
15-letter words containing c, u, b, e, n, a

  • clumber spaniel — a type of thickset spaniel having a broad heavy head
  • combat neurosis — battle fatigue.
  • communion table — (in a Christian church) the table at which people take communion
  • consubstantiate — (of the Eucharistic bread and wine and Christ's body and blood) to undergo consubstantiation
  • copenhagen blue — a greyish-blue colour
  • corynebacterium — any of various bacterium of the genus Corynebacterium, including various animal and plant pathogens and animal parasites
  • council chamber — the room in which council meetings are held
  • counterbalanced — Simple past tense and past participle of counterbalance.
  • counterbalances — Plural form of counterbalance.
  • counterblockade — a retaliatory blockade
  • countermandable — able to be countermanded
  • countervailable — able to counteract or offset as equivalent
  • cranberry gourd — a South American vine, Abobra tenuifolia, of the gourd family, having deeply lobed, ovate leaves and bearing a berrylike scarlet fruit.
  • cranberry juice — the juice of cranberries
  • cranberry sauce — a sauce made from cranberries, often eaten with turkey
  • cuban solenodon — a rare shrewlike nocturnal mammal of the Caribbean, Atopogale cubana, having a long hairless tail and an elongated snout: family Solenodontidae, order Insectivora (insectivores)
  • current balance — an instrument for measuring electric currents, in which the magnetic force between two current-carrying coils is balanced against a weight.
  • cyber-squatting — (jargon, networking)   The practice of registering famous brand names as Internet domain names, e.g. harrods.com, ibm.firm or sears.shop, in the hope of later selling them to the appropriate owner at a profit.
  • dead-cat bounce — a temporary recovery in prices following a substantial fall as a result of speculators buying stocks they have already sold rather than as a result of a genuine reversal of the downward trend
  • decarburization — The act, process, or result of decarburizing.
  • double saucepan — a cooking utensil consisting of two saucepans, one fitting inside the other. The bottom saucepan contains water that, while boiling, gently heats food in the upper pan
  • elastic rebound — a theory of earthquakes that envisages gradual deformation of the fault zone without fault slippage until friction is overcome, when the fault suddenly slips to produce the earthquake
  • enterobacterium — (microbiology) Any of very many gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae, many of which are pathogenic.
  • eustachian tube — part of the ear
  • false buckthorn — a spiny shrub or small tree, Bumelia lanuginosa, of the sapodilla family, native to the southern U.S., having gummy, milky sap and white, bell-shaped flowers and yielding a hard, light-brown wood.
  • field ambulance — a mobile medical unit that accepts casualties from forward units, treating the lightly wounded and stabilizing the condition of the seriously wounded before evacuating them to a hospital
  • francis turbine — a water turbine designed to produce high flow from a low head of pressure: used esp in hydroelectric power generation
  • galactic nebula — a nebula in the Milky Way.
  • haemoglobinuric — relating to the presence of haemoglobin in the urine
  • hubble constant — the ratio of the recessional velocity of galaxies to their distance from the sun, with current measurements of its value ranging from 50 to 100 km/sec per megaparsec.
  • incommensurable — not commensurable; having no common basis, measure, or standard of comparison.
  • incommensurably — In an incommensurable manner; immeasurably.
  • indirect labour — work done in administration and sales rather than in the manufacturing of a product
  • inexcusableness — The quality of being inexcusable.
  • inscrutableness — Inscrutability.
  • interambulacral — relating to, or situated between, interambulacra
  • interambulacrum — the area between two of an echinoderm's ambulacra
  • lumbar puncture — Medicine/Medical. puncture into the arachnoid membrane of the spinal cord, in the lumbar region, and withdrawal of spinal fluid, performed for diagnosis of the fluid, injection of dye for imaging, or administration of anesthesia or medication.
  • luncheon basket — a basket that you put food in and take somewhere for a picnic
  • magnetic bubble — a tiny mobile magnetized area within a magnetic material, the basis of one type of solid-state storage medium (magnetic bubble memory)
  • mucous membrane — a lubricating membrane lining an internal surface or an organ, as the alimentary, respiratory, and genitourinary canals.
  • neurobiological — the branch of biology that is concerned with the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.
  • non-accountable — subject to the obligation to report, explain, or justify something; responsible; answerable.
  • nonbureaucratic — of, relating to, or characteristic of a bureaucrat or a bureaucracy; arbitrary and routine.
  • noncommunicable — not communicable, especially with reference to a disease that is not transmitted through contact with an infected or afflicted person.
  • object language — the language to which a metalanguage refers.
  • octanitrocubane — (organic compound) A high explosive derived from cubane.
  • perfluorocarbon — a fluorocarbon consisting only of fluorine and carbon atoms
  • plumbaginaceous — belonging to the Plumbaginaceae, the leadwort family of plants.
  • procrustean bed — a plan or scheme to produce uniformity or conformity by arbitrary or violent methods.
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