
12-letter words containing c, u, r, i, a, l

  • subauricular — situated below the ear.
  • subcuticular — the nonliving epidermis that surrounds the edges of the fingernail or toenail.
  • subfactorial — the number of ways a group of objects can be arranged so that none of the objects are in their original or correct place
  • suborbicular — nearly circular or orblike
  • subprincipal — an assistant or deputy principal.
  • subscribable — to pledge, as by signing an agreement, to give or pay (a sum of money) as a contribution, gift, or investment: He subscribed $6,000 for the new church.
  • supercapital — a member situated between a capital and the spring of an arch, as a dosseret.
  • superciliary — of or relating to the eyebrow.
  • superelastic — capable of returning to its original length, shape, etc., after being stretched, deformed, compressed, or expanded: an elastic waistband; elastic fiber.
  • superglacial — on the surface of a glacier.
  • superhelical — of, relating to, or consisting of a superhelix
  • superplastic — (of some metals and alloys) having the capacity to undergo extreme deformation at high temperatures.
  • superspecial — extra special
  • supplicatory — to pray humbly; make humble and earnest entreaty or petition.
  • surface mail — the system, especially a government postal system, of sending mail by truck, train, or boat, as opposed to airmail.
  • surrealistic — of, relating to, or characteristic of surrealism; surreal.
  • surveillance — a watch kept over a person, group, etc., especially over a suspect, prisoner, or the like: The suspects were under police surveillance.
  • tau particle — an unstable, negatively charged lepton with a mass of c. 1,777 MeV/c2 (or c. 3,490 times that of an electron) and a mean lifetime of 2.2 ×10-13 second
  • tralaticious — transferred or passed down
  • translucidus — (of a cloud) sufficiently transparent as not to obscure the sun, moon, or higher clouds.
  • tricephalous — with three heads
  • trimolecular — pertaining to or having three molecules.
  • trucial oman — a former name of United Arab Emirates.
  • ultraprecise — extremely accurate
  • ultraradical — extremely radical, esp having radical political ideas
  • unacquirable — to come into possession or ownership of; get as one's own: to acquire property.
  • unarticulate — not articulated; not having the use of intelligible language
  • unartificial — not showing art or skill; not skilled or artistic
  • uncalibrated — to determine, check, or rectify the graduation of (any instrument giving quantitative measurements).
  • uncharitable — deficient in charity; unkind; harsh; unforgiving; censorious; merciless: an uncharitable attitude; an uncharitable neighbor.
  • uncharitably — in an unkind or ungenerous manner
  • unchivalrous — having the qualities of chivalry, as courage, courtesy, and loyalty.
  • uncirculated — to move in a circle or circuit; move or pass through a circuit back to the starting point: Blood circulates throughout the body.
  • uncommercial — not engaged in or involved with commerce or trade.
  • uncreditable — of ignoble character
  • uncritically — not inclined or able to judge, especially by the application of comparative standards: an uncritical reader.
  • ungraciously — in an ungracious manner
  • unheroically — in an unheroic manner
  • unhistorical — of, pertaining to, treating, or characteristic of history or past events: historical records; historical research.
  • unhysterical — not showing or suggesting any hysteria; controlled; sensible; calm;
  • unifactorial — of or relating to a single gene.
  • unimolecular — of or involving only one molecular entity
  • unironically — pertaining to, of the nature of, exhibiting, or characterized by irony or mockery: an ironical compliment; an ironical smile.
  • unmiraculous — not caused by a miracle
  • unprelatical — not befitting a prelate
  • unproclaimed — to announce or declare in an official or formal manner: to proclaim war.
  • unreciprocal — given or felt by each toward the other; mutual: reciprocal respect.
  • unrhetorical — not rhetorical; literal; plainspoken
  • unscriptural — not scriptural
  • varicoloured — having many colours; variegated; motley
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