
18-letter words containing d, a, s, i

  • mobile data system — a system consisting of a client computer requesting information and a server supplying this information
  • mohammed ibn-kasim — flourished early 8th century a.d, Muslim conqueror of the Sind region in India.
  • mucopolysaccharide — (formerly) glycosaminoglycan.
  • mutual aid society — A mutual aid society is an organization that provides benefits or other help to its members when they are affected by things such as death, sickness, disability, old age, or unemployment.
  • my lips are sealed — If you tell someone that your lips are sealed, you are promising them that you will keep a secret that they have told you.
  • national guardsman — guardsman (def 2).
  • native advertising — advertising content on a website that conforms to the design and format of the site and is integrated into the site’s usual content: native advertising that is almost indistinguishable from the paper’s news stories.
  • netherlands guiana — a former name of Suriname.
  • neuropsychodynamic — Of or pertaining to neuropsychodynamics.
  • new forest disease — an infectious eye disease causing acute eye pain in cattle
  • nominative-address — a noun naming the person to whom one is speaking.
  • non-discriminative — constituting a particular quality, trait, or difference; characteristic; notable.
  • non-fundamentalist — (sometimes initial capital letter) a religious movement characterized by a strict belief in the literal interpretation of religious texts, especially within American Protestantism and Islam.
  • nonstriated muscle — smooth muscle
  • nord-pas-de-calais — a region of N France, on the Straits of Dover (the Pas de Calais): coal-mining, textile, and metallurgical industries
  • normally aspirated — A normally aspirated or naturally aspirated engine breathes air at atmospheric pressure.
  • northeast corridor — the long, narrow strip of land between Boston, New York City, and Washington, D.C., containing many adjacent urban areas.
  • notifiable disease — any one of a number of infectious diseases of humans and animals, that must be reported to the public health authorities
  • objective idealism — a form of idealism asserting that the act of experiencing has a reality combining and transcending the natures of the object experienced and of the mind of the observer.
  • oedipus at colonus — a tragedy by Sophocles, written toward the end of his life and produced posthumously in 401? b.c.
  • office of readings — the first of the canonical hours; matins
  • on the danger list — critically ill in hospital
  • optical disc drive — optical disk drive
  • optical disk drive — (hardware)   (Or "optical disc drive", "optical storage") A generic term for any device that reads and/or writes optical media, i.e. compact discs, DVDs and/or Blu-ray discs or future media that uses light (from a small laser) to read data off a removable, rotating disk. At least one such drive is commonly installed in most personal computers to allow them to play and/or record audio and video media and load and store data such as program installers. The floppy disk has been replaced by optical media due to its vastly greater capacity, e.g. 50,000 megabytes for a dual-layer blu-ray disc compared with 1.5 megabytes for a floppy (over 30,000 times as much).
  • optical soundtrack — the final soundtrack on a motion picture, which appears as a band of black and white serrations along a strip of film to the left of the composite print. Light is shined through the serrations and is converted to audible sound.
  • order of australia — an order awarded to Australians for outstanding achievement or for service to Australia or to humanity at large; established in 1975
  • organic solidarity — social cohesiveness that is based on division of labor and interdependence and is characteristic of complex, industrial societies.
  • orthotungstic acid — an oxyacid acid of tungsten. Formula: H2WO4
  • osteitis deformans — Paget's disease.
  • osteoradionecrosis — bone tissue death induced by radiation.
  • overdraft interest — interest charged on money withdrawn in excess of the credit balance of a bank or building society account
  • oxalosuccinic acid — an organic acid, C 6 H 6 O 7 , that is an intermediate formed by the dehydrogenation of isocitric acid in fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • packet switch node — (PSN) A dedicated computer whose purpose is to accept, route and forward packets in a packet-switched network.
  • paediatric nursing — the branch of nursing concerned with the care of children
  • parathyroid glands — any of several small oval glands usually lying near or embedded in the thyroid gland.
  • passing modulation — a modulation of a temporary nature.
  • passing-out parade — a ceremonial parade of cadets who have completed their training
  • payload specialist — an astronaut trained to handle highly complex or classified equipment carried aboard a space shuttle and to conduct experiments in space.
  • pectoral sandpiper — an American sandpiper, Calidris melanotos, the male of which, when courting, inflates its chest conspicuously.
  • pedal steel guitar — an oblong, floor-mounted electrified guitar, usually having ten strings, fretted with a steel bar and producing a wailing sound that is modulated by use of a foot pedal.
  • pedestrian traffic — the people coming and going on foot in a street, town, etc
  • pennsylvania dutch — the descendants of 17th- and 18th-century settlers in Pennsylvania from southwest Germany and Switzerland.
  • permanent resident — an immigrant who has been given official residential status, often prior to being granted citizenship
  • pescadores-islands — (used with a plural verb) Penghu.
  • phosphatidylserine — any of a class of phospholipids occurring in biological membranes and fats
  • physical education — systematic instruction in sports, exercises, and hygiene given as part of a school or college program.
  • pitch-and-run shot — chip shot.
  • plate-glass window — a window that has glass which has been formed by rolling
  • play second fiddle — be considered less important
  • population density — ratio: inhabitants to area
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