
17-letter words containing d, e, t, n, s

  • stand on ceremony — to insist on or act with excessive formality
  • stand-up comedian — performer: tells jokes
  • standing expenses — fixed or flat expenses or charges
  • stannous chloride — a white, crystalline, water-soluble solid, SnCl 2 ⋅2H 2 O, used chiefly as a reducing and tinning agent, and as a mordant in dyeing with cochineal.
  • stannous fluoride — a white, crystalline powder, SnF 2 , slightly soluble in water: used as a source of fluorine in the prevention of dental caries, especially as a toothpaste additive.
  • stars and stripes — US national flag
  • store and forward — to store (information) in a computer for later forward transmission through a telecommunication network
  • strange interlude — a play (1928) by Eugene O'Neill.
  • straw in the wind — If you say that an incident or piece of news is a straw in the wind, you mean that it gives an indication of what might happen in the future.
  • strawberry blonde — woman: with reddish fair hair
  • subordinated debt — a debt that an unsecured creditor can only claim, in the event of a liquidation, after the claims of secured creditors have been paid
  • sudetes mountains — mountain range along the borders of N Czech Republic & SW Poland: highest peak, 5,259 ft (1,603 m)
  • sum and substance — main idea, gist, or point: the sum and substance of an argument.
  • sunday supplement — a special section incorporated in the Sunday editions of many newspapers, often containing features on books, celebrities, home entertainment, gardening, and the like.
  • superconductivity — the phenomenon of almost perfect conductivity shown by certain substances at temperatures approaching absolute zero. The recent discovery of materials that are superconductive at temperatures hundreds of degrees above absolute zero raises the possibility of revolutionary developments in the production and transmission of electrical energy.
  • surrender to bail — to present oneself at court at the appointed time after having been on bail
  • sustained-release — (of a drug or fertilizer) capable of gradual release of an active agent over a period of time, allowing for a sustained effect; timed-release; long-acting; prolonged-action; slow-release.
  • sustentation fund — a fund, esp in the Church of Scotland, to augment the support of ministers
  • swaddling clothes — cloth for wrapping around a baby
  • take into custody — to arrest
  • take second place — If one thing takes second place to another, it is considered to be less important and is given less attention than the other thing.
  • take to one's bed — to remain in bed, esp because of illness
  • the last judgment — the occasion, after the resurrection of the dead at the end of the world, when, according to biblical tradition, God will decree the final destinies of all men according to the good and evil in their earthly lives
  • the life and soul — a person regarded as the main source of merriment and liveliness
  • the silken ladder — a one-act opera by Rossini, telling the story of Giulia, who is secretly married to Dorvil; he visits her bedroom every night by climbing up a ladder made of silk. Giulia's guardian, Dormont, expects her to marry Blansac, but she introduces Blansac to her cousin Lucilla; after much confusion, the two couples are joyfully united
  • the sound of mull — the water that separates the island of Mull from the mainland of Scotland
  • theodore sturgeon — Theodore (Hamilton) 1918–85, U.S. science-fiction writer.
  • thermal diffusion — the separation of constituents, often isotopes, of a fluid under the influence of a temperature gradient.
  • thiopental sodium — a barbiturate, C 11 H 18 N 2 NaO 2 S, used as an anesthetic in surgery and, in psychiatry, for narcoanalysis and to stimulate recall of past events.
  • thompson seedless — a yellow, seedless variety of grape used in producing raisins.
  • thousandths-place — last in order of a series of a thousand.
  • thread escutcheon — a raised metal rim around a keyhole.
  • three mile island — an island in the Susquehanna River, near Middletown, Pennsylvania, SE of Harrisburg: scene of a near-disastrous accident at a nuclear plant in 1979 that raised the issue of nuclear-energy safety.
  • three-dimensional — having, or seeming to have, the dimension of depth as well as width and height.
  • tibetan highlands — Tibet, Plateau of.
  • to best advantage — If something is shown to good advantage or to best advantage, it is shown in a way that reveals its best features.
  • to do one's worst — If someone does their worst, they do everything unpleasant that they can possibly do. You can say 'do your worst' to show someone that you are not frightened of what they may do.
  • to lose your mind — If you say that someone is losing their mind, you mean that they are becoming mad.
  • to make ends meet — If you find it difficult to make ends meet, you can only just manage financially because you hardly have enough money for the things you need.
  • to read sb's mind — If you can read someone's mind, you know what they are thinking without them saying anything.
  • to stand a chance — If you say that someone stands a chance of achieving something, you mean that they are likely to achieve it. If you say that someone doesn't stand a chance of achieving something, you mean that they cannot possibly achieve it.
  • tourette syndrome — a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent involuntary movements, including multiple neck jerks and sometimes vocal tics, as grunts, barks, or words, especially obscenities.
  • trade association — an association of people or companies in a particular business or trade, organized to promote their common interests.
  • traffic diversion — a special route arranged for traffic to follow when the normal route cannot be used
  • transcendentalism — transcendental character, thought, or language.
  • transcendentalist — transcendental character, thought, or language.
  • transcendentalize — to cause to become transcendent.
  • transdermal patch — a small piece of material used to mend a tear or break, to cover a hole, or to strengthen a weak place: patches at the elbows of a sports jacket.
  • tridimensionality — having three dimensions.
  • try one's hand at — to attempt (to do something), esp. for the first time
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