
10-letter words containing d, e, r, m, o

  • commandery — a manor under the charge of a commander of a religious military order of knights
  • commodores — Plural form of commodore.
  • compounder — A person who mixes or combines ingredients in order to produce an animal feed, medicine, or other substance.
  • comprehend — If you cannot comprehend something, you cannot understand it.
  • compressed — Compressed air or gas is squeezed into a small space or container and is therefore at a higher pressure than normal. It is used especially as a source of power for machines.
  • condemners — to express an unfavorable or adverse judgment on; indicate strong disapproval of; censure.
  • cordectomy — the removal of a cord, esp a vocal cord
  • coromandel — calamander
  • cosmodrome — a site, esp one in the former Soviet Union, from which spacecraft are launched
  • cream soda — a carbonated soft drink flavoured with vanilla
  • crippledom — the state of being crippled
  • curmudgeon — If you call someone a curmudgeon, you do not like them because they are mean or bad-tempered.
  • dairywomen — Plural form of dairywoman.
  • dampcourse — a horizontal layer of impervious material in a brick wall, fairly close to the ground, to stop moisture rising
  • dance form — the binary form used in most of the movements of the 18th-century suite.
  • dark money — money donated to politically active nonprofit organizations or anonymous corporate entities, which spend this money to influence political campaigns or other special interests but are not required to reveal their donors.
  • decamerous — having ten sections or partitions
  • decanormal — (of a solution) containing ten equivalent weights of solute per liter of solution.
  • decinormal — having one tenth of the strength of a standard solution
  • decompiler — (computer science) A computer program performing the reverse operation to that of a compiler.
  • decomposer — any organism in a community, such as a bacterium or fungus, that breaks down dead tissue enabling the constituents to be recycled to the environment
  • decompress — to relieve (a substance) of pressure or (of a substance) to be relieved of pressure
  • deer mouse — any of various mice of the genus Peromyscus, esp P. maniculatus, of North and Central America, having brownish fur with white underparts: family Cricetidae
  • defamatory — Speech or writing that is defamatory is likely to damage someone's good reputation by saying something bad and untrue about them.
  • deformable — to mar the natural form or shape of; put out of shape; disfigure: In cases where the drug was taken during pregnancy, its effects deformed the infants.
  • deformeter — a gauge used to determine stresses in a structure by tests on a model of the structure.
  • demarcator — to determine or mark off the boundaries or limits of: to demarcate a piece of property.
  • demeanours — Plural form of demeanour.
  • demirepdom — the world or society of demireps
  • democratic — A democratic country, government, or political system is governed by representatives who are elected by the people.
  • democritus — ?460–?370 bc, Greek philosopher who developed the atomist theory of matter of his teacher, Leucippus
  • demogorgon — a mysterious and awesome god in ancient mythology, often represented as ruling in the underworld
  • demography — Demography is the study of the changes in numbers of births, deaths, marriages, and cases of disease in a community over a period of time.
  • demolisher — One who demolishes.
  • demon star — Algol.
  • demoralise — to deprive (a person or persons) of spirit, courage, discipline, etc.; destroy the morale of: The continuous barrage demoralized the infantry.
  • demoralize — If something demoralizes someone, it makes them lose so much confidence in what they are doing that they want to give up.
  • den mother — a woman who supervises meetings of a den of Cub Scouts
  • dendriform — branching or treelike in appearance
  • dendrobium — a genus of tropical orchid, predominantly growing from trees or occasionally from rocks
  • dendrogram — any branching diagram, such as a cladogram, showing the interconnections between treelike organisms
  • deportment — Your deportment is the way you behave, especially the way you walk and move.
  • dermatogen — a meristem at the apex of stems and roots that gives rise to the epidermis
  • dermatomal — Anatomy. an area of skin that is supplied with the nerve fibers of a single, posterior, spinal root.
  • dermatomes — Plural form of dermatome.
  • dermatoses — Plural form of dermatosis.
  • dermatosis — any skin disease
  • dermopathy — Disease of the skin.
  • dermotherm — an instrument for measuring skin temperature.
  • deus ramos — João de [zhwoun duh] /ʒwãʊ̃ də/ (Show IPA), 1830–96, Portuguese poet.
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