
14-letter words containing c, u, t, a, n

  • overaccentuate — to accentuate too much
  • paralinguistic — of or relating to paralanguage or paralinguistics.
  • parenchymatous — Botany. the fundamental tissue of plants, composed of thin-walled cells able to divide.
  • particularness — the quality of being exceptional or individual
  • parturifacient — inducing or accelerating labor, or childbirth; oxytocic.
  • penalty clause — part of contract specifying a forfeit
  • pendulum watch — (formerly) a watch having a balance wheel, especially a balance wheel bearing a fake pendulum bob oscillating behind a window in the dial.
  • pennatulaceous — of or relating to a sea pen
  • percutaneously — through the skin
  • perlocutionary — (of a speech act) producing an effect upon the listener, as in persuading, frightening, amusing, or causing the listener to act.
  • pertinaciously — holding tenaciously to a purpose, course of action, or opinion; resolute.
  • pitch and putt — of or relating to a small-scale golf course, 5 to 20 acres, and usually having 9 holes of 50 yards in length from tee to cup.
  • pitch-and-putt — of or relating to a small-scale golf course, 5 to 20 acres, and usually having 9 holes of 50 yards in length from tee to cup.
  • platinum black — a black powder consisting of very finely divided metallic platinum, used as a catalyst, especially in organic synthesis.
  • pneumatic duct — the duct joining the air bladder and alimentary canal of a physostomous fish.
  • pneumatic pile — a hollow pile, used under water, in which a vacuum is induced so that air and water pressure force it into place.
  • pneumatic tire — wheel cover filled with pressurized air
  • pneumatic tyre — a rubber tyre filled with air under pressure, used esp on motor vehicles
  • pneumothoraces — the presence of air or gas in the pleural cavity.
  • polyfunctional — containing more than one functional group.
  • port-au-prince — Formerly Hayti. a republic in the West Indies occupying the W part of the island of Hispaniola. 10,714 sq. mi. (27,750 sq. km). Capital: Port-au-Prince.
  • practice nurse — a nurse who works in a medical practice or surgery
  • pre-accounting — an oral or written description of particular events or situations; narrative: an account of the meetings; an account of the trip.
  • preacquisition — the act of acquiring or gaining possession: the acquisition of real estate.
  • precalculation — the act or process of calculating; computation.
  • precontractual — a preexisting contract that legally prevents a person from making another contract of the same nature.
  • predicate noun — a noun used in the predicate with a copulative verb or a factitive verb and having the same referent as the subject of the copulative verb or the direct object of the factitive verb, as in She is the mayor or They elected her mayor.
  • premanufacture — to manufacture in advance
  • prepublication — the period immediately preceding the publication of a book.
  • preunification — of the period before unification
  • pronunciamento — a proclamation; manifesto; edict.
  • public analyst — a scientist who tests food, water etc to ensure that they are safe
  • public servant — a person holding a government office or job by election or appointment; person in public service.
  • punch operator — a person who enters data into cards by means of punching holes
  • punctuationist — a person who punctuates a text
  • purse snatcher — wallet thief
  • put a crimp in — to press into small regular folds; make wavy.
  • put one across — to get (someone) to accept or believe a claim, excuse, etc, by deception
  • qualifications — Plural form of qualification.
  • quantification — to determine, indicate, or express the quantity of.
  • quantum optics — the branch of optics dealing with light as a stream of photons, each possessing a quantum of energy proportional to the frequency of light when it is considered as a wave motion.
  • quarterbacking — a back in football who usually lines up immediately behind the center and directs the offense of the team.
  • quasi contract — an obligation imposed by law in the absence of a contract to prevent unjust enrichment.
  • quasi-constant — not changing or varying; uniform; regular; invariable: All conditions during the three experiments were constant.
  • quasi-contract — an obligation imposed by law in the absence of a contract to prevent unjust enrichment.
  • quattrocentism — the 15th-century Italian style of art and literature
  • quattrocentist — a painter or writer of 15th-century Italy
  • quiescent tank — a tank, usually for sewage sludge, in which the sludge is allowed to remain for a time so that sedimentation can occur
  • quincentennial — pertaining to or marking a period of 500 years.
  • quinquecostate — having five lines or ribs
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