
18-letter words containing d, e, t, n, s

  • granulated surface — a roughened surface
  • great sandy desert — a desert in NW Australia. About 300 miles (485 km) long; 500 miles (800 km) wide; about 160,000 sq. mi. (414,400 sq. km).
  • green-eyed monster — jealousy: Othello fell under the sway of the green-eyed monster.
  • hand it to someone — to give credit to someone
  • handlebar mustache — A handlebar mustache is a long thick mustache with curled ends.
  • harnessed antelope — any African antelope of the genus Tragelaphus, especially the bushbuck, having the body marked with white stripes and spots that resemble a harness, and, in the male, long, gently spiraling horns.
  • have a hand in sth — If you have a hand in something such as an event or activity, you are involved in it.
  • hearts and flowers — maudlin sentimentality: The play is a period piece, full of innocence abused and hearts and flowers.
  • high speed connect — (hardware)   (HSC) A Hewlett-Packard bus like EISA.
  • histamine headache — cluster headache.
  • hold a reservation — If a hotel holds a reservation, it keeps a room for someone, and does not give it to someone else.
  • homelands movement — the programme to resettle native Australians on their tribal lands
  • honest-to-goodness — real or genuine.
  • honour moderations — (at Oxford University) the first public examination, in which candidates are placed into one of three classes of honours
  • house of detention — a place maintained by the civil authorities for persons charged with a crime, and sometimes for witnesses, awaiting trial.
  • how the wind blows — air in natural motion, as that moving horizontally at any velocity along the earth's surface: A gentle wind blew through the valley. High winds were forecast.
  • hydroxytryptamines — Plural form of hydroxytryptamine.
  • hyperaldosteronism — aldosteronism.
  • idylls of the king — a series of poems by Tennyson, based on Arthurian legend.
  • imploded consonant — a consonant which is pronounced with or by implosion
  • in inverted commas — If you say in inverted commas after a word or phrase, you are indicating that it is inaccurate or unacceptable in some way, or that you are quoting someone else.
  • incentive discount — a discount on goods offered to customers, usually as a reward for repeated business or for bringing in other customers
  • incidental charges — Incidental charges are costs of items and services that are not part of the main bill.
  • incidental damages — law: incurred by contract breach
  • indentured servant — a person who came to America and was placed under contract to work for another over a period of time, usually seven years, especially during the 17th to 19th centuries. Generally, indentured servants included redemptioners, victims of religious or political persecution, persons kidnapped for the purpose, convicts, and paupers.
  • independent clause — a clause that can stand alone as a sentence, containing a subject and a predicate with a finite verb, as I was there in the sentence I was there when he arrived.
  • independent school — (in Britain) a school that is neither financed nor controlled by the government or local authorities
  • indestructibleness — The quality of being indestructible.
  • indirect discourse — discourse consisting not of an exact quotation of a speaker's words but of a version transformed from them for grammatical inclusion in a larger sentence. He said he was hungry is an example of indirect discourse.
  • indiscriminateness — The state of being indiscriminate.
  • industrial disease — occupational disease (def 1).
  • industrial dispute — disagreement between workers and managers
  • industrial hygiene — the science that assesses, controls, and prevents occupational factors or sources of stress in the workplace that may significantly affect the health and well-being of employees or of the community in general
  • industrial vehicle — a vehicle designed for use in industry
  • infectious disease — illness spread by person to person
  • infrared astronomy — the study of infrared radiation emitted by celestial objects.
  • instrument landing — an aircraft landing accomplished by use of gauges on the instrument panel and ground-based radio equipment, with limited reference to outside visual signals.
  • insurance adjuster — An insurance adjuster is the same as a claims adjuster.
  • integrated studies — a course that includes a number of subjects and is organized by theme
  • intelligent design — the theory that the universe and living things were designed and created by the purposeful action of an intelligent agent. Abbreviation: ID.
  • interconnectedness — the quality or condition of being interconnected; interrelatedness: the interconnectedness of all nations working toward world peace.
  • iridescent seaweed — a red alga, Irideae cordata, found on the Pacific coast of North America, having broad, leathery, iridescent blades.
  • jose de san martin — José de [haw-se th e] /hɔˈsɛ ðɛ/ (Show IPA), 1778–1850, South American general and statesman, born in Argentina: leader in winning independence for Argentina, Peru, and Chile; protector of Peru 1821–22.
  • justice department — the United States federal department for enforcing federal laws
  • keep at a distance — to be reserved or cool toward; treat aloofly
  • kill with kindness — to deprive of life in any manner; cause the death of; slay. Synonyms: slaughter, massacre, butcher; hang, electrocute, behead, guillotine, strangle, garrote; assassinate.
  • kirtland's warbler — a wood warbler, Dendroica kirtlandii, breeding only in north-central Michigan and wintering in the Bahamas, bluish gray above, striped with black and pale yellow below: an endangered species.
  • kitchen-sink drama — a type of drama of the 1950s depicting the sordid aspects of domestic reality
  • knotted cranesbill — a British wildflower, Geranium nodosum, an meadow geranium with bright pink or purple flowers
  • landscape painting — art: depicting natural scenery
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