
7-letter words containing c, s, t

  • scheldt — a river in W Europe, flowing from N France through W Belgium and SW Netherlands into the North Sea. 270 miles (435 km) long.
  • schitzo — a schizophrenic or schizoid person.
  • schmidt — Helmut (Heinrich Waldemar) [hel-moo t hahyn-rik vahl-duh-mahr;; German hel-moot hahyn-rikh vahl-duh-mahr] /ˈhɛl mʊt ˈhaɪn rɪk ˈvɑl dəˌmɑr;; German ˈhɛl mut ˈhaɪn rɪx ˈvɑl dəˌmɑr/ (Show IPA), born 1918, West German political leader: chancellor 1974–82.
  • schmitt — Bernadotte Everly [bur-nuh-dot ev-er-lee] /ˈbɜr nəˌdɒt ˈɛv ər li/ (Show IPA), 1886–1969, U.S. historian.
  • schmutz — dirt; filth; garbage.
  • schtick — shtick.
  • schultzDutch, nickname of Arthur Flegenheimer.
  • sciatic — of, pertaining to, situated near, or affecting the ischium or back of the hip.
  • sciolto — (of a piece of music) to be played freely and easily
  • scootch — scooch
  • scooter — a child's vehicle that typically has two wheels with a low footboard between them, is steered by a handlebar, and is propelled by pushing one foot against the ground while resting the other on the footboard.
  • scopate — pollen brush.
  • scotism — the set of doctrines of Duns Scotus.
  • scotoma — loss of vision in a part of the visual field; blind spot.
  • scottie — Scottish terrier.
  • scouted — a soldier, warship, airplane, etc., employed in reconnoitering.
  • scouter — a person who scouts.
  • scratch — to break, mar, or mark the surface of by rubbing, scraping, or tearing with something sharp or rough: to scratch one's hand on a nail.
  • scripts — the letters or characters used in writing by hand; handwriting, especially cursive writing.
  • scritch — to screech
  • scrotum — the pouch of skin that contains the testes.
  • scrunty — stunted
  • scultch — culch (def 3).
  • scutage — (in the feudal system) a payment exacted by a lord in lieu of military service due to him by the holder of a fee.
  • scutariLake, a lake between NW Albania and Montenegro. About 135 sq. mi. (350 sq. km).
  • scutate — Botany. formed like a round buckler.
  • scutter — scurry.
  • scuttle — Nautical. a small hatch or port in the deck, side, or bottom of a vessel. a cover for this.
  • scytale — a tool used to transmit secret messages by way of wrapping a strip of leather around a cylinder and writing on it. The leather is then unwound and must be wrapped around a cylinder of the same size to read the message. Used by the Ancient Greeks, particularly the Spartans
  • scyther — a scythe user
  • scythia — the ancient name of a region in SE Europe and Asia, between the Black and Aral seas.
  • secreta — secretions of cells, tissues or organs
  • secrete — a steel skullcap of the 17th century, worn under a soft hat.
  • sectary — a member of a particular sect, especially an adherent of a religious body regarded as heretical or schismatic.
  • sectile — capable of being cut smoothly with a knife.
  • section — a part that is cut off or separated.
  • selecta — a disc jockey
  • sematic — serving as a sign or warning of danger, as the conspicuous colors or markings of certain poisonous animals.
  • semitic — a subfamily of Afroasiatic languages that includes Akkadian, Arabic, Aramaic, Ethiopic, Hebrew, and Phoenician.
  • setback — Surveying. the interval by which a chain or tape exceeds the length being measured.
  • sex act — sexual intercourse; copulation.
  • shacket — a yellowjacket or hornet.
  • she-cat — a female cat
  • shitcan — to dismiss from a job or position.
  • shochet — shohet.
  • shritch — a shriek
  • shticky — having the characteristics of shtick
  • siccity — dryness
  • sickertWalter Richard, 1860–1942, English painter.
  • sickout — an organized absence from work by employees on the pretext of sickness, as to avoid the legal problems or antistrike clauses that would be invoked in the case of a formal strike.
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