of a bicycle.
  • have designs on sth — If someone has designs on something, they want it and are planning to get it, often in a dishonest way.
  • haves and have-nots — If you refer to two groups of people as haves and have-nots, you mean that the first group are very wealthy and the second group are very poor. You can also refer generally to poor people as have-nots.
  • highways department — the department of a state, council, etc, responsible for the upkeep of roads and highways
  • hold no terrors for — If something holds no terrors for you, you are not at all frightened or worried by it.
  • holy innocents' day — December 28, a day of religious observance commemorating the slaughter of the children of Bethlehem by Herod's order.
  • hop, step, and jump — triple jump.
  • hotel des invalides — a military hospital built in Paris in the 17th and 18th centuries by Libéral Bruant and J. H. Mansart: famous for its chapel dome, the tomb of Napoleon, and as a military museum.
  • hound's-tooth check — a pattern of broken or jagged checks, used on a variety of fabrics.
  • housing development — a group of houses or apartments, usually of the same size and design, often erected on a tract of land by one builder and controlled by one management.
  • human rights record — the facts that are known about the tendency of a country, regime, etc, to observe and protect human rights
  • hydrostatic balance — a balance for finding the weight of an object submerged in water in order to determine the upthrust on it and thus determine its relative density
  • hyperfocal distance — the distance, at a given f number, between a camera lens and the nearest point (hyperfocal point) having satisfactory definition when focused at infinity.
  • in consideration of — the act of considering; careful thought; meditation; deliberation: I will give your project full consideration.
  • in one's right mind — sane
  • in the catbird seat — If you say that someone is in the catbird seat, you think that their situation is very good.
  • in the driving seat — If you say that someone is in the driving seat, you mean that they are in control in a situation.
  • in the second place — secondly
  • in this day and age — these days
  • in this/that regard — You can use in this regard or in that regard to refer back to something that you have just said.
  • incidental expenses — costs outside those budgeted
  • indemnity insurance — insurance covering against damage or loss
  • index expurgatorius — a list of books now included in the Index Librorum Prohibitorum, forbidden to be read except from expurgated editions.
  • indirect addressing — indirect address
  • industrial accident — an accident that happens to an employee of an industrial company during the course of their work
  • industrial medicine — the study and practice of the health care of employees of large organizations, including measures to prevent accidents, industrial diseases, and stress in the workforce and to monitor the health of executives
  • industrial-strength — unusually strong, potent, or the like: heavy-duty: an industrial-strength soap.
  • installed user base — user base
  • instantaneous speed — a scalar measure of the rate of movement of a body expressed as the rate of change of position with respect to time at a particular point. It is measured in metres per second, miles per hour, etc
  • interdisciplinarity — Any academic or scientific study that draws on the expertise of more than one discipline.
  • interlaced scanning — a system of scanning a television picture, first along the even-numbered lines, then along the odd-numbered lines, in one complete scan
  • intermediate school — a school for pupils in grades 4 through 6.
  • intermediate system — (networking)   (IS) An Open Systems Interconnection system which performs network layer forwarding. It is analogous to an IP router.
  • intersecting arcade — interlacing arcade.
  • interstellar medium — the matter occurring between the stars of our Galaxy, largely in the spiral arms, and consisting mainly of huge clouds of ionized, neutral, or molecular hydrogen
  • intervertebral disc — any of the cartilaginous discs between individual vertebrae, acting as shock absorbers
  • intervertebral disk — the plate of fibrocartilage between the bodies of adjacent vertebrae.
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