
16-letter words containing d, e, t, n, s

  • long-established — having a long history; old
  • long-nosed skate — a fish; Raja oxyrinchus
  • mainstream media — newspapers, magazines, television, and radio, as opposed to social media
  • malcontentedness — not satisfied or content with currently prevailing conditions or circumstances.
  • manifest destiny — the belief or doctrine, held chiefly in the middle and latter part of the 19th century, that it was the destiny of the U.S. to expand its territory over the whole of North America and to extend and enhance its political, social, and economic influences.
  • manufactured gas — a gaseous fuel created from coal, oil, etc., as differentiated from natural gas.
  • mass destruction — devastation on a large scale
  • matthew flindersMatthew, 1774–1814, English navigator and explorer: surveyed coast of Australia.
  • menstrual period — the bleeding from the womb that occurs approximately monthly in nonpregnant women of reproductive age
  • metes and bounds — the precisely described boundary lines of a parcel of land, as found in a deed
  • mexican standoff — a stalemate or impasse; a confrontation that neither side can win.
  • middelmannetjies — Plural form of middelmannetjie.
  • middle stone age — the Mesolithic period.
  • middle westerner — the region of the United States bounded on the W by the Rocky Mountains, on the S by the Ohio River and the S extremities of Missouri and Kansas, and on the E, variously, by the Allegheny Mountains, the E border of Ohio, or the E border of Illinois.
  • minamata disease — a severe form of mercury poisoning, characterized by neurological degeneration.
  • mineral deposits — amounts of minerals that occur naturally in particular areas
  • misunderestimate — (colloquial, malapropism, or, intentionally incorrect) To underestimate by mistake.
  • misunderstanding — failure to understand correctly; mistake as to meaning or intent.
  • modern synthesis — a consolidation of the results of various lines of investigation from the 1920s through the 1950s that supported and reconciled the Darwinian theory of evolution and the Mendelian laws of inheritance in terms of natural selection acting on genetic variation.
  • monocotyledonous — belonging or pertaining to the monocotyledons.
  • most wanted list — an actual or supposed listing of the names of persons who are urgently being sought for a specific reason, as apprehension for an alleged crime.
  • mothering sunday — Laetare Sunday.
  • multi-discipline — training to act in accordance with rules; drill: military discipline.
  • multidimensional — Mathematics. a property of space; extension in a given direction: A straight line has one dimension, a parallelogram has two dimensions, and a parallelepiped has three dimensions. the generalization of this property to spaces with curvilinear extension, as the surface of a sphere. the generalization of this property to vector spaces and to Hilbert space. the generalization of this property to fractals, which can have dimensions that are noninteger real numbers. extension in time: Space-time has three dimensions of space and one of time.
  • multidisciplined — composed of or combining several usually separate branches of learning or fields of expertise: a multidisciplinary study of the 18th century.
  • natural disaster — meteorological or geological catastrophe
  • needs assessment — (systems)   A systematic process to acquire an accurate, thorough picture of a system's strengths and weaknesses, in order to improve it and meet existing and future challenges.
  • network database — (database)   A kind of database management system in which each record type can have multiple owners, e.g. orders are owned by both customers and products. This contrasts with a hierarchical database (one owner) or relational database (no explicit owner).
  • nicotine-stained — discoloured by the effects of nicotine
  • nitrogen mustard — any of the class of poisonous, blistering compounds, as C 5 H 1 1 Cl 2 N, analogous in composition to mustard gas but containing nitrogen instead of sulfur: used in the treatment of cancer and similar diseases; mechlorethamine.
  • non-standardized — to bring to or make of an established standard size, weight, quality, strength, or the like: to standardize manufactured parts.
  • nondestructively — In a nondestructive manner; without causing destruction.
  • nondeterministic — the doctrine that all facts and events exemplify natural laws.
  • nondiscretionary — subject or left to one's own discretion.
  • nuclear industry — the industry involving nuclear weapons, nuclear power stations, etc
  • observation deck — an area on a high building that is surrounded with railings or fencing and which provides panoramic views
  • observation ward — a ward in a hospital where patients are monitored
  • odds are against — If you say that the odds are against something or someone, you mean that they are unlikely to succeed.
  • odontoid process — the toothlike upward projection at the back of the second vertebra of the neck
  • oligonucleotides — Plural form of oligonucleotide.
  • on the beam-ends — tipping so far to the side as to be in danger of capsizing
  • on the defensive — If someone is on the defensive, they are trying to protect themselves or their interests because they feel unsure or threatened.
  • on the safe side — as a precaution
  • on the sidelines — in the area along the sidelines
  • on your doorstep — If a place is on your doorstep, it is very near to where you live. If something happens on your doorstep, it happens very close to where you live.
  • one and the same — When two or more people or things are thought to be separate and you say that they are one and the same, you mean that they are in fact one single person or thing.
  • ostend manifesto — a declaration (1854) issued from Ostend, Belgium, by the U.S. ministers to England, France, and Spain, stating that the U.S. would be justified in seizing Cuba if Spain did not sell it to the U.S.
  • otherworldliness — The quality of being otherworldly.
  • paediatric nurse — a nurse who specializes in the care of children
  • parts of lindsey — an area in E England constituting a former administrative division of Lincolnshire
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