
15-letter words containing c, u, t, e

  • electrosurgical — Relating to electrosurgery.
  • elegiac couplet — a couplet composed of a dactylic hexameter followed by a dactylic pentameter
  • eleutherococcus — a shrub, Eleutherococcus senticosus, which is found in Siberia and which is used in herbal medicine. It supposedly increases stamina and boosts the immune system
  • eleutherodactyl — (of a bird) having the hind toe free
  • eleutheromaniac — Having a passionate mania for freedom.
  • eleutherophobic — afraid of freedom
  • encounter group — a group of people who meet in order to develop self-awareness and mutual understanding by openly expressing their feelings, by confrontation, physical contact, etc
  • endonucleolytic — relating to endonuclease
  • enterobacterium — (microbiology) Any of very many gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae, many of which are pathogenic.
  • ethnolinguistic — Of or pertaining to ethnolinguistics.
  • ethnomusicology — The study of the music of different cultures, especially non-Western ones.
  • ethyl cellulose — an ethyl ether of cellulose obtained as a white granular solid by treating wood pulp soaked in sodium hydroxide (alkali cellulose) with ethyl chloride: used in adhesives, plastics, insulation, etc.
  • eudiometrically — By means of or in terms of eudiometry.
  • euphemistically — In a euphemistic manner.
  • eureka stockade — a violent incident in Ballarat, Australia, in 1854 between gold miners and the military, as a result of which the miners won their democratic rights in the state parliament
  • eustachian tube — part of the ear
  • eviction clause — a clause by which a contract or other agreement may be terminated, especially between theatrical producers and theater owners in whose agreements it is often stipulated that when weekly receipts fall below a certain minimum usually for two consecutive weeks, the production must vacate the theater.
  • excommunicating — Present participle of excommunicate.
  • excommunication — The act of excommunicating or ejecting; especially an ecclesiastical censure whereby the person against whom it is pronounced is, for the time, cast out of the communication of the church; exclusion from fellowship in things spiritual.
  • excommunicatory — Relating to excommunication.
  • excrementitious — Of or pertaining to the nature of excrement.
  • excursion train — a train that is laid on for a special occasion such as a sports or cultural event
  • executive board — administrative committee
  • executive order — An executive order is a regulation issued by a member of the executive branch of government. It has the same authority as a law.
  • expense account — account for expenses
  • extracellularly — In an extracellular manner.
  • extracurricular — (of an activity at a school or college) Pursued in addition to the normal course of study.
  • extrajudicially — Outside of the legal system.
  • extralinguistic — Outside the realm of linguistics.
  • extreme unction — Catholicism: last rites
  • false buckthorn — a spiny shrub or small tree, Bumelia lanuginosa, of the sapodilla family, native to the southern U.S., having gummy, milky sap and white, bell-shaped flowers and yielding a hard, light-brown wood.
  • fault tolerance — (architecture)   1. The ability of a system or component to continue normal operation despite the presence of hardware or software faults. This often involves some degree of redundancy. 2. The number of faults a system or component can withstand before normal operation is impaired.
  • feature article — a feature article in a newspaper or magazine deals in depth with a topic or person
  • fellow creature — a kindred creature, especially a fellow human being.
  • fleet insurance — Fleet insurance is a type of insurance contract that applies to a number of vehicles.
  • florida current — the part of the Gulf Stream which extends from the Florida Strait to Cape Hatteras.
  • food insecurity — an economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food.
  • force the issue — to compel decision on some matter
  • fourth republic — the republic established in France in 1945 and replaced by the Fifth Republic in 1958.
  • francis turbine — a water turbine designed to produce high flow from a low head of pressure: used esp in hydroelectric power generation
  • freeze-fracture — to prepare (material) for the electron microscope by freeze fracturing.
  • french overture — a short piece in three movements common in the 17th and 18th centuries
  • french vermouth — a dry aromatic white wine
  • friend at court — a friend in a position of influence or power who may advance one's interests, especially a helpful person who is close to someone in authority.
  • functionalities — of or relating to a function or functions: functional difficulties in the administration.
  • fusospirochetal — Relating to fusospirochetes.
  • fusospirochetes — Plural form of fusospirochete.
  • galactic nebula — a nebula in the Milky Way.
  • gated community — a group of houses or apartment buildings protected by gates, walls, or other security measures.
  • geodetic survey — a land area survey in which the curvature of the surface of the earth is taken into account.
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